The Chief (1990)
The Chief is a British television crime drama series that aired on ITV from 20 April 1990 to 16 June 1995, starring Michael Cochrane, Tim Pigott-Smith and Martin Shaw. It was made by Anglia Television.
The Chief: Season 1 - 6 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
April 20, 1990
Newly appointed Eastland Police Chief Constable John Stafford comes up against the Old Boys' Network. Tensions run high at Her Majesty's Prison 'Stornton' when the warders threaten to go out on strike.
1x2 - Episode 2
April 27, 1990
In his new role as Chief Constable, John Stafford is facing opposition from all sides, and numerous challenges to his authority. The accusation of being soft over the weeding of Special Branch files presents just one...
1x3 - Episode 3
May 4, 1990
John Stafford creates fruther controversey when he intercepts Special Branch papers en route to MI5. Anne, meanwhile, is determined to clear her husband's name following their son's drug bust.
1x4 - Episode 4
May 11, 1990
John Stafford must find a solution to the vigilante groups that are emerging in response to a new social menace - crack cocaine.
1x5 - Episode 5
May 18, 1990
A drugs raid goes wrong, and militant university students challenge John Stafford's authority.
1x6 - Episode 6
May 25, 1990
John Stafford's conflict with the Home Office reaches crisis point - and threatens to end his career.