The Gray Ghost
The Gray Ghost is an American historical series which aired in syndication from October 10, 1957, to July 3, 1958. The show is based upon the true story of Major John Singleton Mosby, a Virginia officer in the Confederate Army, whose cunning and stealth earned him the nickname "Gray Ghost".
The Gray Ghost: Season 1 - 2 Episode s
1x1 - Mosby's Rangers
Furious over Major Mosby's successful raids behind Union lines, General Stoughton orders Captain Morrow to locate the source of the Confederates' information. Morrow convinces pretty Ansonia Forde to provide false information to trap Mosby. Forde, however, is a friend of Mosby's and provides him with useful intelligence which leads to the capture of an army paymaster's wagon. Stoughton's men discover her deception and arrest her as a spy. In order to rescue Ansonia, Mosby stages a daring raid in hopes of capturing a suitable prisoner to exchange for the beautiful agent.
1x10 - Rebel Christmas
December 6, 1957
Mosby helps deliver a baby for a family whose home was destroyed by the Yankees on Christmas day.