The Mighty Heroes (1966)
The Mighty Heroes was an animated television series created by Ralph Bakshi for the Terrytoons company. The original show debuted on CBS, on October 29, 1966, and ran for 1 season for 21 episodes. The series is set in Good Haven, a city that is continually beset by various supervillains. When trouble occurs, the city launches a massive fireworks display to summon a quintet of high-flying superheroes into action.
Created by Ralph Bakshi
The Mighty Heroes: Season 1 - 12 Episode s
1x1 - The Plastic Blaster
January 17, 1966
1x2 - The Drifter
January 18, 1966
1x3 - The Dusters
January 19, 1966
1x4 - The Enlarger
January 20, 1966
1x5 - The Frog
January 21, 1966
1x6 - The Ghost Monster
January 22, 1966
1x7 - The Junker
January 23, 1966
1x8 - The Monsterizer
January 24, 1966
1x9 - The Scarecrow
January 25, 1966
1x10 - The Shrinker
January 26, 1966
1x11 - The Stretcher
January 27, 1966
1x12 - The Toy Man
January 28, 1966