The New Adventures of Speed Racer (1993)
The New Adventures of Speed Racer was a short-lived update of the classic Speed Racer cartoon series. This new Americanized version did not catch on and only lasted a single 13-episode season, albeit it proved very popular with the Russian audience. A new theme song was written. The show was animated by Fred Wolf. The “New Adventures” part of the title comes from official documents used for TV listings. The show itself is referred to onscreen as simply “Speed Racer.” Coincidentally, Speed Racer X is known in Brazil as “As Novas Aventuras de Speed Racer,” which literally translates into “The New Adventures of Speed Racer.”
The New Adventures of Speed Racer: Season 1 - 13 Episode s
1x1 - The Mach 5's First Trial
January 1, 1993
1x2 - The Pleasantville Terror
January 1, 1993
1x3 - The Race Against X
January 1, 1993
1x4 - B.O.S.S.
January 1, 1993
1x5 - The Creature from the Sombra Lagoon
January 1, 1993
1x6 - Trouble in Deep Twelve
January 1, 1993
1x7 - The Mach-5 Is Missing
January 1, 1993
1x8 - Race to the Future
January 1, 1993
1x9 - Escape from the Past
January 1, 1993
1x10 - Samurai Racers
January 1, 1993
1x11 - Dawn of the Mutants
January 1, 1993
1x12 - Return to the Future
January 1, 1993
1x13 - Attack from the Future
January 1, 1993