The Owl (2007)
The Owl, also known as La Chouette, is a series of short CGI-animated episodes for children's television. The series features the eponymous owl, pink in colour, and with blue feet that "float" below her body. Each of the minute-long fifty-two episodes centres on the owl attempting to overcome unfortunate circumstances, but end in her demise by her various appendages and body being dispensed of in unusual or comical ways. The series also feature a surrealistic world with floating objects and exploding apples.
The Owl: Season 1 - 22 Episode s
1x1 - Target Shooting
May 30, 2007
1x2 - Roller Coaster
1x3 - Spider
1x4 - Stretchy Caterpillar
1x5 - Flies
1x6 - Boomerang
1x7 - Penguins
1x8 - Chameleon
1x9 - Space Owl
1x10 - Sheep
1x11 - Flying Saucer
1x12 - Badmington
1x13 - The Mosquito
1x14 - The Kite
1x15 - The Giraffe
1x16 - Apples
1x17 - Baubles
1x18 - Episode 18
1x19 - Tyre Swing
1x20 - Episode 20
1x51 - Dung Beetle
1x52 - Episode 52
The Owl: 2 Season s
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Other names for The Owl
Shows like The Owl
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