The Roaring Twenties (2008)
‘The Roaring Twenties’ follows the trials and tribulations of four twenty-something flatmates as they deal with everyday life in contemporary Dublin. The series features Kevin, an unemployed 'artiste'; Mary, his long suffering journalist girlfriend, and their two friends Eamú, a business student and Ray, a mysterious lay about.
The Roaring Twenties: Season 1 - 2 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
January 7, 2008
‘The Roaring Twenties’ follows the trials and tribulations of four twenty-something flatmates as they deal with everyday life in contemporary Dublin. The series features Kevin, an unemployed 'artiste'; Mary, his long suffering journalist girlfriend, and their two friends Eamú, a business student and Ray, a mysterious lay about.
1x2 - Episode 2
January 14, 2008
Kevin and Mary are moving their belongings into their new house. The removal company is run by an eccentric figure known as Mr. Move. Ray impresses Mr. Move by lifting Kevin’s ‘travel barrel’ with one hand and is immediately offered a job.