Trenches (2009)
Trenches was an American science fiction web series directed and produced by Shane Felux, creator of Star Wars: Revelations. The show premiered on Sony Pictures Entertainment owned Crackle on February 16, 2010. The show was written by Dawn Cowings and Sarah Yaworsky, and Aaron Mathias, Mercy Malick, Lev Gorn, Hong Chau, Daz Crawford, and Scott Nankivel star. New episodes were streamed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through March 5, 2010. Trenches was originally produced in 2007 for Disney's Stage 9, a web video venture company, but has since been licensed to Crackle.
Trenches: Season 1 - 10 Episode s
1x1 - Fubar
February 16, 2009
1x2 - Behind Enemy Lines
February 16, 2009
1x3 - Field Promotion
February 16, 2009
1x4 - Dead Reckoning
February 18, 2009
1x5 - Shallow Grave
February 22, 2009
1x6 - Whisky Tango Foxtrot
February 24, 2009
1x7 - The Suck
February 26, 2009
1x8 - Snafu
March 1, 2009
1x9 - Defecation Hits the Oscillation
March 3, 2009
1x10 - Charlie Foxtrot
March 5, 2009