Under the Mountain (1981)
Under the Mountain is an eight-part television series based on the novel of the same name written by Maurice Gee, first transmitted in 1981 and produced by Television New Zealand. Many of the minor roles in this series were played by people who were at the time well known performers in New Zealand.
Under the Mountain: Season 1 - 8 Episode s
1x1 - Maar
June 1, 1981
1x2 - Volcano of the Bleeding Skies
June 1, 1981
1x3 - Red Force, Blue Force
June 1, 1981
1x4 - The Alien World Below
June 1, 1981
1x5 - Weapons of the Mind
June 1, 1981
Rachel and Theo learn about the aliens’ secret labyrinth and are in great danger.
1x6 - Any Shape, Any Form
June 1, 1981
1x7 - Assault
June 1, 1981
1x8 - The Gift of Oblivion
June 1, 1981