Weakest Link (2001)
The American version of the British television game show The Weakest Link aired in two separate formats, one on primetime network television and one in daily syndication. The primetime Weakest Link debuted on NBC April 16, 2001 and aired until July 14, 2002. The series' final ten episodes went unaired until 2003, when PAX TV aired some of them. The remainder aired on GSN, which maintains broadcast rights to the series. While the primetime series was still in production, the daily syndicated series was being developed. That series debuted at midseason in 2002, premiering on January 7, 2002, and aired for a season and a half before ending its run on May 20, 2003. Reruns of this series would join the primetime series on both PAX and GSN but neither series is currently airing.
Weakest Link: Season 1 - 28 Episode s
1x1 - Episode One
April 16, 2001
1x2 - Episode Two
April 17, 2001
1x3 - Episode Three
April 18, 2001
1x4 - Episode Four
April 23, 2001
1x5 - Episode Five
April 30, 2001
1x6 - Episode Six
May 7, 2001
1x7 - Survivor Special- Episode Seven
May 10, 2001
1x8 - Episode Eight
May 14, 2001
1x9 - Comedian Special- Episode Nine
May 21, 2001
1x10 - Episode Ten
May 22, 2001
1x11 - Episode Eleven
May 28, 2001
1x12 - Episode Twelve
June 4, 2001
1x13 - NBA Special One- Episode Thirteen
June 8, 2001
1x14 - NBA Special Two-Episode Fourteen
June 10, 2001
1x15 - Episode Fifteen
June 11, 2001
1x16 - Episode Sixteen
June 17, 2001
1x17 - Episode Seventeen
June 18, 2001
1x18 - Episode Eighteen
June 25, 2001
1x19 - Episode Nineteen
July 2, 2001
1x20 - Episode Twenty
July 9, 2001
1x21 - Episode Twenty-One
July 16, 2001
1x22 - Episode Twenty-Two
July 23, 2001
1x23 - Episode Twenty-Three
July 30, 2001
1x24 - Episode Twenty-Four
September 10, 2001
1x25 - Fear Factor Winners- Episode Twenty-Five
August 13, 2001
1x26 - Episode Twenty-Six
August 20, 2001
1x27 - Episode Twenty-Nine: Classic TV Faves
September 30, 2001
1x28 - Episode Thirty: WTC Disaster Relief Benefit
October 1, 2001