Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo (2015)

Mockumentary drama series is about popular actor Takayuki Yamada, who follows the events from the manga "Tokyo-to Kita-ku Akabane" while searchig for inspiration. He goes to Akabane, Tokyo, and meets with the real characters from manga living there. Also he meets with manga author Toru Seino and his friends Go Ayano, Kyosuke Yabe, Hitoshi One, musician Kazuya Yoshii..

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Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo: 1 Season

Actors in Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo

Tags for Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo

Other names for Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo

Yamada Takayuki no Tokyoto Kitaku Akabane (JP)

Shows like Yamada Takayuki in Akabane, Kita, Tokyo