Shows tagged: ENGAÑO

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  • Love Hurts

    Love Hurts

    17 Episode s . Wenika is a young woman who has managed to rise above her middle-class beginnings. Her higher financial status is thanks in large part to her best friend Banthao, an ace accountant with a foul mouth and high IQ. Meeting the high profile and perfect businessman Thirakit seems to make her life even better, along with his cousin Dangwat who both have gotten involved in supporting her business.

    Love Hurts

    17 Episode s . Wenika is a young woman who has managed to rise above her middle-class beginnings. Her higher financial status is thanks in large part to her best friend Banthao, an ace accountant with a foul mouth and high IQ. Meeting the high profile and perfect businessman Thirakit seems to make her life even better, along with his cousin Dangwat who both have gotten involved in supporting her business.

  • The Wife

    The Wife

    20 Episode s . Mia Luang is a story about a very wealthy, famous, well-educated, and respected couple. Everyone assumes that they're happily married and live a very good life, while in reality, they have a lot of problems. The problems start with Aniroot, the husband who is a player and has a lot of mistresses. His wife Wiganda is a smart woman who endures his misbehavior and his many women. Among his women, there is only Ornin who seems to openly come in between the couple without shame. Mia Luang literally means Main Wife, while his mistresses are called Mia Noi, literally Small Wife or Minor Wife, in Thai.

    The Wife

    20 Episode s . Mia Luang is a story about a very wealthy, famous, well-educated, and respected couple. Everyone assumes that they're happily married and live a very good life, while in reality, they have a lot of problems. The problems start with Aniroot, the husband who is a player and has a lot of mistresses. His wife Wiganda is a smart woman who endures his misbehavior and his many women. Among his women, there is only Ornin who seems to openly come in between the couple without shame. Mia Luang literally means Main Wife, while his mistresses are called Mia Noi, literally Small Wife or Minor Wife, in Thai.