Shows tagged: POST-COLD-WAR

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  • Max Anger

    Max Anger

    8 Episode s . Max Anger is a former member of the Swedish military who finally found love with his Russian colleague Pashie. When Pashie suddenly goes missing in St Petersburg, Max sets off on a mission to find her but soon finds himself on a deadly hunt leading him to a terrifying discovery that could potentially change the entire world order.

    Max Anger

    8 Episode s . Max Anger is a former member of the Swedish military who finally found love with his Russian colleague Pashie. When Pashie suddenly goes missing in St Petersburg, Max sets off on a mission to find her but soon finds himself on a deadly hunt leading him to a terrifying discovery that could potentially change the entire world order.

  • Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings

    Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings

    6 Episode s . The village Schabbach experiences Germany's triumphs and tragedies from 1989 to 2000.

    Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings

    6 Episode s . The village Schabbach experiences Germany's triumphs and tragedies from 1989 to 2000.

  • Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men

    Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men

    1 Episode. Everyday, American submariners go below the waves for months at a time on submarine patrols. Steel Boats – Iron Men is the only film where the US Navy allowed filmmakers to go down with them. The film presents a never before seen look inside a state of the art nuclear powered submarine on patrol. It shows, in extraordinary detail, the daily ordinary and extraordinary lives of submariners. You will see things in this film that you have never seen before. The filmmakers also spent time trying to understand the character and personality that allows someone to become a submariner. They looked at training, family life, background, etc. The viewer visits a " wet trainer" at Sub School to see what these submariners must endure before they ever climb inside one of these remarkable ships. Who are these men, who live confined in a steel tube deep in the ocean for months at a time, surrounded by a hostile environment, in constant danger? What do they do and why do they do it?

    Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men

    1 Episode. Everyday, American submariners go below the waves for months at a time on submarine patrols. Steel Boats – Iron Men is the only film where the US Navy allowed filmmakers to go down with them. The film presents a never before seen look inside a state of the art nuclear powered submarine on patrol. It shows, in extraordinary detail, the daily ordinary and extraordinary lives of submariners. You will see things in this film that you have never seen before. The filmmakers also spent time trying to understand the character and personality that allows someone to become a submariner. They looked at training, family life, background, etc. The viewer visits a " wet trainer" at Sub School to see what these submariners must endure before they ever climb inside one of these remarkable ships. Who are these men, who live confined in a steel tube deep in the ocean for months at a time, surrounded by a hostile environment, in constant danger? What do they do and why do they do it?