Shows tagged: SEMEN

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  3. SEMEN
  • Semen Extraction Ward

    Semen Extraction Ward

    9 Episode s . Yamada’s got a compound fracture in both hands. Classic Yamada! But that means he has to spend some time in the hospital — and worse, he can’t jack off! It’s worse than it sounds. Yamada has a condition that means he has to choke the chicken every three hours, or he’s wracked by unbearable pain. Sounds fake, I know, but it’s a real problem, and real nurses have to help handle it! However, it turns out all the nurses here are just plain MEAN!

    Semen Extraction Ward

    9 Episode s . Yamada’s got a compound fracture in both hands. Classic Yamada! But that means he has to spend some time in the hospital — and worse, he can’t jack off! It’s worse than it sounds. Yamada has a condition that means he has to choke the chicken every three hours, or he’s wracked by unbearable pain. Sounds fake, I know, but it’s a real problem, and real nurses have to help handle it! However, it turns out all the nurses here are just plain MEAN!

  • Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

    Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

    7 Episode s . Yamamoto Akuji noticed that the world is a totally different place after his release from prison. He experiences Osaka as something very new and strange after he got out of prison. During his imprisonment, the hierarchal structure flipped upside down, making it a world where the women dominated over men. Militia, churches, businesses and private businesses are operated by a female figure. Men were powerless, being controlled and enslaved by the women in Osaka. Being angered by the situation, Akuji and his partner Satsu begin their payback by teaching the stuck-up women in Osaka a little lesson...

    Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

    7 Episode s . Yamamoto Akuji noticed that the world is a totally different place after his release from prison. He experiences Osaka as something very new and strange after he got out of prison. During his imprisonment, the hierarchal structure flipped upside down, making it a world where the women dominated over men. Militia, churches, businesses and private businesses are operated by a female figure. Men were powerless, being controlled and enslaved by the women in Osaka. Being angered by the situation, Akuji and his partner Satsu begin their payback by teaching the stuck-up women in Osaka a little lesson...