Shows tagged: SHOP-OWNER

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  • CEO-dol Mart

    CEO-dol Mart

    10 Episode s . It depicts the various stories that unfold as past idol group members gather together to run a supermarket.

    CEO-dol Mart

    10 Episode s . It depicts the various stories that unfold as past idol group members gather together to run a supermarket.

  • Sooty & Co.

    Sooty & Co.

    91 Episode s . Second incarnation of the childrens puppet show, picking up almost directly where "The Sooty show" left off Sooty, Sweep, Soo and little cousin Scampi continue their adventures with Matthew.

    Sooty & Co.

    91 Episode s . Second incarnation of the childrens puppet show, picking up almost directly where "The Sooty show" left off Sooty, Sweep, Soo and little cousin Scampi continue their adventures with Matthew.

  • Wu Ming Dang Pu

    Wu Ming Dang Pu

    24 Episode s . In the ancient part of his hometown, Jiang Cheng runs an "unnamed pawn shop" passed down from his ancestors, as well as a Bagua protective bronze mirror that he wears with him. It is said that this mirror can connect the past and reality, blending the virtual and the real so as to peer into the human heart. So Jiang Cheng's audiobook began, and all kinds of bizarre stories slowly unfolded...

    Wu Ming Dang Pu

    24 Episode s . In the ancient part of his hometown, Jiang Cheng runs an "unnamed pawn shop" passed down from his ancestors, as well as a Bagua protective bronze mirror that he wears with him. It is said that this mirror can connect the past and reality, blending the virtual and the real so as to peer into the human heart. So Jiang Cheng's audiobook began, and all kinds of bizarre stories slowly unfolded...