Shows tagged: SKYSCRAPER

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  • Building Giants

    Building Giants

    29 Episode s . This documentary series showcases how key technological innovations enable giant superstructures to be built. Footage filmed during construction along with CGI reveal the building process with astonishing detail.

    Building Giants

    29 Episode s . This documentary series showcases how key technological innovations enable giant superstructures to be built. Footage filmed during construction along with CGI reveal the building process with astonishing detail.

  • Super Skyscrapers

    Super Skyscrapers

    4 Episode s . As urban space shrinks, we build higher and faster than ever before, creating a new generation of skyscrapers. Super skyscrapers are pushing the limits of engineering, technology and design to become greener, stronger, smarter and more luxurious than their predecessors. This four-part series follows the creation of four extraordinary buildings, showcasing how they will revolutionize the way we live, work and protect ourselves from potential threats. Read more about each episode below.

    Super Skyscrapers

    4 Episode s . As urban space shrinks, we build higher and faster than ever before, creating a new generation of skyscrapers. Super skyscrapers are pushing the limits of engineering, technology and design to become greener, stronger, smarter and more luxurious than their predecessors. This four-part series follows the creation of four extraordinary buildings, showcasing how they will revolutionize the way we live, work and protect ourselves from potential threats. Read more about each episode below.

  • Vertical City

    Vertical City

    22 Episode s . Vertical City stars architecture expert Charlie Luxton as he takes a high rise hike around the world's most iconic skyscrapers, discovering the stories of power, politics and daring design that lie behind their construction.

    Vertical City

    22 Episode s . Vertical City stars architecture expert Charlie Luxton as he takes a high rise hike around the world's most iconic skyscrapers, discovering the stories of power, politics and daring design that lie behind their construction.