Shows tagged: STATISTICS

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  • The Numbers Game

    The Numbers Game

    15 Episode s . Money. Sex. Marriage. Mortality. In each episode, data scientist Jake Porway tackles one of life’s most daunting topics revealing the surprising science behind them. From mind-bending stats, hilarious man on the street experiments, and interactive game play, this show delivers the answers to life’s mysteries and gives you the tools to help take charge of your destiny and change your life forever.

    The Numbers Game

    15 Episode s . Money. Sex. Marriage. Mortality. In each episode, data scientist Jake Porway tackles one of life’s most daunting topics revealing the surprising science behind them. From mind-bending stats, hilarious man on the street experiments, and interactive game play, this show delivers the answers to life’s mysteries and gives you the tools to help take charge of your destiny and change your life forever.

  • Crash Course Statistics

    Crash Course Statistics

    44 Episode s . Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series we're going to take a closer look at how statistics play a significant role in our everyday lives. Now this a "math" course, and there will definitely be some math, but we're going to focus on how statistics is useful and valuable to you - someone that performs AND consumes statistics all the time. Statistics are everywhere from batting averages and insurance rates to weather forecasting and smart assistants, and it's our hope that when you finish this series you'll get a better idea of the role statistics play in helping us better understand the world!

    Crash Course Statistics

    44 Episode s . Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series we're going to take a closer look at how statistics play a significant role in our everyday lives. Now this a "math" course, and there will definitely be some math, but we're going to focus on how statistics is useful and valuable to you - someone that performs AND consumes statistics all the time. Statistics are everywhere from batting averages and insurance rates to weather forecasting and smart assistants, and it's our hope that when you finish this series you'll get a better idea of the role statistics play in helping us better understand the world!

  • The Stats of Life

    The Stats of Life

    12 Episode s . Through census data, surveys and studies, we now know more about ourselves than ever before. But what’s the story behind the stats? In our diverse modern world, is there still such a thing as "average?" The Stats of Life is a fun, factual entertainment series that layers graphics of statistics over intimate stories of real people.

    The Stats of Life

    12 Episode s . Through census data, surveys and studies, we now know more about ourselves than ever before. But what’s the story behind the stats? In our diverse modern world, is there still such a thing as "average?" The Stats of Life is a fun, factual entertainment series that layers graphics of statistics over intimate stories of real people.

  • The History of the Seattle Mariners

    The History of the Seattle Mariners

    6 Episode s . Every team has its highs and lows, frustration, heartbreak, greatness and confusion, but no other team is like this one. The Seattle Mariners are eminently lovable, profoundly human and stunningly, outrageously weird. There is no more fascinating team across the entire history of American sports.

    The History of the Seattle Mariners

    6 Episode s . Every team has its highs and lows, frustration, heartbreak, greatness and confusion, but no other team is like this one. The Seattle Mariners are eminently lovable, profoundly human and stunningly, outrageously weird. There is no more fascinating team across the entire history of American sports.