Shows tagged: TTRPG

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  3. TTRPG
  • Dimension 20

    Dimension 20

    245 Episode s . Heed the call of adventure and enter Dimension 20 where Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan, joined by comedians and pro gamers, blends comedy with tabletop RPGs.

    Dimension 20

    245 Episode s . Heed the call of adventure and enter Dimension 20 where Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan, joined by comedians and pro gamers, blends comedy with tabletop RPGs.

  • Adventuring Academy

    Adventuring Academy

    59 Episode s . Adventurers, alight! Veteran gamemaster Brennan Lee Mulligan dives deep into role-playing games, with tips for everyone from first-time players to other pros.

    Adventuring Academy

    59 Episode s . Adventurers, alight! Veteran gamemaster Brennan Lee Mulligan dives deep into role-playing games, with tips for everyone from first-time players to other pros.

  • The Glass Cannon Podcast

    The Glass Cannon Podcast

    350 Episode s . In May of 2022, the original Pathfinder 1E Giantslayer adventure came to an end and the previously unreleased podcast episodes of the Strange Aeons live tour were added. In September of 2023, Campaign Two begins as GM and Glass Cannon Network CEO Troy Lavallee leads a crew of network founders Joe O'Brien, Skid Maher and Matthew Capodicasa along with fan-favorites Sydney Amanuel and Kate Stamas through the Pathfinder 2E Gatewalkers Adventure Path.

    The Glass Cannon Podcast

    350 Episode s . In May of 2022, the original Pathfinder 1E Giantslayer adventure came to an end and the previously unreleased podcast episodes of the Strange Aeons live tour were added. In September of 2023, Campaign Two begins as GM and Glass Cannon Network CEO Troy Lavallee leads a crew of network founders Joe O'Brien, Skid Maher and Matthew Capodicasa along with fan-favorites Sydney Amanuel and Kate Stamas through the Pathfinder 2E Gatewalkers Adventure Path.