Shows tagged: 精神崩溃

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  3. 精神崩溃
  • Slave Princess Olivia

    Slave Princess Olivia

    2 Episode s . The proud princess Olivia Lindegard is forced to become a sex slave to save her nation. Once turned slave, she begins to be subjected to degrading acts time and again. (This OVA is based on the erotic game by Silky's.)

    Slave Princess Olivia

    2 Episode s . The proud princess Olivia Lindegard is forced to become a sex slave to save her nation. Once turned slave, she begins to be subjected to degrading acts time and again. (This OVA is based on the erotic game by Silky's.)

  • One: True Stories

    One: True Stories

    3 Episode s . In 1998 winter, another world happens to come to existence in me, though I used to be a normal student. It is covering my ordinary life as the snow covers the ground. Until then, I haven't noticed, what has stayed unchanged in my daily life, the familiar scenes that have always been there, the warmth of the person whom I haven't noticed that I love her. They have existed to bind me in this world in order not to let me leave. It is the moment when I begin look for the bind and the significant person, for the first time. The time goes, and the sun gradually begins to shine the season. I wonder where I will be, and who will grip my hand.

    One: True Stories

    3 Episode s . In 1998 winter, another world happens to come to existence in me, though I used to be a normal student. It is covering my ordinary life as the snow covers the ground. Until then, I haven't noticed, what has stayed unchanged in my daily life, the familiar scenes that have always been there, the warmth of the person whom I haven't noticed that I love her. They have existed to bind me in this world in order not to let me leave. It is the moment when I begin look for the bind and the significant person, for the first time. The time goes, and the sun gradually begins to shine the season. I wonder where I will be, and who will grip my hand.