Created Shows
Lunar Jim
92 Episode s . Lunar Jim is an animated preschool-oriented stop-motion television show produced in Canada by Halifax Film and Alliance Atlantis, and aired in the USA as well on Discovery Channel and V-Me from 2005-2012. The show is based on an original concept created by Alexander Bar. Season 1 was Executive Produced by Jeff Rosen. It was script-edited in Season one by Peter Sauder. Season two was helmed by award-winning veteran producer/writer Jed MacKay. Ben Zelkowizc provided the voice of Jim. Jim and his team; Rover the Robot Dog, Ripple the Super Space Mechanic, Eco the Farmer, and TED, the Technical Equipment Device, live on Blue Moon L22, the second-to-last moon on the edge of the Milky Way. Focusing on exploration and inquiry, Lunar Jim intends to promote such life skills as problem-solving, persistence, creativity, and cooperation, with an emphasis on "pre-science skills". His rallying cry is "Let's get lunar!"
Lunar Jim
92 Episode s . Lunar Jim is an animated preschool-oriented stop-motion television show produced in Canada by Halifax Film and Alliance Atlantis, and aired in the USA as well on Discovery Channel and V-Me from 2005-2012. The show is based on an original concept created by Alexander Bar. Season 1 was Executive Produced by Jeff Rosen. It was script-edited in Season one by Peter Sauder. Season two was helmed by award-winning veteran producer/writer Jed MacKay. Ben Zelkowizc provided the voice of Jim. Jim and his team; Rover the Robot Dog, Ripple the Super Space Mechanic, Eco the Farmer, and TED, the Technical Equipment Device, live on Blue Moon L22, the second-to-last moon on the edge of the Milky Way. Focusing on exploration and inquiry, Lunar Jim intends to promote such life skills as problem-solving, persistence, creativity, and cooperation, with an emphasis on "pre-science skills". His rallying cry is "Let's get lunar!"
Wolf Joe
46 Episode s . Wolf Joe follows Joe, a young indigenous boy who is inspired to explore his indigenous culture and identity as he and his two best friends embark on fun filled adventures to help their community.
Wolf Joe
46 Episode s . Wolf Joe follows Joe, a young indigenous boy who is inspired to explore his indigenous culture and identity as he and his two best friends embark on fun filled adventures to help their community.