Irving São Paulo
José Irving Santana São Paulo (Feira de Santana, October 26, 1964 – Rio de Janeiro, August 10, 2006), better known as Irving São Paulo, was a Brazilian actor. He was the son of filmmaker Olney São Paulo and brother of actor Ilya São Paulo. Irving already showed great talent since childhood, as a self-taught musician, he soon learned to play the piano, having even formed a band with his brother Ilya São Paulo, the band Coelho Neto. After a lot of success between the 1980s and the early 1990s, in which Irving was constantly cast in Ivani Ribeiro's soap operas, he stopped participating in major ...
O Sexo dos Anjos
143 Episode s . as Zé Paulo
O Sexo dos Anjos
143 Episode s . as Zé Paulo
Final Feliz
1 Episode. as Rafael Queiroz de Souza (Rafa)
Final Feliz
1 Episode. as Rafael Queiroz de Souza (Rafa)
Perigosas Peruas
173 Episode s . as Johann Boll
Perigosas Peruas
173 Episode s . as Johann Boll
A Viagem
167 Episode s . as Zeca
A Viagem
167 Episode s . as Zeca
Vida Nova
100 Episode s . as Alcebíades
Vida Nova
100 Episode s . as Alcebíades
167 Episode s . as José "Zé" Rodolfo
167 Episode s . as José "Zé" Rodolfo
Mulheres de Areia
203 Episode s . as Zé Luiz
Mulheres de Areia
203 Episode s . as Zé Luiz
83 Episode s . as Humberto
83 Episode s . as Humberto
Bebê a Bordo
209 Episode s . as Duílio (Bad Cat)
Bebê a Bordo
209 Episode s . as Duílio (Bad Cat)