Das Duell um die Welt
35 Episode s . as Self
Das Duell um die Welt
35 Episode s . as Self
Das Duell um die Geld
22 Episode s . as Self
Das Duell um die Geld
22 Episode s . as Self
Die beste Show der Welt
9 Episode s . as Himself
Die beste Show der Welt
9 Episode s . as Himself
Late Night Berlin
187 Episode s . as Host
Late Night Berlin
187 Episode s . as Host
52 Episode s . as Self - Host
52 Episode s . as Self - Host
Klaas’ Wochenshow
135 Episode s . as Self
Klaas’ Wochenshow
135 Episode s . as Self
Check. Check
26 Episode s . as Jan Rothe
Check. Check
26 Episode s . as Jan Rothe
Joko & Klaas im Zoo
3 Episode s . as Self
Joko & Klaas im Zoo
3 Episode s . as Self
Jennifer – Sehnsucht nach was Besseres
9 Episode s . as Ingo Albrecht
Jennifer – Sehnsucht nach was Besseres
9 Episode s . as Ingo Albrecht
Das Duell um die Welt – Team Joko gegen Team Klaas
22 Episode s . as Himself
Das Duell um die Welt – Team Joko gegen Team Klaas
22 Episode s . as Himself
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
60 Episode s . as Self
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
60 Episode s . as Self
Christmas with Joko & Klaas
2 Episode s . as Host
Christmas with Joko & Klaas
2 Episode s . as Host
My Idiot Friend
2 Episode s . as Host
My Idiot Friend
2 Episode s . as Host
MTV Home
85 Episode s . as Host
MTV Home
85 Episode s . as Host
Mein bester Feind
6 Episode s . as Self
Mein bester Feind
6 Episode s . as Self
Salon Joko & Klahaars
3 Episode s . as Self
Salon Joko & Klahaars
3 Episode s . as Self
Circus Halligalli
144 Episode s . as Host
Circus Halligalli
144 Episode s . as Host
8 Episode s . as Self
8 Episode s . as Self
The Swarm
8 Episode s . as Luther Roscovitz
The Swarm
8 Episode s . as Luther Roscovitz
Created Shows
Das Duell um die Welt
35 Episode s . Joko gegen Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt is a German reality series, broadcast on the German television network ProSieben on prime time. In English the show is called Joko vs. Klaas – The Battle for the World . It is a show that pins its two stars against one another in a series of challenges all over the globe. Hosts Joachim ‘Joko’ Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf give each other a series of outrageous and tough challenges in countries all over the world; they know where they’re going but have no idea what they will have to do until they get there. It is a travel game show and reality series where each host tries to push the other to their limits in an attempt to be crowned the “world champion” by taking on all the obstacles and coming out on top as the one who has won the battle for world domination.
Das Duell um die Welt
35 Episode s . Joko gegen Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt is a German reality series, broadcast on the German television network ProSieben on prime time. In English the show is called Joko vs. Klaas – The Battle for the World . It is a show that pins its two stars against one another in a series of challenges all over the globe. Hosts Joachim ‘Joko’ Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf give each other a series of outrageous and tough challenges in countries all over the world; they know where they’re going but have no idea what they will have to do until they get there. It is a travel game show and reality series where each host tries to push the other to their limits in an attempt to be crowned the “world champion” by taking on all the obstacles and coming out on top as the one who has won the battle for world domination.
LIVE: 24 Stunden von Joko & Klaas
5 Episode s .
LIVE: 24 Stunden von Joko & Klaas
5 Episode s .