Created Shows
32 Episode s . Squaresville is an American comedy web series created by Matt Enlow. The show follows best friends Esther and Zelda as they deal with life in their suburban town, one adventure at a time. It premiered on YouTube on March 16, 2012. The show used a Kickstarter campaign to raise the ,000 needed to complete production of its first season. On November 13, 2011, they successfully funded with ,476 from 196 backers. In 2012, Squaresville joined the Big Frame YouTube network. On February 1, 2013, Squaresville launched its second season with the episode "Back to Basics".
32 Episode s . Squaresville is an American comedy web series created by Matt Enlow. The show follows best friends Esther and Zelda as they deal with life in their suburban town, one adventure at a time. It premiered on YouTube on March 16, 2012. The show used a Kickstarter campaign to raise the ,000 needed to complete production of its first season. On November 13, 2011, they successfully funded with ,476 from 196 backers. In 2012, Squaresville joined the Big Frame YouTube network. On February 1, 2013, Squaresville launched its second season with the episode "Back to Basics".
6 Episode s . It's The OC in the Old West as we dig deep into the untold story of the teens of the Pioneer Era. Meet Boy, a 13-year old underdog dreamer who hopes to be the world's first hang-WOMAN executioner. Together with her fellow teens, they live it up before they have to grow up, get married, and get the ripe age of fifteen.
6 Episode s . It's The OC in the Old West as we dig deep into the untold story of the teens of the Pioneer Era. Meet Boy, a 13-year old underdog dreamer who hopes to be the world's first hang-WOMAN executioner. Together with her fellow teens, they live it up before they have to grow up, get married, and get the ripe age of fifteen.