25 Episode s . as Various Characters
25 Episode s . as Various Characters
Premiärdatum oklart
10 Episode s . as Michael
Premiärdatum oklart
10 Episode s . as Michael
Allt jag inte minns
3 Episode s . as Peder
Allt jag inte minns
3 Episode s . as Peder
Panik i tomteverkstan
24 Episode s . as Bocken
Panik i tomteverkstan
24 Episode s . as Bocken
Created Shows
25 Episode s .
25 Episode s .
Svenska nyheter
151 Episode s . The show that explains why things are the way they are, how they should be, and jokes about politics and things you do not know are politics.
Svenska nyheter
151 Episode s . The show that explains why things are the way they are, how they should be, and jokes about politics and things you do not know are politics.