Sanaa Younes (سناء يونس)
Sanaa Ali Younis is an Egyptian actress. She was born in 1942 in Zagazig, and studied sociology at the faculty of arts, before starting her career as an actress in several theatrical hits led by Fouad El Mohandes, including "Sok Ala Banatak" (Lose Your Daughters),ers), "Hala Habebty" (Hala My Love) and "El Arnab El Eswed" (The Black Rabbit). She appeared in numerous films, including "Ahlam Omrena" (Dreams of Our Lives) and "Harb Atalia" (The War of Italy), and television series including "Alzawga Akher Man Yaalam" (The Wife is Last to Know).
لقمة القاضي
1 Episode. as أم أحمد
لقمة القاضي
1 Episode. as أم أحمد
Bwabet Elhalwani
95 Episode s . as كوكب
Bwabet Elhalwani
95 Episode s . as كوكب
Captain Gouda
15 Episode s . as ضيف شرف
Captain Gouda
15 Episode s . as ضيف شرف
شارع المواردي
41 Episode s . as زينب
شارع المواردي
41 Episode s . as زينب
رحلة أبو الوفا
13 Episode s . as فرحانة
رحلة أبو الوفا
13 Episode s . as فرحانة
Blessed Signs
15 Episode s . as عطيات
Blessed Signs
15 Episode s . as عطيات
افتح يا سمسم
20 Episode s . as ليلى
افتح يا سمسم
20 Episode s . as ليلى
حكاية الدكتور مسعود
14 Episode s . as سونيا السكرتيرة
حكاية الدكتور مسعود
14 Episode s . as سونيا السكرتيرة
I will not walk the path of the past
30 Episode s . as زكية
I will not walk the path of the past
30 Episode s . as زكية