13 Demon Street (1959)
13 Demon Street is a Swedish horror television series that aired between 1959 and 1960 in American syndication. Thirteen 25-minute episodes were produced. Lon Chaney Jr. was the host, introducing each episode from his 'home' at 13 Demon Street. Condemned for some shockingly atrocious crime, Chaney's purpose in relating the series' stories was to convince viewers that the crimes presented in them were worse than his, thus freeing him from his purgatory. This was hard for audiences to judge, however, because Chaney's original crime was never specified. Three episodes of the series were edited together to make a theatrical feature called The Devil's Messenger, in which Chaney's character was reconfigured as Satan himself. Chaney filmed new wraparound segments to link the chosen episodes, which were 'The Photograph', 'The Girl in the Glacier' and 'Condemned in Crystal'.
13 Demon Street: Season 1 - 13 Episode s
1x1 - The Black Hand
January 1, 1959
A doctor and his wife are involved in a head on accident. The doctor's hand is caught in the steering column of his burning car. After freeing himself of the vehicle and doing necessary surgery, he decides to put the dead man's hand from the other vehicle onto himself to replace his missing limb. Bad things start to happen while the doctor wonders what the cause of recent problems are.
1x2 - Fever
1x3 - Condemned in the Crystal
1x4 - Green are the Leaves
1x5 - The Girl in the Glacier
1x6 - The Book of Ghouls
1x7 - The Photograph
1x8 - The Vine of Death
1x9 - A Gift of Murder
1x10 - The Secret of the Telescope
1x11 - Never Steal a Warlock's Wife
1x12 - Murder in the Mirror
1x13 - Black Nemesis