Tyrion VIII
A Song Of Ice And Fire - S1 - E63
Tyrion and his clansmen are assigned to the vanguard under the command of Ser Gregor Clegane. Returning to his tent, Tyrion is greeted by a whore named Shae, whom Bronn has found for him. Before dawn, Tyrion is roused by the call to arms. In the ensuing battle on the Green Fork, Tyrion and his clansmen do well and the enemy is routed. Afterward Lord Tywin Lannister learns that Robb Stark has tricked him.
A Song Of Ice And Fire: Season 1 - 61 Episode s
1x13 - Eddard II
August 1, 1996
Ned and King Robert discuss the threat posed by Daenerys Targaryen's marriage and the events surrounding the Sack of King's Landing.
1x14 - Tyrion II
August 1, 1996
As they travel north Tyrion and Jon Snow argue about the realities of life on the Wall.
1x15 - Catelyn III
August 1, 1996
Catelyn's breakdown over Bran's fall ends when an attempt is made on Bran's life. Catelyn delays the assassin long enough for Bran's direwolf to arrive and kill the assassin. Catelyn is now convinced Bran did not fall, but was pushed.
1x16 - Sansa I
August 1, 1996
After exploring the camp, Sansa Stark goes riding with her betrothed, Prince Joffrey. Near the ruby ford, they come upon Arya Stark and a butcher's boy play-fighting. Joffrey begins to torment the boy until Arya attacks him.
1x17 - Eddard III
August 1, 1996
Arya and Joffrey tell King Robert very different stories concerning their fight near the Trident. When Sansa claims she does not remember, Queen Cersei demands the death of a direwolf. With Nymeria gone, Lady is sentenced to death instead.
1x18 - Bran III
August 1, 1996
While in his coma, Bran dreams of falling and of a crow teaching him to fly. Then he wakes to find himself crippled and decides to name his direwolf Summer.
1x19 - Catelyn IV
August 1, 1996
Catelyn and Ser Rodrik arrive in King's Landing by ship. At a secret meeting with Petyr Baelish and Varys, Catelyn is told the assassin's knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister.
1x20 - Jon III
August 1, 1996
After training, Jon Snow is attacked by several other recruits but saved by Donal Noye, who shows Jon the error of his ways. Then Jon meets up with Tyrion and later learns from the Lord Commander that Bran has awoken.
1x21 - Eddard IV
August 1, 1996
Immediately upon his arrival in King's Landing, Ned is summoned to a meeting of the small council to plan a tournament. Afterward, Littlefinger intercepts him and leads him to where Catelyn is hiding, where they plan their strategy for justice.
1x22 - Tyrion III
August 1, 1996
Tyrion dines with high officers of the Night's Watch and promises Lord Commander Mormont that he will speak to the king of their need. Afterwards, while paying a final visit to the Wall, Tyrion meets Jon Snow, who asks Tyrion to do what he can to help his brother Bran.
1x23 - Arya II
August 1, 1996
Unhappy at King's Landing, Arya abandons her dinner. Her father Eddard comes to her room to talk to her and sees she has her sword Needle out. After a long talk, he decides not to take the sword away. Several days later, Arya meets her new dancing master, Syrio Forel.
1x24 - Daenerys III
August 1, 1996
Daenerys learns to embrace her life in Drogo's khalasar, and stands up to Viserys for the first time.
1x25 - Bran IV
August 1, 1996
Bran is roused from his depression when he is called to the Great Hall of Winterfell to receive Tyrion Lannister. Despite Robb’s rudeness, Tyrion provides plans for a saddle that will allow Bran to ride a horse once more.
1x26 - Eddard V
August 1, 1996
Ned speaks with Grand Maester Pycelle about Lord Jon Arryn's final days. On his way back, he finds Arya training to be a water dancer on the steps of the Tower of the Hand. Later, he is visited by Littlefinger who has found four of Lord Arryn's household remaining in King's Landing.
1x27 - Jon IV
August 1, 1996
Samwell Tarly appears in the yard while Jon is training the other recruits. When Ser Alliser Thorne orders Sam beaten after he yields, Jon and his friends aid the new recruit. Later Jon talks with Sam and, afterwards, convinces the other recruits to go easy on Sam, despite Thorne's commands.
1x28 - Eddard VI
August 1, 1996
Ned and the small council deal with policing problems caused by the upcoming tourney. After the meeting, Jory Cassel reports to Ned on interviews with Jon Arryn's remaining household. The report includes mention of visits by Lord Arryn and Stannis Baratheon to a brothel and an armorer. Ned orders Jory to identify the brothel and goes to visit the armorer himself. There he discovers an apprentice named Gendry who looks astonishingly like King Robert.
1x29 - Catelyn V
August 1, 1996
Catelyn and Ser Rodrik take shelter from the rain at the inn at the crossroads. Soon after, Tyrion Lannister and his party arrive. Tyrion recognizes Catelyn, who had hoped to remain anonymous, and Catelyn takes this opportunity to convince the men in the room to take Tyrion captive so he can face the king’s justice in Winterfell.
1x30 - Sansa II
August 1, 1996
Sansa is enthralled by the tourney, especially the knights. Ser Gregor Clegane kills a new-made knight named Ser Hugh in a joust, and after a victory Ser Loras Tyrell gives her a rose. During the feast that follows, Prince Joffrey is very courteous, but afterward he orders the Hound to escort Sansa back to her chambers. When the Hound notices Sansa is avoiding looking at his burned face, he forces her to look and tells her how he acquired it.
1x31 - Eddard VII
August 1, 1996
After viewing the body of Ser Hugh, Ned and Ser Barristan Selmy struggle to convince King Robert not to compete in the melee. The Hound wins the tourney when he saves the life of the Knight of Flowers. Later, Varys visits Ned to reveal that Robert was meant to die in the melee.
1x32 - Tyrion IV
August 1, 1996
Tyrion Lannister finds he is being taken to the Eyrie instead of Winterfell, which will fool any attempt to rescue him. His attempts to convince Lady Catelyn of his innocence are interrupted when the Vale mountain clans attack. During the fight, Tyrion saves Catelyn and afterwards he explains that Littlefinger’s accusation has a hole: Tyrion would never bet against his family.
1x33 - Arya III
August 1, 1996
Arya is chasing a cat when Myrcella and Tommen discover her. She escapes unidentified, but finds herself in the dungeons. There she overhears two men talking about killing her father. After eventually finding her way out she tries to tell her father what she heard but he does not believe her.
1x34 - Eddard VIII
August 1, 1996
Ned and King Robert argue over a plot to kill Daenerys Targaryen. When the small council also sides against him, Ned resigns in protest. As Ned prepares to return to Winterfell, Littlefinger arrives with news that he has identified the brothel that Jon Arryn and Stannis Baratheon visited.
1x35 - Catelyn VI
August 1, 1996
Catelyn and her party finally reach the Bloody Gate and safety. At her sister’s request, Catelyn makes the dangerous night ascent to the Eyrie to meet Lysa and her sickly son, Robert.
1x36 - Eddard IX
August 1, 1996
Littlefinger leads Ned to the brothel that Jon Arryn visited. There he talks to a young whore with a daughter who has the look of King Robert. As they are returning to the Red Keep, Ned's party is ambushed by Jaime Lannister and about twenty of his men. In retribution for the abduction of his brother, Jaime has Ned's escort killed. Ned's leg is broken during the fight, and he loses consciousness.
1x37 - Daenerys IV
August 1, 1996
The khalasar enters Vaes Dothrak. As they ride up the godsway, Daenerys discusses the pros and cons of Dothraki combat skills with Ser Jorah Mormont. Once they have settled in, Daenerys invites Viserys to sup with her and makes a peace offering of new clothes. He becomes angry and grabs her. She hits him hard with a belt and tells him to leave.
1x38 - Bran V
August 1, 1996
During his first ride outside Winterfell since his fall, Bran learns of Jaime Lannister’s attack on his father. Robb goes ahead to find the direwolves and Bran is attacked by six outlaws. Robb returns with the direwolves and defeats all but one. The last man holds a dagger to Bran’s throat until Theon kills him with an arrow from behind. Osha, the only survivor, is taken captive.
1x39 - Tyrion V
August 1, 1996
Tyrion is held captive in one of the Eyrie's sky cells. Eventually he bribes the gaoler to take a message that he is ready to confess. When brought into the High Hall, Tyrion manages to convince Lady Lysa Arryn to give him a trial by combat and the sellsword Bronn declares he will be Tyrion’s champion.
1x40 - Eddard X
August 1, 1996
Ned dreams of the showdown at the Tower of Joy. When he wakes he finds King Robert angry about the abduction of Tyrion Lannister, demanding that Ned make peace with the Lannisters. Robert reinstates Ned as Hand of the King and declares that Ned must sit the Iron Throne because he is going hunting.
1x41 - Catelyn VII
August 1, 1996
Catelyn gets news from Riverrun that House Lannister is gathering an army at Casterly Rock. As Catelyn and Ser Rodrik arrive for Tyrion's trial by combat they meet Ser Brynden, who has resigned his post and plans to join the defense of Riverrun. Bronn kills Ser Vardis Egen in the duel, and Lysa sets Bronn and Tyrion free outside the Bloody Gate to take their chances with the Vale mountain clans.
1x42 - Jon V
August 1, 1996
Ser Alliser announces that he is passing eight recruits, including Jon. There is a celebration, but Jon realizes that Sam will not survive without the others to protect him. Jon asks Maester Aemon to allow Sam to become his steward since he can read, write, and do sums.
1x43 - Tyrion VI
August 1, 1996
Tyrion and Bronn make camp on the high road. Tyrion wants to make a fire, but Bronn protests that it will bring the Vale mountain clans down on them. Tyrion sees no point in trying to avoid the clans and Bronn gives in. As Tyrion plans, the Stone Crows arrive and Tyrion negotiates an agreement.
1x44 - Eddard XI
August 1, 1996
As Hand of the King, Ned hears a petition from some House Tully bannermen concerning raiding on their holdfasts by Gregor Clegane. He strips Clegane of all lands, titles, and his life and sends a force under Lord Beric Dondarrion to dispense the king's justice.
1x45 - Sansa III
August 1, 1996
Sansa wonders with Jeyne Poole why her father did not send the gallant Ser Loras to kill the monster Ser Gregor. The next day her father reveals that he is sending her and Arya back to Winterfell. Sansa insists that she cannot leave because she is to marry Prince Joffrey, who is nothing like his father and will give her children with golden hair. This is an epiphany to her father.
1x46 - Eddard XII
August 1, 1996
Ned now knows the truth Jon Arryn died for. He also learns from Pycelle and Petyr Baelish that Lord Tywin Lannister is preparing for a war. Later, Ned meets with Cersei and tells her that he will tell Robert the truth when he returns, offering her the chance to flee and save her children. Cersei warns that Ned has made a mistake.
1x47 - Daenerys V
August 1, 1996
Daenerys eats a stallion heart as part of a Dothraki pregnancy ritual. Afterwards she baths in the Womb of the World and goes to the reception feast. Viserys soon arrives, drunk and screaming. He draws his blade and demands what he is owed. Khal Drogo gives him a crown of molten gold.
1x48 - Eddard XIII
August 1, 1996
Ned learns that King Robert has been mortally wounded by a boar. In his will, Robert declares Ned the Regent. Afterward, Renly Baratheon urges Ned to seize the royal children to secure his power, but Ned refuses. Ned writes a letter offering the throne to Stannis Baratheon as the rightful heir. Reconsidering his need for men, Ned declares his intentions to Littlefinger and asks him to arrange the support of the City Watch.
1x49 - Jon VI
August 1, 1996
Jon is disgusted to learn that he will be a steward, not a ranger. Sam convinces Jon that being the Lord Commander’s steward is actually an honor meant to groom him for command. Jon and Sam are taken to a godswood beyond the Wall to say their vows before the old gods. After they have taken their vows, Ghost returns with a human hand in his jaws.
1x50 - Eddard XIV
August 1, 1996
After King Robert’s death, Ned convenes the small council to confirm him as Protector of the Realm. However, the council is interrupted by a summons to the throne room where King Joffrey demands oaths fealty. Queen Cersei destroys Robert’s will and Ned declares Joffrey has no right to the Iron Throne. When Ned calls for the City Watch to seize Cersei and her children, the gold cloaks instead kill Ned’s men, and Littlefinger reveals his betrayal.
1x51 - Arya IV
August 1, 1996
Arya’s training with Syrio Forel is interrupted by Ser Meryn Trant and a party of Lannister guardsmen. When Meryn demands Arya come with him, Syrio senses something odd and fights the guards, giving Arya time to escape. At the stables Arya finds her sword Needle and kills a stable boy who attempts to capture her before escaping via the dungeons of the Red Keep.
1x52 - Sansa IV
August 1, 1996
On the third day after sneaking out to tell Queen Cersei of her father’s plans to send her away, Sansa is summoned from her house arrest. She is brought before the queen and the small council. There she is informed that her father is a traitor and is persuaded to write letters to her relatives explaining what has happened.
1x53 - Jon VII
August 1, 1996
The bodies of two men that accompanied Benjen Stark are found. Ser Jaremy Rykker blames wildlings, but Sam points out odd characteristics about the bodies. Back at Castle Black, Jon learns that King Robert is dead and that his father is charged with treason. At dinner that night, Ser Alliser Thorne mocks Jon and his father, and Jon attacks him. That night Jon finds the wight of one of the dead men in the Lord Commander’s room. Jon kills the monster, saving the Lord Commander.
1x54 - Bran VI
August 1, 1996
Bran watches the Karstarks arrive, then goes to the godswood to pray. He is interrupted by Osha, who tells him about the old gods and the Others. She insists that Robb should be marching north not south. Bran passes on her advice to Maester Luwin. Then Robb marches his army south.
1x55 - Daenerys VI
August 1, 1996
Daenerys is unable to convince Khal Drogo to assault the Seven Kingdoms to regain her throne. While Drogo is hunting, Daenerys goes to the market where a wineseller offers her a cask of wine. When Ser Jorah insists that the merchant drink first, the merchant refuses and attempts to flee. When Drogo learns of the attempt to poison Daenerys, he makes the decision to attack the Seven Kingdoms.
1x56 - Catelyn VIII
August 1, 1996
Catelyn and Ser Brynden Tully meet Robb’s army at Moat Cailin, accompanied by the host from House Manderly. In private, Catelyn helps Robb refine his war plans and explains to him that they have no option but to win or die. Robb decides to go south in support of Riverrun with a feint down the kingsroad to keep Lord Tywin Lannister’s force occupied.
1x57 - Tyrion VII
August 1, 1996
Tyrion meets his father’s army at the inn at the crossroads, escorted by 300 Vale mountain clansmen. Tyrion and Lord Tywin are discussing their war plans when Tyrion’s clansmen burst in, but Tywin handles them coolly. When news arrives that Robb Stark’s host is advancing, Tywin offers rich rewards to the clansmen if they fight for him.
1x58 - Sansa V
August 1, 1996
Sansa attends Joffrey’s first court session as king. After an official call for all the noble houses to pledge their fealty, the small council announces a number of new appointments. When he is dismissed from the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan Selmy storms out. In his place, the Hound is appointed to the Kingsguard. Finally, Sansa comes forward to ask for leniency for her father, and it is agree that mercy will be granted if he confesses and names Joffrey the true king.
1x59 - Eddard XV
August 1, 1996
Ned is visited in the black cells by Varys, who brings him news. He urges Ned to admit to treason, command Robb to lay down his sword, and denounce Stannis and Renly. When Eddard states that his life is not worth forsaking his honor, Varys tells him that Cersei has Sansa, whose life is also at stake.
1x60 - Catelyn IX
August 1, 1996
Robb's host arrives at the Twins, where Catelyn negotiates their crossing of the Green Fork with Lord Walder Frey.
1x61 - Jon VIII
August 1, 1996
Jon is presented with the Valyrian steel sword Longclaw by Lord Commander Mormont. Jon attempts to refuse, but the commander insists. Later, Jon gets a message that Maester Aemon wants to see him. The maester knows that Jon is divided between his duty and his family loyalties and explains that he sympathizes. When Jon rejects his empathy, the old man reveals that he is Aemon Targaryen, son of King Maekar I.
1x62 - Daenerys VII
August 1, 1996
Khal Drogo has defeated another khalasar, capturing a town and many captives. Daenerys intervenes when she sees Dothraki warriors raping the women. When she finds Drogo, Daenerys is concerned about her husband’s wounds and calls for the healers. Mirri Maz Duur, one of the women she has rescued, speaks up that she is a healer, and Drogo agrees to let her tend to his wounds in her temple.
1x63 - Tyrion VIII
August 1, 1996
Tyrion and his clansmen are assigned to the vanguard under the command of Ser Gregor Clegane. Returning to his tent, Tyrion is greeted by a whore named Shae, whom Bronn has found for him. Before dawn, Tyrion is roused by the call to arms. In the ensuing battle on the Green Fork, Tyrion and his clansmen do well and the enemy is routed. Afterward Lord Tywin Lannister learns that Robb Stark has tricked him.
1x64 - Catelyn X
August 1, 1996
Robb Stark has managed to lead his host to Riverrun without detection. Now Catelyn waits with her guards as her son leads his host to ambush Ser Jaime Lannister. Once the battle is over, Robb returns with Jaime as a captive. However, the death of several of Robb's party mars the sweetness of the victory.
1x65 - Daenerys VIII
August 1, 1996
Khal Drogo falls off his horse. Daenerys orders the khalasar to halt and calls for Mirri Maz Duur. The godswife declares that only blood magic can save Drogo. As the rite is being performed, Drogo's bloodriders attempt to intervene. A fight ensues in which Ser Jorah Mormont is injured and all of Drogo’s bloodriders are killed. Daenerys starts to hemorrhage and Ser Jorah carries her into Drogo's tent.
1x66 - Arya V
August 1, 1996
Arya is surviving on the streets of King's Landing by hunting pigeons. When she hears the summoning bells, she joins the crowd to watch her father confess his treason. Once the confession is done, King Joffrey demands his head. Arya attempts to get to him, but Yoren of the Night's Watch stops her. Afterward, he declares that she is coming with him.
1x67 - Bran VII
August 1, 1996
Bran and Rickon have the same dream about seeing their father in the crypt of Winterfell. Maester Luwin takes Bran down to the crypts to show him his father is not there. They find Rickon already there. They go back to the maester’s turret where Luwin tells them about the coming of the First Men, the treaty with the children of the forest and the coming of the Andals. A raven arrives with news of Lord Eddard’s death.
1x68 - Sansa VI
August 1, 1996
Sansa is in a depression after the execution of her father. Joffrey arrives to browbeat her into attending him in court. After court, Joffrey takes her to the ramparts to see the heads of her father and household. For a fleeting moment, Sansa has the opportunity to push Joffrey off the wall, but it disappears too soon.
1x69 - Daenerys IX
August 1, 1996
Daenerys has terrible nightmares during her long recovery. She wakes to learn that her child was born dead, a twisted monstrosity. When she visits with Drogo he is comatose, but Mirri Maz Duur insist that he is alive. Daenerys is horrified by the cost of the bloodmagic. That night, she attempts to revive Drogo, but by morning knows he is gone forever.
1x70 - Tyrion IX
August 1, 1996
News of Robb Stark’s victory at Riverrun prompts vigorous debate among the Lannister officers. After dismissing the officers, Lord Tywin details their precarious position to Tyrion and dispatches him to King's Landing to serve as acting Hand of the King and keep Joffrey from ruining them all. In spite of his father’s direct command, Tyrion intends to bring Shae with him.
1x71 - Jon IX
August 1, 1996
Jon deserts in the middle of the night, determined to join his brother Robb in the quest for vengeance. South of Mole's Town, his friends catch up and bring him back. In the morning, Lord Commander Mormont reveals he knows about the night’s events and convinces Jon to stay and join him on a great ranging beyond the Wall.
1x72 - Catelyn VI
August 1, 1996
Catelyn returns to Riverrun for the first time in many years. After meeting with her ailing father, she seeks out Robb in the godswood. After praying with his bannermen, Robb calls a council to determine their next move. The council argues for hours about which way to march and which king to support until Greatjon Umber gives a rousing speech and the bannermen proclaim Robb the King in the North.
1x73 - Daenerys X
August 1, 1996
Daenerys builds a funeral pyre for Drogo and places her dragon eggs among his treasures. When she attempts to take control of the few remaining Dothraki as a khal would, she is refused. As night falls, Daenerys lights the pyre and is drawn by instinct deep into the inferno. When the pyre dies, the others find her unburnt and nursing the first three baby dragons in hundreds of years.