The Fate of the Neandertals

April 27, 1997

Ancient Mysteries - S4 - E15

The Fate of the Neandertals

More than 70 thousand years ago, a clan of cave dwellers roamed the cliffs of Le Conte in Southwestern France. They were Neandertals, distant cousins to modern man. The caves, among other archaeological sites, have revealed much about Neandertals. But new disoveries have prompted more questions and mysteries. No other prehistoric group has received as much attention as the Neandertals. No other group carries such a weight of scientific and popular misconceptions or has its name associated with savagery, stupidity and animal strength. Fossils records place the last Neandertal on earth 30,000 years ago. Then they vanished. Or did they? There is more to Neandertals than their fossil remains. This hour will explore the Neandertals who, despite new and enticing clues, remain a people of mystery.

Ancient Mysteries: Season 4 - 16 Episode s