Billions (2016)

Go for broke.

Experience the enthralling game of power dynamics set in the high-stakes arena of New York's financial world in the TV show, Billions (2016). Dive into the show's intricate plot as the cunning U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades and the astute, assertive hedge fund magnate Bobby "Axe" Axelrod engage in a gripping battle of wits, each leveraging their substantial intelligence, power, and influence to outplay the other. This highly engaging and relevant series resonates with viewers as the potential outcomes teeter in the realm of billions.


Other names for Billions

亿万 (CN)ビリオンズ (JP)Мільярди (UA)Bilhões (BR)Миллиарды (RU)金融戰爭 (TW)Милиарди (BG)Milliárdok nyomában (HU)Милијарде (RS)Milijardai (LT)Miliarde (RO)Milliardlar (UZ)Billones (NI)

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