Creative Writing Software
Computer Chronicles - S10 - E27
Word processors are great, but this program looks at software tools that help you create, not just write. Featured demonstrations include WritePro, Plots Unlimited, Collaborator II, Movie Master 4.0, WordPerfect Rhymer, FirstAid for Writers, Quotemaster Plus, StoryBook Weaver, Big Book Maker, and Storymation. Guests include writers Sol Stein and Tom Sawyer. Originally broadcast in 1993.
Computer Chronicles: Season 10 - 27 Episode s
10x2 - Computer Connectivity
October 6, 1992
Stand alone personal computers were great, for a while, but soon it became important to connect individual PCs to share files, applications, and peripherals. This program looked at some early connectivity solutions. Included are demonstrations of NetWare Lite from Novell, the AE-3 Ethernet Adaptor from Artisoft, Microcom's LAN Bridge 6000, Newport Systems' LAN2LAN Mega Router, Chatterbox 4000, cc:Mail, the Compsphere 3800 Modem, and the Wireless WAN from Tetherless Access Ltd. Originally broadcast in 1991.
10x3 - Computers and Politics (1992)
October 13, 1992
10x4 - Computer Speech
October 20, 1992
10x5 - Windows Enhancements: Software
October 27, 1992
Early versions of Windows left a lot to be desired. So third party software vendors came out with a variety of Windows add-ons. This program looks at several examples including Squeegee, Rooms for Windows, WinMaster, WinDesk, WinTools, ICON Do-It, Dashboard, and SuperPrint. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x6 - Windows Enhancements: Hardware
November 3, 1992
When Windows first came out, it needed help, from software add-ons and hardware add-ons. This program looks at some of the hardware products that helped make the early version of Windows work better. Demonstrations include the J-Mouse Keyboard, the Viewsonic 7 monitor, the Logitech TrackMan stationary mouse, Diamond's Stealth VRAM graphic acclerator and the SuperStar VLB card, WatchIt!TV, custom upgrades from Sigma Data, and the Weitek processor accelerator. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x7 - ETRE Vienna
November 10, 1992
A visit to the first ever European Technology Roundtable Exhibition, the ETRE conference, held in Vienna. The conference featured top technology industry executives from around the world including Scott McNealy of Sun, Lee Reiswig of IBM, Philippe Kahn of Borland, Ed Zander of SunSoft, analyst Esther Dyson, Gerry Sanders of AMD, Jerry Rogers of Cyrix, Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Eric Benhamou of 3Com, Enrico Pesatori of Zenith, and Jim Manzi of Lotus. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x8 - Secrets of Word Perfect
November 17, 1992
Before Microsoft Word became the default word processing standard for most users, WordPerfect was considered the best one out there. As with many applications, most users didn't know about some of the hidden powers in WordPerfect. This show offered some user tips and some WordPerfect add-ons. Demonstrations include tools for newsletter design and graphics, general desktop publishing tools, the Button Cube for WordPerfect, the newest version WordPerfect 5.2, a low-cost competitor Swift Word (.99), the Mac version of WordPerfect, and the UNIX version of WordPerfect. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x10 - Consumer Buying Guide (1992)
December 1, 1992
A holiday season shopping guide for geeks, featuring techno gadget picks by Paul Schindler of Windows magazine, Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, Steve Fox of PC World magazine, Jim Martin of Mac World magazine, and program host Stewart Cheifet. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x11 - Comdex Fall
December 8, 1992
Highlights from the annual fall Comdex show in Las Vegas where the buzzword this year was "multimedia". Featured guests include Bill Gates and Tim Bajarin. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x12 - Notebook Computers
December 15, 1992
A review of the state of the art in notebook computers. Featured products include the AST Premium Exec 386SX/25, the NCR Safari, IBM's ThinkPad 700C, Compaq's Contura 3/25C, and the GRiD Convertible. Also coverage of new notebook introductions at fall Comdex. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x15 - New Generation Spreadsheets
January 5, 1993
It started out with Visicalc and Lotus 1-2-3, but the world of spreadsheet software changed as new and more powerful applications were introduced. This program looks at several examples including Improv for Windows, CA-Compete, Excel 4.0, Quattro pro for Windows, and Braincel. Originally broadcast in 1992.
10x16 - Computer Art
January 12, 1993
A review of hardware and software products for artists. Products reviewed include Opal Vision for the Amiga 4000, Alladin 4D for the Amiga 4000, CorelDraw for Windows, Fractal Design's Painter 1.2 for the Mac, and the Calcomp Drawing Board. Also featured are visits to the Academy of Art College in San Francisco and the studio of computer artist Jim Ludtke. Originally broadcast in 1992. Copyright 1992 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
10x17 - Beginner's Guide to Computing
January 19, 1993
An introduction to personal computers for newbies. Topics include the basic components of a PC, how to find tech support, managing memory, a guide to online forums, and a review of expansion slots. Guests include Jim Louderback of PC Week Labs.
10x18 - Electronic Publishing
January 26, 1993
The buzz word in the early 1990s was multimedia. It was the era of the CD-ROM. This program looks at early attempts at electronic publishing for the computer. Demonstrations include "A Hard Day's Night" and the Expanded Book Tool Kit from The Voyager Company, Arthur's Teacher Trouble from Broderbund, The Whitehorse Child, Impressionism and its Sources, and Trouble in Mind from EBook, Cinemania, Mayo Clinic, Rick Smolan's From Alice to Ocean, and The Well. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x19 - Computer Ergonomics (1993)
February 2, 1993
With everyone now using computers, there is increasing concerns about the negative health effects of keyboards, mice, and monitors. Products reviewed include the Ergotron Workstation, ErgoDyne's WorkSmart Manager, the Data Hand Keyboard and Mouse, Safe Technologies' ELF/VLF Meter, and the ProView Desk. Also a visit to the VDT Eye Clinic at UC Berkeley. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x22 - CD-ROM Software (1993)
February 23, 1993
Multimedia was the big deal in the early 90's as software publishers rushed to use the new storage medium for bigger and more interactive programs. This show looks at several new software titles on CD-ROM including Sherlock Holmes from ICOM Simulations, Jazz: A Multimedia History from Compton's New Media, and Battle Chess from MacPlay. Also a look at CD-ROM hardware including the TurboDuo from Turbo Technologies and the Portable CD-ROM Player from Sony and the Desktop Library CD-ROM system. Also featured is a visit to PC Week Labs for a review of new CD-ROM drives. Guests include Gina Smith of PC Computing and Jim Louderback of PC Week. Originally broadcast in 1993. Copyright 1993 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
10x23 - Consumer Electronics Show (CES) (1993)
March 2, 1993
Highlights of the annual winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES) from Las Vegas. Featured are new products from Sony, Matsushita, 3DO, and MCA. Guests include Tim Bajarin, President of Creative Strategies. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x24 - OS/2
March 9, 1993
The OS/2 operating system started out as a joint venture between Microsoft and IBM. That venture fell apart as Microsoft went its own way with Windows. This program looks at IBM's OS/2 and compares its features to Microsoft's Windows 3.0. Demonstrations include Sound Impression, cc:Mail, Lotus 1-2-3, AmiPro, and SuperProject. Includes a visit to ZD Labs for their evaluation of Windows NT and to the annual IBM OS/2 conference. Guests include John Soyring, IBM's manager of software development, and Edwin Black, publisher of OS/2 Professional. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x26 - Digital Photography
March 23, 1993
Digital cameras were just hitting the market in 1993 and this program looked at the early stages of the electronic photography revolution. Products demonstrated include the Kodak Photo CD Player, the DaVinci Digital Camera/Copier, the Kodak DCS200 digital camera, the SuperMac printer, Logitech's FotoMan, the OFOTO 2.0 scanner, the Phoenix portable digital imaging system for newspapers, the MacSat and WeatherFAX systems for enhancing digital space photos, and Adobe PhotoShop. Originally broadcast in February 1993.
10x27 - Creative Writing Software
March 30, 1993
Word processors are great, but this program looks at software tools that help you create, not just write. Featured demonstrations include WritePro, Plots Unlimited, Collaborator II, Movie Master 4.0, WordPerfect Rhymer, FirstAid for Writers, Quotemaster Plus, StoryBook Weaver, Big Book Maker, and Storymation. Guests include writers Sol Stein and Tom Sawyer. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x29 - The New Macs
April 13, 1993
Almost ten years after the original Mac was introduced, Apple came out with several new models including color Macs. This program looks at several new Mac products including the Color Mac Classic, the Macintosh LC III, the PowerBook Duo 230, the Centris 650, and the Quadra 800. Special guests include Apple CEO John Sculley and analyst David Coursey. Also features coverage of MacWorld Tokyo. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x30 - Organizer Software
April 20, 1993
A review of new products in the personal information management category. Demonstrations include White Crow Office Manager, In Control 2.0, PackRat 5.0, Lotus Organizer 1.0, Casio Personal Organizer, and askSAM. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x31 - SPA Codie Awards (1993)
April 27, 1993
Highlights of the annual Codie Awards presentation from the Software Publishers Association. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x32 - Visual Programming Languages
May 4, 1993
For amateur programmers, the advent of visual programming languages made life, and programming, a lot easier. This television program looks at several early versions of VPLs. Demonstrations include Toolbook from Asymetrix, Hypercard for the Mac from Claris, Prograph 2.5, Serius Workshop 1.0 for the Mac, Visual Basic 3.0, Visual C++ 1.0, and Visual Basic Professional Edition. Guests include Serius CEO Joe Firmage and George Febish, author of Windows Rapid Application Development. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x34 - Self Improvement Software
May 18, 1993
A review of self improvement software titles including Mindviewer, Betty Crocker's Eat & Lose Weight, HealthDesk, Speed Reader, Insight, Joe Weider Personal Fitness Trainer, and Career Design.
10x35 - Computer Bowl V: Part 1
May 25, 1993
The fifth annual Computer Bowl, with teams from the east coast and west coast battling to see who knows more about computer trivia. Players include Patricia Seybold, Mitchell Kertzman, Jean-Louis Gassee, and Jerry Kaplan. The questioners are Bill Gates and Stewart Cheifet. Originally broadcast in 1993.
10x36 - Computer Bowl V: Part 2
June 1, 1993
The finale of the fifth annual computer trivia contest between teams representing the east coast and the west coast. The series is tied at two victories for each side. Contestants include Patricia Seybold, Mitchell Kertzman, Jean-Louis Gassee, and Jerry Kaplan. Questioners are Bill Gates and Stewart Cheifet. Originally broadcast in 1993.
Computer Chronicles: All seasons
S1: Season 1
26 Episode s
S2: Season 2
26 Episode s
S3: Season 3
26 Episode s
S4: Season 4
25 Episode s
S5: Season 5
26 Episode s
S6: Season 6
23 Episode s
S7: Season 7
26 Episode s
S8: Season 8
24 Episode s
S9: Season 9
27 Episode s
S10: Season 10
27 Episode s
S11: Season 11
27 Episode s
S12: Season 12
26 Episode s
S13: Season 13
0 Episode
S14: Season 14
1 Episode
S15: Season 15
0 Episode
S16: Season 16
0 Episode
S17: Season 17
0 Episode
S18: Season 18
0 Episode
S19: Season 19
0 Episode