Dark Shadows: Season 6 - 100 Episode s
6x1 - DS-461
April 1, 1968
As Victoria is hanged on the gallows, she swaps places with Phyllis Wick in the present and escapes death. As Victoria lays disorientated, Barnabas fears the knowledge she has gained from her journey.
6x2 - DS-462
April 2, 1968
Jeremiah appears in a dream with a warning for Victoria about Barnabas. Julia struggles to protect Victoria as Barnabas' paranoia grows. Visiting Victoria, he attacks her to protect his secret.
6x3 - DS-463
April 3, 1968
Victoria buys a portrait of Angélique, much to Barnabas' horror. He sneaks into Collinwood at night and burns the canvas, which magically restores itself to the taunts of Angélique's laughter.
6x4 - DS-464
April 4, 1968
Professor Stokes, a descendent of Ben, arrives at Collinwood to research his ancestor. He is intrigued by Angélique's painting and offers to buy it from Victoria, but is outbid by Roger.
6x5 - DS-465
April 5, 1968
Vicki is haunted by visions of the past. As Barnabas and Vicki are driving to elope, a man with a familar face steps into the road in front of them. Swerving to avoid him, the vehicle crashes.
6x6 - DS-466
April 8, 1968
The accident leaves Barnabas and Victoria in hospital. Victoria meets the man who resembles Peter - Jeff Clark. Dr. Lang, whilst treating Barnabas, uncovers his secret and exposes him to sunlight.
6x7 - DS-467
April 9, 1968
When the sunlight does not destroy him, Barnabas is stunned to realise that Lang's treatment has ended his curse... for now. The portrait of Angélique bewitches Roger and dispatches him to kill Lang.
6x8 - DS-468
April 10, 1968
Jeff is torn between Victoria and the mysterious hold Lang exercises concerning his past. Victoria visits the mausoleum to see if the secret room exists and finds Jeff has been drawn there also.
6x9 - DS-469
April 11, 1968
Victoria's visit to the mausoleum uncovers new memories of the past. Barnabas senses his curse returning. Lang vows to expose Jeff as recovering from criminal insanity if his friendship with Victoria continues.
6x10 - DS-470
April 12, 1968
Roger's infatuation with the portrait continues when he disappears with it into the night. Victoria breaks off her engagement with Barnabas. Lang sends Jeff to steal a dismembered arm as his experiment begins.
6x11 - DS-471
April 15, 1968
Mrs Johnson is unhappy when her criminal son Harry arrives for a visit. Dr. Lang offers to give Barnabas the appearance of Jeff Clark, winning Vicki's love and freeing him from the curse.
6x12 - DS-472
April 16, 1968
A possessed Roger attempts to kill Dr. Lang with a spear, but is stopped by the entrance of Julia and Barnabas. Meanwhile, the missing portrait of Angélique returns to Collinwood.
6x13 - DS-473
April 17, 1968
Shockwaves resonate through Collinwood when Roger introduces his new wife, Cassandra. Barnabas recognises her as Angélique wearing a dark wig. Elizabeth demands that the marriage be dissolved.
6x14 - DS-474
April 18, 1968
Elizabeth begs Cassandra to leave Roger. A troubled Victoria knows Casandra's true identity. In private, Cassandra confides to the portrait of Barnabas that she intends to ensure that his curse continues.
6x15 - DS-475
April 19, 1968
Barnabas obtains a talisman from Stokes to protect Lang, which successfully disarms Cassandra's magic. Lang reveals the body he intends to house Barnabas' life force in to end the curse.
6x16 - DS-476
April 22, 1968
A wary Barnabas considers Lang's proposal. Julia's suspicions grow. Jealous of Victoria's growing rapport with Jeff, Barnabas decides that he will undergo the experiment if it will give him Jeff's face.
6x17 - DS-477
April 23, 1968
Tony confronts Carolyn and then Barnabas about the night that he saw both of them at the Old House. Cassandra places Tony under her power to help her. Angelique comes to Barnabas in a dream and tells him that she will turn him back to a vampire at through a dream curse.
6x18 - DS-478
April 24, 1968
Dr. Lang drugs Jeff and plans to use his face for Barnabas’ new body. Cassandra starts the dream curse, she chooses Maggie to be the first to have it. In the dream Maggie is beckoned by Jeff to a room which has several doors, she opens a door and finds a skull. Dr. Lang prepares to cut Jeff’s face off.
6x19 - DS-479
April 25, 1968
When a distressed Victoria visits Lang in search of Jeff, Barnabas realises how deeply she loves him and reconsiders his plan. However, Lang believes that Jeff must die to protect their secrets.
6x20 - DS-480
April 26, 1968
Barnabas enlists Julia to hypnotise Jeff and curb his threat. Julia is horrified when Jeff reveals the truth of the experiment. Terrified after seeing Lang's creation, she is determined to inform the police.
6x21 - DS-481
April 29, 1968
A truce is reached when Lang agrees to spare Jeff, if Julia keeps her silence. Julia finds herself an uneasy player in Lang's experiment. Tony is sent to Lang's house by Cassandra to take Stokes' talisman.
6x22 - DS-482
April 30, 1968
Lang needs a new assistant to replace Jeff, so Barnabas decides to bring Willie Loomis back from Windcliff. Maggie passes the dream on to Jeff in a conversation, which he has himself when he sleeps.
6x23 - DS-483
May 1, 1968
Barnabas asks Julia to arrange the release of Willie Loomis from Wyndcliffe Sanatarium. Barnabas and Julia visit him there and release him, inspite of Julia's objection to Barnabas' plans. They then take Willie to the Old House, where Barnabas tells Willie that he is not allowed to leave the house unless Barnabas is with him or he has permission. Willie does not obey and goes to the Evans Cottage. He scares Maggie, who is still upset about what she thinks he did to him. He chases her around, but the arrival of Joe scares him off. Joe asks Maggie who it was and Maggie tells him to just hold her in his arms. Joe comes to the Old House and talks to Barnabas about Willie returning. As Joe leaves, Willie moves out from behind the column and pretends to shoots at Joe, laughing maniacally.
6x24 - DS-484
May 2, 1968
Julia argues successfully that Willie is not stable enough to assist Lang. Lang becomes the unwitting recipient of the dream while trying to gain Jeff's assistance, which sees him confronted by his unfinished creation.
6x25 - DS-485
May 3, 1968
Dr. Eric Lang works on his creation but can't keep his mind off his dream. Julia enters in the same fashion that she came in during his dream. Eric tells her the dream. Barnabas tells Willie to give Elizabeth a note saying that he will be leaving and that Adam Collins, a cousin from England (really Barnabas in a new body) will arrive to take his place. When Willie arrives at Collinwood, only Cassandra is home. She tries to get the letter, but Elizabeth's car pulls up in the driveway before she can. Meanwhile, at Dr. Langs', Julia and Eric get ready to transfer Barnabas' life force into the body of Adam. Barnabas enters. The electricty for the expierment is started. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Cassandra has clay doll of Eric. She starts putting pains into it. He starts having pain in his chest. Something in the lab explodes and they are forced to stop it. Eric still has pains from the voodoo doll, and Barnabas now appears dead.
6x26 - DS-486
May 6, 1968
As he dies, Lang leaves a cautionary message for Julia on his tape recorder, revealing that the curse will be free as long as Adam lives. Meanwhile, Julia becomes the dream's latest victim.
6x27 - DS-487
May 7, 1968
Determined to contain the dream, Julia visits Stokes and appeals for help. Jeff raids Lang's files looking for information. Without Lang's expertise, Julia and Barnabas worry that the experiment will not work.
6x28 - DS-488
May 8, 1968
Preparations for the experiment continue, as Lang's creation will not last indefinitely. Stokes uses his knowledge of the occult to investigate the dream curse and learns of Barnabas' suspicions about Cassandra.
6x29 - DS-489
May 9, 1968
Cassandra faces tough questions from Tony over Lang's death. When David witnesses Cassandra kissing Tony Peterson, her magic leaves him unable to speak to protect her secret.
6x30 - DS-490
May 10, 1968
Julia is compelled to tell Mrs Johnson about the dream. Lang's experiment goes ahead, with Julia at the helm. At its conclusion, both Barnabas and the creation survive, as it begins to come to life.
6x31 - DS-491
May 13, 1968
The experiment does not transfer Barnabas' life force, but instead brings Adam to life. Adam acts like a child, unable to control his strength. When night comes, Barnabas' cure seems to be complete.
6x32 - DS-492
May 14, 1968
As Mrs Johnson refuses to sleep while caring for David, Cassandra grows frustrated that the dream is halted and cures him, taking his memory of the kiss. Mrs Johnson faces the horrors of the dream.
6x33 - DS-493
May 15, 1968
Barnabas, Julia, and Willie are in the cellar of the Old House, gathered around a sleeping Adam. Barnabas and Julia tell Willie that he must not frighten Adam because he would react the same way that everyone reacts when frightened-by striking out. Julia tells Willie that teaching Adam things calms him. Barnabas and Julia then leave the cellar, and Willie is now stuck with Adam. Willie lights a cigarette, which Adam grabs. The cigarette burns Adam's hand, and Adam lashes out by knocking Willie out. At Collinwood, Julia looks over Dr. Lang's old things. Mrs. Johnson enters. She is trying to avoid David, Julia asks why. It turns out Mrs. Johnson had the dream. Julia advises Mrs. Johnson to leave Collinwood for both the sakes of herself and David. As Mrs. Johnson is about to leave, Willie enters. He tells Julia that Adam has left. Julia has Willie go look for him. Adam finds his way to the terrace. Mrs. Johnson sees him and screams. She demands information from him as to who he is; but he
6x34 - DS-494
May 16, 1968
Willie brings Adam some food to eat. Julia tells Willie to expect this behavior from Adam, after all he feels dejected. Willie tells Julia that he would rather return to Wyndcliffe then continue to live like this, but Julia tells him if he returns to Wyndcliffe he won't ever get out. Willie reluctantly agrees to continue working with Adam. Willie goes back into the cellar to work with Adam. Willie finds out that he likes shiny things, so he opens a secret door and takes out some jewelry, formally owned by Josette Collins, out of the compartment. Willie tells Adam about the time Maggie was in the Old House and thought she was Josette Collins. He puts the jewlery back, and decides to leave to give Maggie a pair of earrings. Meanwhile, at the Evans Cottage, Maggie and Joe are getting ready to leave. Maggie and Joe leave the room to do other things in the cottage, and Willie sneaks in and puts the earrings in Maggie's purse. He the flees the cottage. Meanwhile, in the Old House cellar, Ju
6x35 - DS-495
May 17, 1968
Elizabeth is terrified after stumbling upon an escaped Adam. David makes contact with Adam in the woods. Barnabas rushes to the boy's aid, but Roger shoots Adam, attempting to defend his son.
6x36 - DS-496
May 20, 1968
The wounded Adam returns to the Old House, where Julia tends to his wounds. Barnabas faces some tough questions from Roger. Adam speaks Barnabas' name, as his understanding of speech increases.
6x37 - DS-497
May 21, 1968
Maggie wears Josette's earrings and finds herself compelled to visit the Old House, where Willie attempts to befriend her. After speaking with Mrs Johnson, David becomes the dream's latest victim.
6x38 - DS-498
May 22, 1968
After David tells him the dream, Willie is frightened of what awaits him. Barnabas employs Sam to paint age lines on the stolen portrait of Angélique. As Sam works on the canvas, Cassandra begins to age too.
6x39 - DS-499
May 23, 1968
Drastically aged, Cassandra summons Tony to learn who is responsible. Carolyn sees the pair and an argument follows. Visiting Sam's cottage, Cassandra renders the artist blind and steals back the canvas.
6x40 - DS-500
May 24, 1968
Julia examines Sam and thinks it unlikely that he will ever see again. Willie takes pleasure in tormenting Adam, despite Barnabas' warnings. Adam retaliates and escapes from his cell, consumed with rage.
6x41 - DS-501
May 27, 1968
After Adam attacks him, Barnabas decides that he will never be tamed and makes plans to kill him. The escaped Adam finds shelter at Collinwood, where he chances upon Carolyn, whom he abducts.
6x42 - DS-502
May 28, 1968
Tony and Elizabeth mount a search for the missing Carolyn. Adam hides Carolyn in a cellar while he attempts to reason with her. Willie goes through the dream ordeal, seeing a vision of a wolf.
6x43 - DS-503
May 29, 1968
Julia enters the Old House and finds Willie, seemingly in a trance-like state. She goes to him, and he says he was afraid it would be Carolyn. Julia finds that Willie has had the dream. Julia tells Willie that if the dream curse isn't stopped, someone will die--Barnabas. Willie tells Julia the dream, and he acts as if he's crazy. Julia offers to erase his memory of the dream, which he gladly accepts. While hypnotizing him, Willie says he sees a vision of Carolyn--underground! Julia is starteled by this, but continues to erase the memory of the dream. In the root cellar, Carolyn tells Adam to take her away. He does not understand. While his back is turned, she picks up a rock and is about to hit him with it, but he prevents her from doing so. Meanwhile, Julia finds that the memory of the dream will not go away. The dream is to ingrained into Willie's subconscious. Julia asks him about what he said about Carolyn, but he does not remember. He fears that Carolyn may be dead. Meanwhile, Car
6x44 - DS-504
May 30, 1968
In the root cellar, Carolyn wakes up. She tries to get out but can not due to the rock. At Collinwood, Elizabeth and Vickie sit in the drawing room. Elizabeth says she thinks Carolyn is dead--or soon will be. The phone rings, and Elizabeth hurries to answer it. Elizabeth tells Vickie that the person on the phone was the sheriff--Adam has been caught. Elizabeth decides to go to town to question Adam, and Vickie volunteers to go with her. Carolyn muses over things, and decides Adam must've left to get food since that was the only word she said that he fully understood. Meanwhile, at the jail, Adam sits in his cell, frustrated. Vickie and Elizabeth enter with the sheriff's deputy. The deputy makes fun of Adam, and Elizabeth tells him to stay out of Adam's sight. Elizabeth tries to question Adam, but he can not speak. Elizabeth decides they can not get anything from him, and starts to live. Adam moans, and Vickie notes that it seems like he wants to help them. Carolyn starts going crazy in
6x45 - DS-505
May 31, 1968
Adam runs through the woods, trying to escape from the sheriff's men. Sheriff Patterson goes to the Old House to ask Barnabas questions. He asks why he isn't looking for Carolyn. Barnabas says that he thought he would get the information from the Adam. Sheriff Patterson says he didn't. He tells Barnabas that Adam has escaped. Barnabas is surprised by this. Adam comes to the root cellar where he had locked Carolyn and opens it. Carolyn tries to escape, but Adam pulls on her hair. She tells him that he's hurting her, but Adam just mimics the word 'hurting'. She says that she wants to go 'home', and Adam mimics her again. She starts screaming at him. Adam covers her mouth and takes her back into the root cellar. Carolyn cries, and Adam cries with her while playing with her hair. Adam takes Carolyn out of the cellar and carries her off. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Sheriff Patterson continues to question Barnabas. He says that Adam had been shot by Roger earlier, but when he was seen aga
6x46 - DS-506
June 3, 1968
Barnabas and Willie search the bottem of Widow's Hill. Barnabas thinks Adam may still be alive, and if so he has to find him. Willie tells him that Adam has to be dead, and that his body must've been cast out to sea by the waves. Barnabas tells him to continue to search anyway. Willie says he wants to go to Collinwood to see Carolyn and tell her the dream. Barnabas tells him he can not go to Collinwood so the Dream Curse will not come to him. He then orders Willie to go, and Willie gives Barnabas a look of pure hatred. At Collinwood, Carolyn brushes her hair while some food lays by her. Elizabeth enters. Carolyn assures her that she is not afraid. Elizabeth tells her that the police say Adam is dead. She then asks if Adam hurt her. Carolyn tells her that he tried to be nice towards her in clumsy way...like a child. Carolyn says she'll sleep, and Elizabeth exits. Willie enters through the window. Carolyn is sleeping, and is awakened by him. She starts screaming, but he covers her mouth.
6x47 - DS-507
June 4, 1968
Carolyn starts the dream. She hears a knock on the door but doesn't answer it. She wakes up, and says she will not have the dream. At the Old House, Julia meets with Professor Stokes. Professor takes out a picture of a portrait of Josette duPres, and asks who it is. After finding out, he said it looks like Maggie Evans, and that is why Angelique would start with her. Stokes sends for Carolyn. When Carolyn arrives, they have Willie tell her the dream, even though she does not want to. Stokes puts her into a trance, which makes Carolyn have Stokes be the beckoner in her dream. She falls to sleep, and dreams the dream. At the end of the dream, she sees her own gravestone, screams, and wakes up. Carolyn then tells Stokes the dream. Stokes lays down to sleep on the couch and falls asleep...
6x48 - DS-508
June 5, 1968
Professor Stokes has the dream. In the dream, he refuses to open the door for the beckoner unless he speaks. The beckoner (Sam Evans) speaks. Professor Stokes tells him he will go by himself, but Sam says he'll die if he does. Professor Stokes goes to the door himself, and Sam Evans follows him. Professor Stokes recites the 'pitiful riddle' and then refuses to open the doors. Angelique appears. Angelique thinks it's Ben Stokes, but he tells her he is Timothy Stokes and not as ignorant as Ben. She threatens to make him as ignorant as Ben. She says he will die, and he says he knows he will---in a bed, of natural causes. Timothy calls her Cassandra, figuring that the witch really is Cassandra. Angelique then disappears and Timothy wakes up. Timothy tells Julia that the dream has been stopped for now. There is a knock at the door. Julia and Timothy answer the door. Joe Haskell & Sam Evans are at the door. Joe tells them that Sam felt he had to come here. Professor Stokes tells Sam that he
6x49 - DS-509
June 7, 1968
Adam drops the knife. Sam asks him what his name is, and Adam responds saying his name is 'Adam'. Sam gets some water from the kitchen to help Adam and clean his wounds, which had gotten from his fall off Widow's Hill. Professor Timothy Stokes enters, and Adam runs off into the night. Sam asks Stokes to stop him from leaving, but Stokes doesn't. Stokes says he seems like the man who jumped off Widow's Hill. Sam says no one could've survived that fall. Stokes tells Sam that if he has a dream in which he answers the door and sees Barnabas Collins, he should call Stokes immediatly. At Tony Peterson's office, Cassandra and Tony talk. Tony tells Cassandra that he does not like her and wishs she would stay at home with her husband Roger. Tony takes out a lighter, which Cassandra uses to hypnotize him. Cassandra sends Tony to Professor Stokes' house to poision him. At Stokes' house, Vickie visits him. She says the portrait of Angelique has been missing for over a week. Stokes talks with Vicki
6x50 - DS-510
June 10, 1968
Stokes calls Collinwood and is relieved that Julia answers. Julia comes to Stokes house and is able to treat Tony. She says it is strange of Tony to have done that. Stokes figures out that Tony is being used by Cassandra. He says they might need the help of the witch hunter who had sentenced Vickie--Reverand Trask! He takes out Ben Stokes' journal and tries to figure out where Trask is buried. Ben Stokes' leads Timothy's hands to fill in the blanks, and Timothy finds that Trask was bricked up in the Old House basement. Tony wakes up and enters. Timothy tells Tony to tell Cassandra that he is dead. At Collinwood in the foyer, Roger and Cassandra are playing chess. They get in an argument and Roger goes upstairs.Tony arrives and tells Cassandra that Timothy is dead. Roger sees them, and Tony pretends like he has come to Collinwood to see if Carolyn is awake. In the basement of the Old House, Professor Stokes, Tony, and Julia try ot contact the ghost of Reverand Trask. Trask talks through
6x51 - DS-511
June 11, 1968
The bricks move completely out, exposing the top half of the skeleton of Reverand Trask. Julia is shocked that the first Barnabas would have done this to anyone. Timothy Stokes calls to the ghost of Trask, but is not successful. Julia and Timothy wonder if Reverand Trask is inside Tony's body, and Tony refuses to acknowledge the possiblity. They hear music coming from upstairs, and Julia exclaims ""Adam!"". Timothy and Julia go upstairs and find that David is playing with a tape recorder. They ask him to leave and not tell his mother that he saw Professor Stokes. David leaves. Professor Stokes asks Julia why she said 'Adam!' At that moment, Tony screams for help. Julia and Timothy go back downstairs, and find that the skeleton of Reverand Trask has disappeared. Tony tells them he closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them the skeleton was gone. Tony & Julia leave the house. Professor Stokes sighs in dismay because Trask would not appear to him, and Trask also sighs. At Collinwo
6x52 - DS-512
June 12, 1968
Trask gloats to Barnabas that he will decide Barnabas' fate. At the Evans cottage, Sam is bandaging Adam and asks him questions about his jump off Widow's Hill. Sam starts teaching Adam sentences, sentence fragments, and words. Adam starts rubbing his wrists, sensing that Barnabas is in danger. Sam tries to help Adam, but Adam just continues to say 'Barnabas...hurt'. Joe Haskell walks in, and frightens Adam. Adam out of the cottage, scared. Sam tells Joe that he has been helping Adam these last few days. Joe tells him Adam might be the man who kidnapped Carolyn a few days ago. Sam tells Joe that Adam IS the man who kidnapped Carolyn. Joe asks why Sam didn't call the police, Sam says that Adam saved Carolyn's life on Widow's Hill. Sam tells Joe about how Adam was saying 'Barnabas hurt'. Joe thinks Adam was trying to say 'hurt Barnabas', so he leaves to go to the Old House. When Joe arrives at the Old House, he finds that no one is home. In the basement of the Old House, Barnabas is call
6x53 - DS-513
June 13, 1968
When Elizabeth watches Cassandra and Tony meet, she decides to tell Roger. Cassandra retaliates by cursing her with preoccupations of impending death, leaving Elizabeth convinced that she will soon die.
6x54 - DS-514
June 14, 1968
Wearing Josette's earrings, Maggie is compelled to pay Willie a visit at the Old House, causing a rift with Joe. Maggie later has a frightening brush with Adam at the cottage. Elizabeth's morbid mood worsens.
6x55 - DS-515
June 17, 1968
Maggie and Willie find themselves at the mercy of a crazed Adam. When Sam attempts to intervene, he suffers severe injuries. An encounter with Josette's sobbing ghost leads Julia to Barnabas' tomb.
6x56 - DS-516
June 18, 1968
Julia and Willie manage to free Barnabas from his entombment. Elizabeth finds herself believing she is Naomi, as she sees visions of her future grave. The vengeful ghost of Trask turns his attentions to Cassandra.
6x57 - DS-517
June 19, 1968
Cassandra's powers prove a match for those of Trask. Learning that Sam's injuries are severe, Cassandra visits the hospital and works to makes him confide in Victoria, to ensure that the dream continues.
6x58 - DS-518
June 20, 1968
The arrival of Stokes interrupts Sam before he can pass on the dream. Sam's condition worsens and he dies without telling the dream to Victoria. Stokes tracks down Adam and attempts to connect with him.
6x59 - DS-519
June 21, 1968
Elizabeth's preoccupation with death continues, as she makes plans for her funeral. Meanwhile, the spirit of Reverend Trask captures Cassandra and exorcises her, making her disappear.
6x60 - DS-520
June 24, 1968
Trask's remains have returned to the Old House. Cassandra's spell makes Elizabeth re-enact Naomi's death from poison. Barnabas and Julia discover the prone Elizabeth... but have they reached her in time?
6x61 - DS-521
June 25, 1968
Barnabas and Julia try to find out what happened to Cassandra. To be sure that she's gone, they decide to check her portrait and see if her image is still there. Professor Stokes secretly continues to help Adam and teaches him to speak. Barnabas and Julia meet Roger and ask him to show them the portrait. Roger finds that the picture of Angelique has faded. A gloved hand is suddenly seen knocking on the front door. Barnabas opens it and sees a well dressed gentleman. He tells Barnabas that he must be Cassandra's husband. Barnabas says no just as Roger shows up. He greets Roger and introduces himself as Nicholas Blair, Cassandra's brother.
6x62 - DS-522
June 26, 1968
Nicholas is concerned to learn that Cassandra is missing and takes the portrait of Angélique to learn where she is. Joe demands answers about Adam from Willie. Nicholas investigates recent events at Collinwood.
6x63 - DS-523
June 27, 1968
Nicholas summons the spirit of Trask to aid his search for Cassandra. He later uses his power to extract information about her from Tony. Jeff returns, and an encounter with Trask seems to signal a breakthrough.
6x64 - DS-524
June 28, 1968
Jeff remains in denial that he is the reincarnation of Peter Bradford. He later has a dream about 1795, where he tries to murder Nathan Forbes. Compelled to re-enact the past, Jeff launches himself on Joe.
6x65 - DS-525
July 1, 1968
Ghosts of the past make Jeff suspect that he is the reincarnation of Pater Bradford. Using Victoria to find the tree where Trask originally exorcised Cassandra, Nicholas sets about saving her.
6x66 - DS-526
July 2, 1968
Nicholas saves Cassandra, but warns her of the price any future failure will bring. After she discovers him sleepwalking, a troubled Jeff tells Victoria that he believes he is Peter Bradford.
6x67 - DS-527
July 3, 1968
Stokes uses hypnotism to learn about Jeff's past and is surprised to discover the truth about Adam's creation in the process. Stokes warns Victoria to leave Collinwood or face the dream.
6x68 - DS-528
July 4, 1968
Victoria stays with Maggie as she tries to escape the dream. Nicholas' impatience with Cassandra grows. Angélique appears to Victoria, attempting to begin the dream, witnessed by a terrified Maggie.
6x69 - DS-529
July 5, 1968
Victoria turns to Stokes for advice as she attempts to avoid the dream. Joe grows concerned that Stokes may be harbouring Adam. Armed with a gun, he investigates and pursues the fugitive.
6x70 - DS-530
July 8, 1968
Victoria considers fleeing from Collinsport, but is unable to leave Jeff. Cassandra summons Sam's spirit to pass the dream to Victoria. Joe is attacked by Adam, who leaves him injured in the Old House.
6x71 - DS-531
July 9, 1968
Julia finds Joe. He is very weak but still alive, and is taken to hospital. Victoria suffers the dream, led by Barnabas, which now concludes with him lying injured with a wounded throat.
6x72 - DS-532/533
July 10, 1968
Barnabas fruitlessly offers to marry Cassandra if she will stop the dream. Nicholas meets Maggie and is infatuated. Victoria decides to keep away from Barnabas to stop the dream reaching him.
6x73 - DS-534
July 11, 1968
Julia intervenes after a ruse from Cassandra forces a meeting between Barnabas and Victoria. Victoria struggles to cope with the effects of the dream. Carolyn tracks down Adam and offers him help.
6x74 - DS-535
July 12, 1968
Barnabas implores Victoria to tell him the dream to spare her further suffering, and she reluctantly confides it. Barnabas undergoes the dream ordeal and survives, only to be attacked by a bat.
6x75 - DS-536
July 15, 1968
As Barnabas lies dead, Julia is unable to stake him to prevent him rising as a vampire. Finally, a devasted Julia and Willie say their goodbyes to their friend, before burying him secretly in the woods.
6x76 - DS-537
July 16, 1968
Carolyn and Stokes are alarmed when Adam suffers violent choking symptoms. When Julia is summoned to examine Adam, she realises that his survival must mean that Barnabas is still alive... but for how long?
6x77 - DS-538
July 17, 1968
Julia and Stokes race to exhume Barnabas, who is astonished to learn that his ordeal has not returned his curse. Paying a visit to Cassandra, he triumphantly gloats that she no longer has any control over him.
6x78 - DS-539
July 18, 1968
Carolyn gives Adam sanctuary, hiding him in Collinwood's abandoned west wing. To punish Cassandra for the failure of the dream curse, Nicholas reduces her hand to a bare skeletal claw.
6x79 - DS-540
July 19, 1968
Under threat of destruction, Cassandra vies to curry favour with Nicholas. When David plays her his tape of Dr. Lang's experiment notes, she realises how Barnabas escaped her curse.
6x80 - DS-541
July 22, 1968
Cassandra reports her discovery to Nicholas, who is astonished to learn about Adam's creation. When David later plays the recording to an eager Julia, it has changed without explanation.
6x81 - DS-542
July 23, 1968
Adam recites love poetry to an elated Carolyn, signalling a newfound affection in both. After being accused of stealing food by Mrs. Johnson, Harry investigates the west wing and discovers Adam.
6x82 - DS-543
July 24, 1968
Carolyn narrowly saves Harry from Adam and spurns Adam's declaration of love. Nicholas visits the grave of Dr. Lang and summons his spirit to question about the method of Adam's creation.
6x83 - DS-544
July 25, 1968
Stokes attempts to tutor Adam, to distract him from his attraction to Carolyn. Attempting to locate Adam, Nicholas summons the people his body was constructed from, who confirm that Adam is at Collinwood.
6x84 - DS-545
July 26, 1968
Visiting Collinwood, Nicholas finds Adam and makes him an offer. Adam later tells Carolyn of the meeting. Cassandra realises that Adam is Barnabas' lifeline and decides to destroy him.
6x85 - DS-546
July 29, 1968
Nicholas ends Cassandra's plans to murder Adam, but she defies her master and launches a voodoo attack. Enraged, Nicholas strips Cassandra of her powers, leaving her mortal and facing death.
6x86 - DS-547
July 30, 1968
Cassandra attempts to kill Barnabas, but fails. Unprotected by magic, she begins to age rapidly as death approaches. As Barnabas and Julia wait for her to die, she defies expectation by disappearing suddenly.
6x87 - DS-548
July 31, 1968
Having admitted her true identity to Barnabas, Angélique visits him to make a final plea for forgiveness. After he gloatingly refuses, Angélique dies, leaving Barnabas and Julia to celebrate their freedom from her.
6x88 - DS-549
August 1, 1968
With Roger's help, Nicholas moves into a new home by the ocean, concealing Angélique's coffin in the basement. Adam follows his growing infatuation with Carolyn and forces himself upon her.
6x89 - DS-550
August 2, 1968
Carolyn is left shocked by Adam's attack and calls on Stokes to intervene. As Adam struggles to understand his identity, Stokes is forced to reveal the truth about his creation, leaving Adam suicidal.
6x90 - DS-551
August 5, 1968
Harry prevents Adam from harming himself. With an ulterior motive, Nicholas offers Adam a new perspective. Adam confronts Barnabas at the Old House and tells Barnabas that he will create a mate.
6x91 - DS-552
August 6, 1968
Adam warns Barnabas he will pay a dear price for his refusal. Victoria breaks the news of her engagement to Jeff to a heartbroken Barnabas. As Victoria leaves the Old House, Adam abducts her.
6x92 - DS-553
August 7, 1968
Adam imprisons a terrified Victoria at Collinwood. Victoria tries to appeal to Adam's compassion. Aware of Barnabas' affection for her, Adam intends to hold Victoria until his demands are met.
6x93 - DS-554
August 8, 1968
As he searches for Victoria, Barnabas is troubled to hear the barking of dogs. While working for Nicholas, handyman Tom Jennings finds himself in danger after he discovers the coffin of Angélique in the basement.
6x94 - DS-555
August 9, 1968
As the search intensifies, Nicholas vies to convince Jeff that Barnabas is responsible for the kidnapping, while making plans to move Victoria to his house. Meanwhile, Angélique lives after death as a vampire.
6x95 - DS-556
August 12, 1968
Nicholas reveals his true plans, for Adam to be the first of a new race, with him as its leader. Adam confronts Barnabas with proof that he is holding Victoria captive, and demands a mate once again.
6x96 - DS-557
August 13, 1968
Jeff realises the truth about Adam and confronts Barnabas and Julia about the experiment. Despite their denials, he remains unconvinced. Barnabas appeals to Stokes to intervene with Adam to save Victoria.
6x97 - DS-558
August 14, 1968
After speaking with Stokes, Adam struggles with his conscience and asks Nicholas to release Victoria. Nicholas convinces Adam that Stokes cannot be trusted. Barnabas and Julia agree to Adam's demands.
6x98 - DS-559
August 15, 1968
Victoria is released, but with her memory of her ordeal removed. Nicholas pays Maggie a visit, as his affection for her continues to grow. To cement his relationship, Nicholas orders Angélique to attack Joe.
6x99 - DS-560
August 16, 1968
A reluctant Willie is enlisted to assist Barnabas and Julia's experiment. When Joe pays Nicholas a visit, he discovers Angélique, who claims to be a prisoner. Drawing closer, she advances with her fangs bared.
6x100 - DS-561
August 19, 1968
Julia sets up a laboratory in the Old House basement. Barnabas is suspicious of Joe's withdrawn behaviour. Willie goes graverobbing and is caught in the act, as Joe follows Angélique's supernatural summons.
Dark Shadows: All seasons
S0: Specials
31 Episode s
S1: Season 1
124 Episode s
S2: Season 2
64 Episode s
S3: Season 3
83 Episode s
S4: Season 4
90 Episode s
S5: Season 5
93 Episode s
S6: Season 6
237 Episode s
S7: Season 7
182 Episode s
S8: Season 8
92 Episode s
S9: Season 9
80 Episode s
S10: Season 10
49 Episode s
S11: Season 11
85 Episode s
S12: Season 12
46 Episode s