Dr. Phil: Season 10 - 72 Episode s
10x184 - Demise of Guys
May 24, 2012
Experts say there's a growing trend of young men flunking out of school, avoiding responsibility and struggling socially. Just how many of today's boys are becoming unproductive adults, and is there a way to stop this cycle? Dr. Phil is joined by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo, an internationally-recognized psychologist, educator, scholar and researcher who co-authored the book, The Demise of Guys, which explores the reasons why many young men are struggling academically and socially in today's society. According to Dr. Zimbardo, one key factor is the role that a father plays in a young man's life. Lori says that may be the case with her 16-year-old son, Levi, whose bad behavior she blames on her ex-husband, Don. She says Don verbally and physically abuses Levi, and is especially hard on him compared to his siblings. Levi says his dad makes him feel unwanted and unloved, and that if his father died tomorrow, no one would cry at his funeral. Just how much is Levi's relationship with his dad affecting his failing grades and substance abuse? Don says he is not abusive and thinks Levi "just doesn't get it," but what do Levi's brothers and sister think? Can Dr. Phil help repair this fractured father-son relationship? Plus, get the top factors that may be contributing to your son's unproductive lifestyle!
10x185 - Inside the Other Side
May 25, 2012
Psychics, mediums, numerologists ... Do you believe people can see auras and receive messages from the other side? Dr. Phil's panel of well-known experts -- psychic and cosmic coach Dougall Fraiser, spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen, numerologist Glynis McCants and intuitive counselor Colette Baron-Reed -- say they have paranormal instincts and can prove it. Watch as they perform readings with Dr. Phil's guests and the studio audience -- are their insights accurate? Then, Jim Undertown, "professional skeptic" and founder of Independent Investigations Group, which scientifically tests paranormal claims, says he can disprove psychic ability and that he believes mediums take advantage of people's grief in an effort to make money. Will a staged social experiment support or challenge his claims? And, do we all possess the ability to read others? Find out! Plus, hear from a neuroscientist who says she can prove supernatural abilities are real. Are you a believer? Watch and weigh in!
10x186 - Behind the Headlines
May 28, 2012
Dr. Phil goes behind the headlines with a former madam who tells all, a bank customer-turned-hero and a hotel guest who says she was sexually assaulted, and that the front desk handed her room key to her assailant. First, Laurie made national news when the FBI cracked down on her multimillion-dollar female escort business that she ran with her now ex-husband, Greg. After taking a plea deal for coercion of prostitution and money laundering charges, she says she served one day in prison and is now ready to come clean about what she claims really happens in the sex-for-sale industry. Then, Rich says he thought he was doing the right thing when he tackled a man with a gun who was attempting to rob a bank. See the moment when Rich decided to act -- It's all caught on video! Shot in the leg while trying to subdue the suspect, Rich says he was first labeled a hero, but things took a nasty turn when the bank allegedly failed to pay his medical bills. Rich sued the bank -- and then says he watched his reputation go down the drain. Find out why Rich says he can't move on. Plus, New York businesswoman Alison is suing a hotel in Finland on allegations that she was sexually assaulted when the front desk gave her room key to a man claiming to be her husband. Don't miss these jaw-dropping headline stories!
10x187 - "Bring Me Back My Hot, Sexy Spouse"
May 29, 2012
Ladies: Has your husband gone from stud to dud? Men: Has your wife gone from hot to not? Dr. Phil is joined by physicians in the health and beauty industry to bring you tips to get your body back in shape! First, Dr. Drew Ordon, co-host of the Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show, The Doctors, and author of the new book, Better in 7, published by The Doctors executive producer, Jay McGraw, shares some non-surgical treatments that may result in a flatter tummy, less cellulite, fewer wrinkles and more! Then, Amber says since the birth of her son nine months ago, she's tried every over-the-counter product to lose her unsightly stretch marks. She says the blemishes make her feel self-conscious and that as a result, her sex life is suffering. Can Dr. Phil and Dr. Ordon help this new mom improve her self-image? Plus, learn some home remedies from Better in 7 that may help you reduce dark circles, get clearer skin, and get a better night's sleep. And, Dr. Jeffry Life, author of The Life Plan, says that at 73, he's in better shape than he was 40 years ago! Learn how he says he reversed the effects of heart disease and made a remarkable return to health. Plus, two wives say they are desperate for their husbands to lose weight. Can Dr. Life take them from chunk to hunk? And, hear what most men neglect that could be putting their health at risk. Tune in and log on to DrPhil.com for a chance to win one of the books featured on the show!
10x188 - Teen Mama Drama
May 30, 2012
(Original airdate: February 7, 2012) Parents, pay attention: In the United States, one in six girls will become a teen mom, and oftentimes, the baby's father gets a free pass and is not held to the same responsibilities in raising the child. Eighteen-year-old Taten has no job, no phone, no car and no permanent place to live. What he does have is a 3-month old daughter with one teenage girl and a second child on the way, according to another. Autumn, 16, gave birth to Taten's daughter, Emma, in August and although Taten has cheated on her numerous times, and possibly fathered another child with her former best friend while she was pregnant with his baby, Autumn still wants Taten in her life. Caitlyn, 16, says she is currently five months pregnant with Taten's second child. Taten has his doubts. Taten says he wants to be with Autumn because he doesn't want to "tear their family apart," but admits that if their relationship doesn't work out, he might want to be willing to give it a shot with Caitlyn. What will the results of Taten's paternity test reveal? Is he the father of Caitlyn's baby, and will he man-up and be a better dad to one -- or both -- babies? How will the teens and their mothers deal with the outcome? Dr. Phil reveals the hard facts about teen pregnancy: Find out what the future may have in store for these young moms. And, can he convince them that they're better off as friends than enemies? If you suspect your teen may be sexually active, you can't afford to miss this show!
10x189 - Majoring in Failure?
May 31, 2012
(Original airdate: October 24, 2011) How old is too old to be living in your parents' house? Twenty-three-year-old Justin is a high school dropout who has lost 12 jobs and calls his family's basement home. Justin's stepfather, Bill, and his mother, Bonnie, say they don't understand why Justin has stopped trying to climb life's ladder of success, and are sick of trying to encourage him to move out and on with his life. Justin and his sister, Brianne, say their stepfather is a bully whose name-calling and tough love has backfired and made the situation worse. Bill says he's only trying to motivate Justin. Can Dr. Phil give these parents the tools they need to help Justin stand on his own two feet? And, Kris makes her living as a college prep advisor but admits she can't motivate her own sons to excel at anything other than mooching. In fact, both of her sons have dropped out of college! Twenty-year-old Charlie says he's racked up so many legal fees from the trouble he's caused that he can't afford to move out, and his 19-year-old brother, Cody, appears to be following in his footsteps. Can these parents help their adult children find their independence? Don't miss Dr. Phil's advice for parents who want to raise motivated and contributing adults!
10x190 - A Father Accused: Who's Telling the Truth?
June 1, 2012
(Original airdate: November 11, 2011) Horrific allegations are tearing a family apart -- but who is telling the truth? Todd says he was shocked and appalled when his ex-girlfriend's mother, Diana, accused him of molesting his 4-year-old daughter, Taniya, and turns to Dr. Phil to help clear his name. Diana says that while babysitting Taniya, the toddler detailed ways in which Todd inappropriately touched her, and she's convinced he's done the unthinkable. After learning of the accusations, Taniya's mom, Latia, reported the alleged sexual abuse to a judge who immediately stripped Todd of his parental rights -- but was justice served? Latia says that as much as she wants to believe Todd's innocence, as a mother, she needs to take every precaution to protect her child. A year has passed since he's seen his daughter, and Todd says he will go to any length to prove his innocence, including taking another a lie detector test — even though he's already passed one. He's adamant that Diana is lying and says that she coached Taniya to make the accusations. Dr. Phil calls in an expert polygraph examiner. Don't miss the shocking results!
10x191 - Exes Behaving Badly
June 4, 2012
(Original airdate: October 27, 2011) Insults, jealousy and bad behavior -- a couple on the brink of divorce asks Dr. Phil to help save their marriage. Mark made headlines for seeking revenge on his soon-to-be ex-wife, Sabrina, by posting an online advertisement that compares her to the used car he's trying to sell. In it, he pokes fun at her stretch marks, leathery exterior, motormouth and low-performance brain. Find out why, despite Sabrina's hurt feelings, he says he's proud of the ad. After sitting down with Dr. Phil, will he have a change of heart? Sabrina says their marriage has been a train wreck from the beginning when, on their honeymoon, she says Mark went out for drinks one evening and didn't return until morning. Where did he spend the night? Four months later, Mark filed for divorce, but the couple stayed together. Now, four years and two kids later, they say they've finally had enough of slinging insults and blame and are ready to call it quits again. What Dr. Phil recommends for this couple may shock you.
10x192 - Over-the-Top Moms?
June 5, 2012
(Original airdate: April 9, 2012) A mom is supposed to love and nurture her children, but what if she's too involved? Reed, 33, says his mother, Margaret, is so meddling, manipulative and controlling that the day she dies will be a cause for celebration, not mourning. He claims she uses bribes to control his every move, including offering him ,000 to divorce his first wife. Margaret admits that she can be pushy and difficult but says she just wants to see her son succeed in life. Is she really setting him up for failure? Does Reed really want to man-up and break free from his mother's grasp? And, is Margaret willing to let him go? Then, 35-year-old Anthony, star of the TLC reality show Mama's Boys of the Bronx, says he sees nothing wrong with living at home and letting his mom, Patti, wait on him hand and foot. How does Patti feel about their living arrangement? Will she ever kick Anthony out? Plus, hear how Anthony's lifestyle affects his dating life. If you know of a mother-son bond that's a little too close for comfort, don't miss this Dr. Phil.
10x193 - Sibling Rivalry and Abuse
June 6, 2012
(Original airdate: December 5, 2011) When does sibling rivalry cross the line into abuse? Sheila, 54, says her daughters, Tamara, 37, Daria, 32, and Shirley, 29, take their fighting to the extreme. But the sisters say Sheila is a narcissist and sociopath who has pitted them against one another and failed as a mother. They say Sheila was an absentee mom who served jail time for beating one of them and turned a blind eye to the molestation of another -- and now they're resentful. See what happens when the fractured family faces one another. Can Dr. Phil help them start the healing process?
10x194 - Saving Daniella
June 7, 2012
(Original airdate: December 14, 2011) A mother and father desperate to save their daughter from her self-destructive behavior reach out to Dr. Phil for help. Terri and Bob say their 17-year-old daughter, Daniella, went from a sweet and innocent girl to a troubled and rebellious young woman who skips school, uses drugs and lashes out at them repeatedly. Daniella says she's struggling with her sexual identity and is afraid her parents won't accept her choices. Bob, who admits to using homophobic slurs in the past, says he loves his daughter regardless of her sexuality, and he just wants his little girl back. But did a recent argument tell a different story? What hurtful words pushed Daniella to run away from home? Watch as former Dr. Phil guests Debbie and Brandon track down Daniella and stage an intervention. Can they convince her to sit down with Dr. Phil? Will she get the acceptance she's seeking from her family?
10x195 - Sugar Baby Students
June 8, 2012
(Original airdate: November 11, 2011) Dr. Phil investigates the latest trend in online dating: sugar babies hooking up with sugar daddies. College girls and recent graduates who are struggling with mounting debt and a weak job market are turning to websites, such as SeekingArrangement.com, that introduce them to wealthy men who, in exchange for companionship -- and maybe sex -- help them pay their bills. Is this the Internet version of the world's oldest profession, or just a niche dating site? Four self-proclaimed sugar babies: Kristen, 21, Jennifer, 28, Janelle, 30, and Tracy, 31, passionately defend why their relationships differ from prostitution. Are their arranged monthly allowances and extravagant gifts the equivalent of being taken to fancy restaurants by a boyfriend or financially supported by a husband? Meet the creator of the website, Brandon, and hear why he says there's nothing wrong with these "mutually beneficial relationships." Former prosecutor and CNN analyst Sunny Hostin has some legal words of warning for Brandon and the ladies. Plus, an outraged father confronts Brandon in defense of his daughter, who he recently learned is on the site, and see why a self-proclaimed proud sugar daddy makes a hasty exit before meeting Dr. Phil! Watch the show and then weigh in: If you could provide companionship in exchange for money, and nobody would ever know, would you?
10x196 - A Family Secret: A Brother's Apology
June 11, 2012
(Original airdate: November 2, 2011)
10x197 - Generation Lazy?
June 12, 2012
(Original airdate: December 7, 2011)
10x198 - Grandmas Feud over Becca's Baby
June 13, 2012
(Original airdate: October 20, 2011)
10x199 - "Is My Teen Blinded by Love?"
June 14, 2012
(Original airdate: October 4, 2011)
10x200 - Levi Johnston: Thrust Into the Spotlight
June 15, 2012
10x201 - Under the Influence
June 18, 2012
(Original airdate: January 23, 2012) Kelli admits to drinking and driving on a regular basis and says shes tired of being lectured about it. On a typical night out, the 40-year-old mother of two admits shell consume as many as 13 beers before driving home, but says her high tolerance for alcohol allows her to drive safely. Watch what happens when Kelli is put to the test! Then, Sarah, 30, says she didnt think that she had a problem with alcohol, until she took an exit ramp at 72 mph and crash-landed upside down on a guard rail -- while driving under the influence. Initially given a zero-percent chance of survival, Sarah spent 77 days in the hospital and has since endured more than 44 surgeries, including two facial reconstructions. Dont miss Sarah's powerful message for Kelli -- will it make an impact? And, when Ryan Dunn, star of MTV's Jackass, died in an alcohol-related car crash, it rocked the entertainment world and left fans, friends and two families devastated. Often referred to as "the passenger," Dunn's friend, Zac Hartwell, also perished in the wreck. In an exclusive interview, Zac's sister, Carrie, speaks out for the first time about her family's unbearable loss, her feelings about the fatal accident and how her life has changed forever. Can she let go of the anger she's been holding onto? Don't miss this moving and compelling show.
10x202 - Heaviest Woman on Record
June 19, 2012
(Original airdate: November 23, 2011) At nearly 700 pounds, the first thing people notice about Pauline, 48, is her size, which has earned her the Guinness World Record title of heaviest living woman. But Pauline is also a mother, daughter and friend with hopes and dreams of a better life for herself and her 18-year-old son and caregiver, Dillon. At her current size, Pauline's mobility is severely challenged. Just a few steps cause her pain, and she needs her sons help to stand up, get dressed and even go to the bathroom. It took an ambulance, a second support vehicle and a five-man crew to help her make the 400-mile trip to the Dr. Phil studio. Pauline says that while it's a daunting task, shes ready to start losing the weight. But what does Dr. Phil think? And what does Dillon have to say? How does his mother's disability impact his life? Is he following in her footsteps? Then, Pauline's ex-husband, Alex, says he loved Pauline despite her weight, but it wasn't enough to save their relationship. Where does he say it went wrong? Plus, Ruby, star of the Style Network show of the same name, knows what Pauline is going through because she was once 700 pounds and has lost 400. She offers her support and encouragement to Pauline. Is she ready to take back control of her life?
10x203 - Cut the Cord
June 20, 2012
(Original airdate: February 14, 2012) Rheta says her four-and-a-half-year marriage to Mark is headed down a rocky road, and her mother-in-law, Deb, is in the driver's seat. Rheta says it's time for Mark to cut the cord with the woman she calls deceitful, backstabbing, sneaky and controlling -- or else! Meanwhile, Deb says she hates Rheta, claiming she's violent, trashy and undeserving of her son. The tension between the women has escalated to blows on more than one occasion, leaving Mark literally in the middle. Where do his loyalties lie? Hear the drastic measures Deb has taken to get Rheta out of their lives. And, did Rheta reveal a secret in the hopes of ruining Deb's 31-year marriage? Is this a case of an overprotective mom overstepping her boundaries, or a wife's resentment getting the best of her? Dr. Phil mediates this war of words and helps to draw some lines in the sand. Whose side will Mark be on? Can this marriage and family be saved?
10x204 - "Will My Mother-in-Law Destroy My Marriage?"
June 21, 2012
(Original airdate: February 15, 2012) In part two of this series, Rheta says her deceitful, backstabbing, meddling mother-in-law, Deb, is going to destroy her marriage if her husband, Mark, doesn't cut the cord. Rheta says she's so fed up with their mother-and-son bond that she's filed for divorce, shredded her wedding vows and has even come to blows with Deb on several occasions. Mark agrees that his mother is too involved, but can he break ties while Deb holds the purse strings? Does paying the couple's rent and providing them with a car give Deb license to criticize Rheta and try to set Mark up with other women? Rheta says that on some days, she and Mark are best friends, but their arguments get so heated that they've turned physical -- in front of their three children. Will a grand gesture from Mark keep Rheta from walking away? Can Rheta and Deb mend fences?
10x205 - Parental Abuse?
June 22, 2012
(Original airdate: February 29, 2012) Dr. Phil's guests say theyre tired of enduring abuse from their grown children. First, Debbie says her 31-year-old daughter, Amy, is verbally and physically abusive toward her, steals from her and has even threatened to burn her house down. Amy, who lives in Debbie's home with her two children, admits she can be cruel to her mom but says Debbie is mean and critical and makes her feel like a failure. When tempers get hot, see who storms offstage! Can Dr. Phil help this mom and daughter broker a peace? Then, JoAnn says her son, Jonathan, a former corrections officer, treats her like an inmate, intimidates her with his size and scares her with his rage. She says he uses her grandson as a pawn to be spiteful toward her and worries the boy may get hurt in the crossfire. Jonathan admits he struggles with his anger, but blames his mother for constantly pushing his buttons. He says she needs to back off and let him parent his own son. Can Dr. Phil help them find common ground? Is your relationship with your adult child growing contentious? Tune in for tips on how to communicate more effectively.
10x206 - "My Lover, My Abuser"
June 25, 2012
(Original airdate: February 21, 2012)
10x207 - Won't Do "I Do" Until ...
June 26, 2012
(Original airdate: October 25, 2011)
10x209 - Missing for a Decade: A Girl Held Captive
June 28, 2012
(Original airdate: October 11, 2011)
10x210 - Missing for a Decade: The Girl Escapes
June 29, 2012
(Original airdate: October 12, 2011)
10x211 - "Our Teen is Tearing the Family Apart"
July 2, 2012
(Original airdate: October 19, 2011)
10x212 - Murder of a Preacher's Wife
July 3, 2012
(Original airdate: December 9, 2011)
10x213 - Brat Ban
July 4, 2012
(Original airdate: September 12, 2011)
10x214 - Tarnished Tiaras: Beauty Queens Gone Bad
July 5, 2012
(Original airdate: January 13, 2012)
10x215 - The Cost of Beauty
July 6, 2012
(Original airdate: September 21, 2011)
10x216 - Torn Between Two Bridesmaids
July 9, 2012
10x217 - Is My Child a Star?
July 10, 2012
10x218 - Is My Child a Star? Part 2
July 11, 2012
10x219 - Mad Men
July 12, 2012
10x220 - Parents Caught Crossing the Line?
July 13, 2012
10x221 - The Girl in the Closet
July 16, 2012
10x222 - Monster In-Laws
July 17, 2012
10x223 - Plastic Disaster
July 18, 2012
10x224 - 17 and Out of Control
July 19, 2012
10x225 - The Six Quickest Ways to Ruin a Marriage
July 20, 2012
10x226 - Beauty Queen Hits Rock Bottom
July 23, 2012
10x227 - Held Captive?
July 24, 2012
10x228 - Starving to Death
July 25, 2012
10x229 - Discipline Video: A Daughter's New Accusations against the Judge
July 26, 2010
10x230 - Bring Me Back My Hot, Sexy Spouse"
July 27, 2012
10x231 - Inside the Other Side
July 30, 2012
10x232 - Unforgivable Acts?
July 31, 2012
10x233 - On Top of the World and Self-Destructive
August 1, 2012
10x234 - Questionable Cigarette Burns and Calls to CPS!
August 2, 2012
10x235 - A Sister's Accusation: An Onstage Confrontation
August 3, 2012
10x236 - Rhode Island Girl Fight
August 6, 2012
10x237 - Open Marriage
August 7, 2012
10x238 - Did He or Didn't He? Inside a Murder Confession
August 8, 2012
10x239 - Heroes in Pain
August 9, 2012
10x240 - Daddy's Little Girl
August 10, 2012
10x241 - A Football Star's Daddy Drama
August 13, 2012
10x242 - Mom under Suspicion
August 14, 2012
10x243 - Murder of a Las Vegas Showgirl
August 15, 2012
10x244 - A Most Unusual Love Triangle
August 16, 2012
10x245 - From Wall Street Trader to Bank Robber
August 17, 2012
10x246 - My Husband, My Kids and My Multiple Personalities"
August 20, 2012
10x247 - Double Trouble: Violent Twins
August 21, 2012
10x248 - Model Mom Calls Her Religion a Cult
August 22, 2012
10x249 - Khalood is Back, and You Won't Believe It!
August 23, 2012
10x250 - Too Much of a Good Thing
August 24, 2012
10x251 - Mother-in-Law Mayhem
August 27, 2012
10x252 - Fix It or End It Today
August 28, 2012
10x253 - From Teenage Star to Addicted and Homeless
August 29, 2012
10x254 - Grand Canyon Child Abuse
August 30, 2012
10x255 - Caught on Tape: A Mom's Out-of-Control Rage
August 31, 2012
10x256 - Teen Trends: Killer Numbers
September 3, 2012
Dr. Phil: All seasons
S0: Specials
0 Episode
S1: Season 1
169 Episode s
S2: Season 2
176 Episode s
S3: Season 3
179 Episode s
S4: Season 4
184 Episode s
S5: Season 5
172 Episode s
S6: Season 6
47 Episode s
S7: Season 7
119 Episode s
S8: Season 8
252 Episode s
S9: Season 9
260 Episode s
S10: Season 10
252 Episode s
S11: Season 11
256 Episode s
S12: Season 12
178 Episode s
S13: Season 13
174 Episode s
S14: Season 14
108 Episode s
S15: Season 15
96 Episode s
S16: Season 16
134 Episode s
S17: Season 17
143 Episode s
S18: Season 18
180 Episode s
S19: Season 19
169 Episode s
S20: Season 20
162 Episode s
S21: Season 21
156 Episode s
S22: Season 22
11 Episode s