Dr. Phil: Season 11 - 66 Episode s
11x191 - Young, Online and Out of Control
May 28, 2013
Terri says she trusted and thought she knew her 15-year-old daughter, Sierra — who she believed was a popular teen, earning good grades — until Sierra disappeared and was discovered by police, days later, after witnessing a murder. Terri says she then learned that Sierra had been living a very different life — experimenting with drugs, meeting men online and having sexual relationships with them — many of whom were twice her age. Despite Sierra's alleged traumatic experience, Terri says her daughter continues to travel down a troubled path. Can Dr. Phil get to the root of Sierra's behavior? What warning signs did Terri miss? And, how might she be enabling her daughter? If you’re a parent, you can’t afford to miss this powerful show! This program contains strong sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.
11x192 - A Twisted Family Tragedy
May 29, 2013
From the outside, Tayler’s life seemed picture perfect — but no one could have imagined the disturbing secrets she was hiding behind her smile. From the ages of 6 to 17, Tayler says her dad, Russell, molested her, gave her drugs, and took her to Mexico on numerous occasions, where she was forced to do unspeakable things. How could these horrific events have occurred without anyone noticing? Tayler’s mom, Deanna, says she was unaware of the alleged abuse and just thought Tayler and her father had a special father-daughter bond. Were there warning signs she missed? Now 19 and addicted to heroin, Tayler says she feels alone, abandoned and confused — but she also admits that she misses her father. Can Dr. Phil help get her on a path to both emotional and physical recovery? Then, hear from Tayler’s two younger sisters. What did they witness? Were they being groomed by their father? And, where is Russell today? If you’re a parent, tune in to learn how to protect your child from a predator.
11x193 - My Fiancée vs. My Mom
May 30, 2013
Christian says he is stuck in the middle of two women fighting over him: his fiancée, Beth, and his mom, Carol. Beth says her future mother-in-law is meddling, constantly berates her and is trying to destroy her relationship — and if she doesn’t butt out, Beth says she’ll be forced to end her relationship with Christian. How did the bad blood begin? Carol admits she doesn’t trust Beth and even hired a private investigator to spy on her. Why doesn’t she approve of Beth? And, what did the private investigator discover? Christian, who says he once had a great relationship with his mother, says he and Beth have canceled their wedding twice, in part due to his mother’s behavior. Is he prepared to choose between the two women in his life? And, will Carol ever accept Beth? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s advice for this troubled family.
11x194 - Never-Ending Abuse?
May 31, 2013
Erin says that when she was 8 years old, her stepfather, "Mr. Dave," began sexually abusing her, and that she also watched him molest her friends. Erin says that despite telling her mother, Lisa, what was happening -- a claim her mother denies -- the atrocities continued until she confided in a teacher three years later. Erin’s stepfather was arrested and is currently behind bars, and Lisa was convicted of sexual abuse of a minor for failing to protect her daughter. She served 13 months in jai, and is now permanently on the sex offender registry. Erin, now 22, says she's struggling to let go of the anger and resentment she still feels for her mother. Face to face on Dr. Phil's stage, will Lisa take responsibility for not taking action? And, can Dr. Phil help Erin find forgiveness? Then, find out why Lisa's 14-year-old daughter may now be in need of her mom's protection, and if Lisa is up to the task. This program contains strong sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.
11x195 - Adult Temper Tantrums
June 3, 2013
Laurie and Patrick say their 25-year-old son, Stephen’s, rage is so out of control that they’re afraid he’ll kill them if something doesn’t change. They say Stephen, who is unemployed and lives with them rent-free, has destroyed their house, stolen from them and even threatened to shoot them in the head when they refused to give him gas money. Watch as Dr. Phil cameras visit the family’s home — and the cops show up! Stephen says he feels like he has no control over his actions once something sets him off. What’s at the root of his anger? And, is he ready to get help? Plus, how might Laurie and Patrick be contributing to his behavior? Then, Jessica says her fiancé, Justin, is a great guy when he’s sober but becomes violent and abusive when he drinks, and their relationship is on the brink of disaster. She says Justin, while under the influence, has spit on her, kicked her and even pushed her when she was three months pregnant.
11x196 - A Mother's Shameful Past
June 4, 2013
Raylynn says in 1988, she was seduced by smooth-talking charmer Curly Thornton and joined his traveling evangelical group — which she says she now considers a cult — and although Curly died in 1999, Raylynn says she feels like he’s still haunting and controlling her. Raylynn says she became so wrapped up in Curly’s teachings, she gave up everything, including her car, her home and her job. She says she even moved her young daughter, Sunny, now 32, into Curly’s home and that shortly after, he changed from an inspirational leader to a fear-driven, mind-controlling abuser. How does Raylynn say she was seduced into what she calls a dark and manipulative world? What are the warning signs she may have missed? And, is she ready to let go of the guilt she says she’s been carrying around for years? Then, Sunny reveals a secret that she’s been keeping from her mom. Does she blame her mom for what happened to her? Plus, Curly’s son speaks out publicly about his father for the first time.
11x197 - Edge of Insanity: My Schizophrenic Child
June 5, 2013
Michael and Susan say when their daughter, Jani, was born, they immediately noticed that she wasn’t like other children. They say as a newborn, Jani would sleep only three hours a day, and as she grew older, would see, hear and feel things that were not there. At 6 years old, Jani was diagnosed with early-onset schizophrenia. Now 10, Jani, who has tested with a genius IQ, spends up to 95 percent of her days in an imaginary world she calls Calalini, where more than 100 people and animals reside. Michael and Susan say Jani’s imaginary friends bring her comfort but also encourage her to act out, often in violent and destructive ways. While medication regulates her explosive tendencies, Michael and Susan say they fear for her future. They share a candid look inside their life, including the toll schizophrenia has taken on their marriage. Plus, find out why they fear their second child, Bodhi, whom they say they had as a companion for Jani, may be showing signs of the illness. And, Dr.
11x198 - Adoption Controversy: Battle over Baby Veronica
June 6, 2013
Matt and Melanie adopted Veronica after her birth mom handpicked them to be her parents. When Veronica’s biological father, Dusten, was notified about the adoption four months later, he decided he wanted to raise her, even though he had little involvement during the pregnancy and with the birth mother since Veronica’s birth. Dusten, who is part Cherokee Indian, was able to reclaim his daughter pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which was enacted “to protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families.” Devastated, Matt and Melanie petitioned the United States Supreme Court to regain custody of Veronica. Should she be returned to them, or should she remain with her biological father? Dr. Phil, along with Troy Dunn, who has reunited thousands of lost loved ones on his hit TV show The Locator, delves into this controversial story.
11x199 - Daughter Accused of Faking Pregnancy
June 7, 2013
Eighteen-year-old Cassie says that at 16, she became pregnant, and at seven months along, had a confrontation with her father, Todd, and tragically lost the baby. Todd denies the accusation, and claims what medical records and multiple sonograms prove: Cassie was never pregnant. Why does he believe his daughter would make up such an elaborate story? After months of not speaking, Cassie comes face to face with her family, who says this isn’t the first time they’ve caught her in a web of lies. How does Cassie explain her pregnancy? Can Dr.
11x200 - When Love Hurts
June 10, 2013
Gina says her fiancé, Jeremy, is physically, emotionally and sexually abusive, and that in the last year, he has beaten her at least once a week, and they’ve been in at least 50 altercations. Gina says Jeremy has wrestled her to the floor, choked her, cracked her teeth, slammed her head against a wall, beaten her with a belt buckle and driven a nail through her arm. And, when Gina was three months pregnant, she says Jeremy did the unthinkable — he raped her. What does Jeremy say happened? Find out why Gina says she believes Jeremy will kill her. And hear why, despite her fear, she says she will never leave him. Jeremy admits that he physically abuses Gina, but adds that she is often the aggressor in their fights. With so much anger in the house, the couple says their 2-year-old son has begun to display aggressive tendencies. Can Dr. Phil get to the root of what's really wrong and stop the cycle of violence? Hear how secrets from Gina's and Jeremy's childhoods could be the culprit.
11x201 - My Friend is Too Obsessed with Me
June 11, 2013
Traci says her former friend, Jinda, is obsessed and infatuated with her. Traci says Jinda began texting her about 50 times a day after they first met -- texts that soon became over-the-top proclamations such as, “I can’t get you out of my mind," and “I swear I will love you the right way.” Traci says she thought Jinda just needed a friend but then grew more uncomfortable as, she claims, Jinda was also inappropriately affectionate with her children, began texting her friends -- whom she had never met -- and even tried to touch and kiss her. Traci claims Jinda crossed the line when she tried to sabotage her marriage, so she cut off communication with her. But is Jinda getting the message? Jinda admits to being "needy and clingy," but does she see that she's overstepped her boundaries? Can Dr.
11x202 - Is Mom Playing Favorites?
June 12, 2013
Twenty-eight-year-old Lynn says her mother, Anne, has turned her entire family against her, and now she feels like she's the "black sheep." She says her mom calls her names, has hit her and favors her younger brothers so much that it's caused them to turn against her. Anne says her daughter’s narcissism and lies have made her an outcast. She claims Lynn will stop at nothing to get attention — even lie about a pregnancy and miscarriage. Can Dr. Phil stop the mudslinging long enough to get to the root of their disagreements? And, was Lynn really pregnant? See how mother and daughter react to what medical records reveal. Then, hear from Lynn's brother Tom. Why does he say he sides with their mom? Can Dr.
11x203 - Bully Backlash
June 13, 2013
Thirteen million children will be bullied in the U.S. this year. Dr. Phil examines a high school incident that involves lawsuits, death threats and both sides feeling bullied. Sixteen-year-old Katie says her classmate Nick turned against her and started recruiting people to join a "Kill Katie Klub." She says the taunting by her classmates escalated and forced her to quit school. Katie's mom, Giselle, says her daughter — once, a popular cheerleader with good grades — is now homeschooled and has lost everything. Giselle says her attempts to remedy the situation with parents and school officials fell on deaf ears, so she was forced to go to the police, resulting in backlash from her community. Giselle says she wants Nick and his parents, Michelle and Daniel, to take responsibility. Michelle and Daniel speak out exclusively to Dr. Phil, insisting that Nick was just making a joke about starting a “Kill Katie Klub,” and that it went no further.
11x204 - Teenage Rage
June 14, 2013
Phyllis and Barry say they're desperate to calm their violent 15-year-old son, Brandon, and turn to Dr. Phil for help. The couple confides that their son's anger began around age 6 and has grown progressively worse -- so much so that their requests for Brandon to perform simple tasks such as brushing his teeth or bathing cause him to go into a rage, breaking things and punching holes in walls, and even chasing Phyllis with scissors. Barry says they walk on eggshells, waiting for Brandon’s next violent outburst and that every day he leaves the house worried that his wife may not make it to the end of the day. For protection, the couple says they’ve even installed locks on various doors throughout their home, providing Phyllis a "safe room" in which to hide. What is at the root of Brandon's anger? Dr. Phil spends some one-on-one time with the young man to determine what’s driving his behavior. And, find out what Phyllis recently found in Brandon’s room that shocked her to her core.
11x205 - Move On or Move Out
June 17, 2013
11x206 - Lying, Spending Spouses
June 18, 2013
11x207 - Young, Reckless and Enabled
June 19, 2013
11x208 - Killer Mom: The Sole Survivor and Remarry or Run?
June 20, 2013
11x209 - Little Liars?
June 21, 2013
11x210 - Brutal Beauties
June 24, 2013
11x211 - Brutal Beauties: The Trouble with Tiffani
June 25, 2013
11x212 - Absentee Mom, Clueless Dad?
June 26, 2013
11x213 - Deadly New Accusations: A Murder Mystery?
June 27, 2013
11x214 - Distorted Beauty
June 28, 2013
11x215 - Broken Bones, Broken Hearts and Broken Engagements?
July 1, 2013
11x216 - Dangerous Revenge
July 2, 2013
11x217 - Elder Abuse
July 3, 2013
11x218 - Weatherman's Real Life Hangover
July 4, 2013
11x219 - Fat Attack
July 5, 2013
11x220 - Bipolar and Mentally Ill Moms
July 8, 2013
11x221 - Outrageous Parenting Styles
July 9, 2013
11x222 - Dr. Phil Mystery: Was Morgan Murdered by Stalkers?
July 10, 2013
11x223 - Million-Dollar Custody Battle
July 11, 2013
11x224 - Why Men Cheat
July 12, 2013
11x225 - My Ex Is Accused of Murder
July 15, 2013
Charlotte’s ex-boyfriend, Gary, has been charged with the first-degree murder of 20-year-old Heather, and Charlotte says she blames herself. She accuses Gary of victimizing her physically and sexually for years and claims she failed to tell the whole truth to prosecutors when Gary was charged with first-degree assault with a deadly weapon against her, thereby allowing him to serve minimal jail time. Now, hear from a lead investigator in Heather’s case — can Charlotte help prosecutors — and will she? Then, Charlotte’s former live-in nanny makes another allegation against Gary that she says happened when she was just a teen. What did Charlotte know? And, Charlotte’s husband, Race, says his wife is hung up on her abusive past and their marriage is suffering. Can Dr. Phil help save this union? If you are the victim of domestic violence, tune in to find out what you must do to protect yourself.
11x226 - Young and Reckless/Ask Dr. Phil
July 16, 2013
When Dr. Phil first met eye-rolling, defiant 16-year-old Sabby, she was too much for her mother, Courtney, to handle. After the show, Dr. Phil sent Sabby to Turn-About Ranch, a residential facility for troubled teens, where after 16 weeks, she was making progress — until Courtney cut short the teen’s treatment and took her home. Now, Courtney says Sabby is smoking marijuana, having sex and has dropped out of school — behavior that Courtney says has also rubbed off on Sabby’s 14-year-old sister. Courtney pleads for Dr. Phil’s help once again — is it too late to get this out-of-control teen back on the right track? Then, Lisa says her 15-year-old son, Brandon, is a “raging lunatic” who smokes marijuana and has assaulted her, his stepfather, Tom, and other children — and she fears he’ll end up dead or seriously hurting someone. Brandon admits that he loses control when he’s angry but says that he just wants his parents to butt out of his life.
11x227 - Secrets, Betrayals and Shocking Revelations
July 17, 2013
Jodi says her husband, Glenn, has been lying to her for years about his use of prescription painkillers. She says Glenn used to be an honest, hard-working husband and father, but now she claims he sneaks behind her back to see doctors and is only concerned about finding his next fix. Glenn says the pills are prescribed for a long-term back injury and that he’s not addicted. With their marriage crumbling around them, are Jodi and Glenn willing to work to save it? And, when Dr. Phil takes a closer look at Glenn’s prescription drug use, will the father of two reevaluate his level of dependency? And will he accept help? Then, Crystal says her husband was shot and killed by a man who he thought was a good friend. The gunman claims self-defense — but was it? Crystal says the man hasn’t been charged, and she wants justice. And, Christine says she kept her father’s crime a secret for more than 25 years, but she recently revealed the truth to police.
11x228 - Affairs, Obsessions and Extreme Parenting
July 18, 2013
Rachel admits that she spoiled her daughter, Isabella, and says she’s now a rude, violent, and out-of-control 15-year-old who abuses drugs and alcohol and may be destined for a life behind bars. She says Isabella gets into fights, steals, runs away and has overdosed at least three times. Isabella admits that she has a problem with anger, but blames her mother for her bad behavior. Hear why she says Rachel abandoned her when she needed her most. Can Dr. Phil and psychologist Dr. Charles Sophy get this mother-daughter relationship back on track? Then, Hallie says her sister, Crystal, is so obsessed with her ex-boyfriend that her endless attempts to win him back could cost her everything. She says Crystal has already lost her job, is about to lose her home, and has been neglecting her two young daughters. When Dr.
11x229 - Violent Twins Return
July 19, 2013
When Dan and Teresa first appeared on Dr. Phil, they sought help for their 16-year-old identical twins Drew and Dallas, who they said were destructive, dangerous and abusing drugs. The parents admitted they had lost control of their sons. Following the show, the couple agreed to send the boys to separate wilderness camps. Two months later, do Dan and Teresa still stand by their decision? And, watch the boys reunite for the first time since being sent away. Have they made a change for the better? Then, when Lane met with Dr. Phil, she was a single mom struggling with drug addiction. It’s been almost a year — how is she now? And, New York Times best-selling author of Running with Scissors Augusten Burroughs joins the show to share his journey toward sobriety, and the common triggers for relapse.
11x230 - Trayvon's Parents, Zimmerman's Best Friend: The Verdict Reaction
July 22, 2013
The shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin sent shockwaves through the country last year and sparked huge debate over whether the gunman, George Zimmerman’s, life was truly in danger at the time. Recently, many were stunned when a jury of six women acquitted Zimmerman of second-degree murder and all other charges, and protests ignited across the country. Did the justice system fail? Or was justice served? Dr. Phil is joined by human rights activist Martin Luther King III, who weighs in on the verdict and what has become one of the biggest civil rights debates since the Rodney King incident. Then, criminal defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh and journalist and host of TV One’s new show News One Now Roland Martin join the discussion. Hear their insight into the not guilty verdict. Plus, what does the future hold for Zimmerman? Dr. Phil weighs in.
11x231 - Obsessed with Love
July 23, 2013
11x232 - Too Hot?
July 24, 2013
11x233 - Tense Reunions
July 25, 2013
11x234 - I Hate My Daughter-In-Law
July 26, 2013
11x235 - Scammed and Duped?
July 29, 2013
11x236 - The Ultimate Home Invasion
July 30, 2013
11x237 - Did He Kill His Wife?
July 31, 2013
11x238 - Desperate Searches
August 1, 2013
11x239 - Skeptics Beware: The Psychic Intuitives Are Here
August 2, 2013
11x240 - Teen Pregnancy Trap?
August 5, 2013
11x241 - Scared of My Spouse
August 6, 2013
11x242 - My Son Picked the Wrong Fiancée"
August 7, 2013
11x243 - Peeping Tom Husband: Hidden Webcam and Secret Videos
August 8, 2013
11x244 - Disruptive Daughters
August 9, 2013
11x245 - Catfish with a Twist
August 12, 2013
11x246 - Reality Teen Princess Arrested
August 13, 2013
11x247 - Confronting the Girl Who Shot Me in the Face
August 14, 2013
11x248 - 10 Kids, 1 Affair: The Ultimate Divide?
August 15, 2013
11x249 - Give Me Back My Son
August 16, 2013
11x250 - Turning a Blind Eye?
August 19, 2013
11x251 - Missing or Murdered: Where is 15-Year-Old Erica?
August 20, 2013
11x252 - Missing or Murdered: Where is 15-Year-Old Erica? Part 2: The Polygraph
August 21, 2013
11x253 - Parenting Disaster: Extreme Excuses
August 22, 2013
11x254 - Trapped by My Cop Abuser: Why Won't Anyone Believe Me?
August 23, 2013
11x255 - It’s Either Me or Your Deadbeat Son
August 26, 2013
11x256 - It's Either Me or Your Deadbeat Son" Part 2: Meet Grandma
August 27, 2013
Dr. Phil: All seasons
S0: Specials
0 Episode
S1: Season 1
169 Episode s
S2: Season 2
176 Episode s
S3: Season 3
179 Episode s
S4: Season 4
184 Episode s
S5: Season 5
172 Episode s
S6: Season 6
47 Episode s
S7: Season 7
119 Episode s
S8: Season 8
252 Episode s
S9: Season 9
260 Episode s
S10: Season 10
252 Episode s
S11: Season 11
256 Episode s
S12: Season 12
178 Episode s
S13: Season 13
174 Episode s
S14: Season 14
108 Episode s
S15: Season 15
96 Episode s
S16: Season 16
134 Episode s
S17: Season 17
143 Episode s
S18: Season 18
180 Episode s
S19: Season 19
169 Episode s
S20: Season 20
162 Episode s
S21: Season 21
156 Episode s
S22: Season 22
11 Episode s