A Therapist Involved in a Money Laundering Scam Faces Prison Time
Dr. Phil - S17 - E124
James says his 58-year-old Aunt Terri is a very smart and independent woman, who is a marriage counselor with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. James claims Aunt Terri has fallen for a celebrity catfish scam, by believing she was romantically involved with Hollywood actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan from The Walking Dead. Terri says she even believed he wanted to marry her. Whoever contacted Terri online isn’t the real Jeffrey Dean Morgan. But Terri claims she’s 100 percent convinced that the actor or someone working with him is her “secret lover” who scammed her out of thousands of dollars, and put her in the center of an international money laundering scam that left her broke, brokenhearted, and potentially behind bars.
Dr. Phil: Season 17 - 62 Episode s
17x74 - I Am Not Mentally Ill But I Am the Reincarnation of Pocahontas
January 4, 2019
Ayanna says she is the reincarnation of Pocahontas and claims she even has memories from the 1600s.
17x75 - I Believe I'm Being Electronically Harassed and Tricked Into Seeing Aliens!
January 7, 2019
Debbie sees aliens and other apparitions in and around her home; her husband does not believe her and says it is hurting their marriage.
17x76 - Teenage Brides and Horrific Abuse: Escaping the Secret Life of Polygamy
January 8, 2019
Dr. Phil speaks with two former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints members: Marilyn claims her sexual abuse began at age 4; Ian says his uncle, Warren Jeffs, told him, as a little boy, he'd burn in hell if he didn't obey.
17x77 - A Secret Revealed; My Sister-in-Law Is a Danger to Her Son
January 9, 2019
Chad allows his wife to be alone with their infant son after she overdosed while she was pregnant, caused the baby to be born addicted, and is accused of having been under the influence of heroin when she crashed her SUV with the baby in the vehicle.
17x78 - Tales of Deception and Terror: Virtual Kidnapping; A Deadly Love Scam, Deceit and Dirty John
January 10, 2019
Parents Andy and Bridget received a call from a scammer who claimed he was holding their daughter hostage for ransom; Debra, the real woman behind the podcast and Bravo series "Dirty John," tells of meeting a dangerous criminal online.
17x79 - My Lazy Son Has No Empathy for My Cancer; My Mom Acts Like My Sister and Not My Mother
January 11, 2019
Vera, who has stage 4 cancer, worries that her lazy adult son, Michael, will end up homeless after she passes away; Isaac says his mother, Christina, has told him multiple times that he ruined her life.
17x80 - What Happened to the Bakersfield 3?
January 14, 2019
Cheryl's and Jane's two offspring disappeared without a trace within a month of each other, then Di's son was shot and killed; Di says her son told her something cryptic two weeks before he died.
17x81 - Bakersfield 3: What the Profiler Revealed
January 15, 2019
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Cheryl and Jane, whose offspring are missing, and Di, whose son was shot and killed while driving in a quiet Bakersfield neighborhood; a reporter, a former police detective and a former FBI profiler weigh in.
17x82 - I Regret Agreeing to My Wife Being a Sugar Baby
January 16, 2019
Ryan says he filed for divorce from his wife, Danielle, because she worked as a sugar baby, had an affair, and engaged in sexually deviant behavior for money.
17x83 - A Member of My Secret Facebook Group Got Me Fired. I'm Afraid She's Stalking Me
January 17, 2019
Kelly and Dana, leaders of a Facebook group designed to help women who have depression and anxiety, accuse each other of cyber bullying. They meet for the first time on Dr. Phil's stage.
17x84 - A Young Woman Tormented by Memories of Abuse: But Are They Real?
January 18, 2019
Kelly says her 24-year-old daughter, Alicia, is suffering from many debilitating health issues as a result of her PTSD and needs constant care; Alicia claims her PTSD is caused by the horrific sexual abuse she had to endure as a child.
17x85 - My Grandson's Father Nearly Killed Us and His Mother Is Battling Us in Court
January 21, 2019
Alexa cut off her now ex-mother-in-law's visitation with her grandson after her ex-husband tried to kill the family.
17x86 - My Son Lost ,000 Gambling From My Basement and Now Can't Raise His Children!
January 22, 2019
Gambler John has lost every penny he has ever made, has ruined his parents' credit, can't keep a job, can't provide for his three babies, lives in his mom's basement and steals money from her, but she doesn't have the heart to kick him out.
17x87 - Please Convince My Daughter She Has an Eating Disorder
January 23, 2019
Maddie, 18, says she doesn't have an eating disorder even though her mother, stepfather and grandmother say she is slowly starving herself to death, has been hospitalized repeatedly for dehydration, and is so fatigued that she cannot live her life.
17x88 - My Husband Told My Best Friend I Was Dying and Asked Her to Marry Him
January 24, 2019
Penny married her late friend's widower, Glen, then fell ill herself, and says that while she was in the hospital, Glen told her best friend that she was dying and asked her to move in, replace her as a mother to their daughter and marry him.
17x89 - Vanished Without a Trace: Girlfriend Missing 26 Years
January 25, 2019
Twenty-year-old Laurie Depies vanished one night 26 years ago from her boyfriend Marc's apartment parking lot; he and her mother come together to discuss what may have happened to her; a psychic detective gives them some possible new clues.
17x90 - Criminal Love: Why Women Date Inmates
January 28, 2019
Jenna says her sister, Alexx, is trying to buy the love of at least seven convicted felons; Suzie is married to an inmate, keeps a personal account of their love online and encourages other convicted felons to connect with loved ones through a blog.
17x91 - In Love With a Rageaholic
January 29, 2019
Alethea says she feels like a prisoner trapped in a rage-filled relationship with her partner, Kevin, and has resorted to secretly taping his anger to have proof; Kevin says his rage is a result of brain trauma, and receives the results of an MRI.
17x92 - Our Son Is a 40-Year-Old Homeless Car Camper
January 30, 2019
Mark says he chooses to live in his beat-up car, held together with bungee cords and glue, because it gives him the freedom to travel, which broadens his horizons; his family says he needs to get his life together and stop acting like an adolescent.
17x93 - The Boy Under the Stairs: Hero Siblings Speak Out
January 31, 2019
The siblings of 5-year-old Jordan Bleimeyer, who was held captive in a tiny cubbyhole under the stairs, starved and abused by his father and stepmother, reveal how they sneaked Jordan food and freed him from his closet prison, saving his life.
17x94 - I'm Afraid of My Violent, Video Game Addicted Son
February 1, 2019
Jennifer says her 12-year-old son's violent gaming addiction is not only exacerbating his numerous behavioral issues, but she fears it may be the catalyst for him becoming the next school shooter; Dr. Phil sits down with the boy.
17x95 - Our Lying Ex-Boyfriend Is the Next Dirty John
February 4, 2019
Tiffany's relationship with her child's father, Erik, was destroyed by his constant lying and empty promises; after doing research midway through their relationship, Sheka uncovered Erik's lies and put a stop to their wedding plans.
17x96 - More Ex-Girlfriends Confront Accused Con Man Erik
February 5, 2019
Erik's ex-girlfriends Torri and Courtney and ex-wife Martha each have different stories to share about his deceitful behavior.
17x97 - The BTK Killer's Daughter Speaks Out and The Mysterious Case of Crystal Rogers
February 6, 2019
Kerri Rawson ("A Serial Killer's Daughter") discusses her father, Dennis Rader, whose murder spree terrorized Wichita, Kan., from 1974 to 1991; Sherry's daughter, Crystal Rogers, is missing, and during their search, Sherry's husband was killed.
17x98 - My Fiance Believes He's a Superhero
February 7, 2019
Kalan is desperate for Dr. Phil's help because her fiance has taken on the persona of a superhero and will answer only to "Goose Wayne Batman," refusing to take off his mask or eye makeup.
17x99 - Is My Nigerian Boyfriend Scamming Me?
February 8, 2019
Josie is in love with a much-younger Nigerian man she found on Facebook and has never actually met; her family and friends say he is just conning her into marrying him for a green card; Dr. Phil goes to Nigeria to talk with him and learn who he is.
17x100 - Expelled, Handcuffed & Violent: My 14-Year-Old Daughter Is Out of Control
February 11, 2019
Melissa says her 14-year-old daughter, Destoni, is aggressive, violent and a bully who crossed a line when she threatened to shoot her teacher and other students, causing her to be suspended from two different schools.
17x101 - Destoni's Drama: Will She Accept Help?
February 12, 2019
Melissa fears teen Destoni's outrageous behavior will land her in jail or get her killed, and the house is not safe when Destoni is there, so she wants to send her to foster care; Dr. Phil wants Destoni to meet someone who could change her life.
17x102 - Our Mother Is a Manipulator Who Abandoned Us as Children
February 13, 2019
Sonya says she does not remember starving her three children or locking them out of the house; they say they grew up in deplorable conditions, while one had to sneak food into the house to feed the others, until Sonya suddenly packed up and left.
17x103 - From Physician Assistant to Living in Her Truck With Foreign Accent Syndrome
February 14, 2019
Family members are alarmed about Rose after witnessing some of her odd behavior on social media; Rose says she had a stroke and now speaks with a foreign accent.
17x104 - An Unspeakable Accusation: My Daughter Believes I Molested My Granddaughter
February 15, 2019
Kelly says her mom, Terrie, is a serial child molester who molested her, her sister and her 5-year-old daughter; Terrie says Kelly also claims to have seen aliens who may have abducted, raped and impregnated her.
17x105 - My Ex Is Trying to Erase Me From My Children's Lives
February 18, 2019
Brian claims Libby has poisoned four of their children against him and is trying to remove him from their lives; Libby says it's Brian's abusive and demeaning behavior toward her and their children that has them turning their backs on him.
17x106 - An Estranged Father Finally Confronts His Children
February 19, 2019
Exes Libby and Brian are unable to put their animosity for each other aside for the sake of their children; Brian sits down with two of his oldest children for an emotional reunion.
17x107 - Is a Serial-Killer Gang Murdering Young Men Across the U.S.?
February 20, 2019
Investigators say a spray-painted smiley face could be the disturbing signature of a nationwide network of serial killers who target college-aged men, having been found near the bodies of young men whose deaths police ruled accidental drownings.
17x108 - Insta-Famous to Insta-Lonely
February 21, 2019
Ava says her one goal in life is to be Insta-famous and she'll stop at nothing to get there, but her real-life relationships are suffering because of her online persona; actress Amanda Cerny tries to get young people to drop their social media masks.
17x109 - Held Captive, Drugged and Abused by My Own Father
February 22, 2019
Tatiana says that, for 19 years, her father forced her to do drugs so he could physically and sexually abuse her, and she bore three of his children.
17x110 - Edge of Insanity: I Believe I Have a Second Schizophrenic Child
February 25, 2019
Susan and Michael, parents of schizophrenic Janni, return to the show at odds over their 11-year-old son, Bodhi, who Susan is convinced is schizophrenic as well; Michael thinks Susan's quest for a diagnosis will harm their son.
17x111 - A Second Schizophrenic Child or a Misdiagnosing Mom: Can Bodhi Be Helped?
February 26, 2019
Dr. Phil continues his discussion with exes Michael and Susan about the care of 11-year-old Bodhi, who Susan insists is dealing with schizophrenia, just like their 16-year-old daughter, Janni.
17x112 - Controversy Over Hate Crime Hoaxes
February 27, 2019
Media personalities, including Harvey Levin ("TMZ Live"), share theories about Jussie Smollett's claim of being the victim of a hate crime and the police suspicion of it being a hoax; a victim who lied to police; a criminal turns his life around.
17x113 - The Most Enabling Mother in America?
February 28, 2019
Amy says her 20-year-old son, Jai, is a "rageaholic ticking time bomb" and worries he's on the verge of seriously hurting someone, especially since he recently purchased a semi-automatic rifle.
17x114 - Sex Trafficking Survivor Demands Answers From Her Therapist Mother
March 1, 2019
As a teenager, Savannah was involved in prostitution and was eventually kidnapped and sex trafficked; actress Jan Broberg's story is the subject of the Netflix documentary "Abducted in Plain Sight."
17x115 - Reunion Gone Wrong?
March 4, 2019
Dan says that since his wife, Lorie, reunited with her now 26-year-old son two years ago, their entire family life has been shattered; he believes they have an inappropriate relationship, and the young man has violent outbursts.
17x116 - Exclusive: Chris Watts' Full Confession. His Daughter's Final Words
March 5, 2019
Authorities reportedly recorded audio of Colorado killer Chris Watts during a brand-new five-hour prison interview in which he reveals to investigators the horrifying truth about his wife's and daughters' final moments; lawyers reveal details.
17x117 - Save My Beautiful Daughters From Their Narcissistic Father
March 6, 2019
Jessica says her soon-to-be ex-husband, Mike, is a narcissist who controls everything in her and their teen daughters' lives, especially the finances; Mike says Jessica is brainwashing the young women to hate him.
17x118 - The One Who Survived
March 7, 2019
Jennifer Asbenson, author of "The Girl in the Treehouse," tells the chilling details of how she escaped serial killer Andrew Urdiales and why she was chosen as his victim.
17x119 - Lies, Betrayal and Custody: “It’s Been Two Years Since We’ve Seen Our Daughter”
March 8, 2019
Danielle and Nick insist they were great parents to their now 8-year-old daughter. They claim it’s been nearly two years since Danielle’s sister, Kimberly, has “kidnapped” their daughter and not allowed them to visit her. Kimberly claims she had no choice but to obtain guardianship of her niece because she says Danielle and Nick are drug addicts and have a history of arrests. She also claims they both neglected the little girl while they disappeared to do drugs. Nick and Danielle admit they were drug addicts but say they’re clean now. They deny all of Kimberly’s accusations of neglect, and say coming to Dr. Phil is their chance to fight to bring their little girl home, despite currently living in a homeless shelter.
17x120 - Exclusive: Grieving Parents React To Chris Watts Confession
March 11, 2019
Authorities release a shocking five-hour prison confession from Colorado killer dad Chris Watts describing disturbing new details about the murder of his pregnant wife, Shan’ann, and their two daughters. In an exclusive interview, Shan’ann’s parents and brother reveal their reaction to Watts finally admitting what happened to their daughter and grandchildren in their final moments.
17x121 - I Swiped Right on My Quadriplegic Boyfriend
March 12, 2019
Harley says when she met her boyfriend, Bailey, on a dating app, she knew he was unable to walk but that didn’t stop her from getting to know him and falling in love. Now, three years later, she says she is at the end of her rope being his full-time caregiver. She says all they do is fight, and she feels so guilty for getting frustrated with him. Bailey says nine years after the accident that left him paralyzed, things started to look up when he met his beautiful girlfriend. Now, he says he constantly feels like a burden to Harley and all those around him and wonders if it would be better if he just moved into a nursing home and died. Harley and Bailey both say they love each other and are willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. Can this relationship be saved?
17x122 - A Secret Revealed; “My Sister-in-Law is a Danger to Her Son”
March 13, 2019
Megan says that six months ago, she was shocked to discover that her sister-in-law, Lindsay, was hiding a dark secret, and her brother, Chad, was covering up for her. Megan says all was exposed after Lindsay was arrested for allegedly being under the influence of heroin and crashing her SUV into multiple cars with her infant son in the backseat. That’s when Megan says Chad came clean about Lindsay’s long-term drug addiction. Megan says he even admitted that Lindsay overdosed while three months pregnant, and their baby was born addicted. Megan says despite everything, Chad is giving his wife another chance and allowing Lindsay to be alone with their infant son. Lindsay insists she is six months sober, but is she telling the truth?
17x123 - Our Lying Daughter Would Rather Live in a Car Than with Her Own Child
March 14, 2019
Nancy is a concerned grandmother who says she’s pleading for her daughter, Paige’s, life because she claims Paige stopped caring for her 18-month-old little girl. Nancy and her husband, Lance, say Paige left her daughter with them to live in a car with her girlfriend. Her girlfriend recently entered a treatment facility, and Paige moved in with her parents, but they fear that the minute her girlfriend is released, Paige will go back to living in a car with her girlfriend and leave her daughter behind with them. Lance says he’s been waiting to confront his daughter until they get on Dr. Phil’s stage. The family comes together to stop Paige before she hits the road again.
17x124 - A Therapist Involved in a Money Laundering Scam Faces Prison Time
March 15, 2019
James says his 58-year-old Aunt Terri is a very smart and independent woman, who is a marriage counselor with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. James claims Aunt Terri has fallen for a celebrity catfish scam, by believing she was romantically involved with Hollywood actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan from The Walking Dead. Terri says she even believed he wanted to marry her. Whoever contacted Terri online isn’t the real Jeffrey Dean Morgan. But Terri claims she’s 100 percent convinced that the actor or someone working with him is her “secret lover” who scammed her out of thousands of dollars, and put her in the center of an international money laundering scam that left her broke, brokenhearted, and potentially behind bars.
17x131 - Finger Pointing and Accusations: Will Karlie Guse Be Found?
March 26, 2019
Continuing the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of 16-year-old Karlie Gusé, who vanished from her stepmother and father's home in the early morning hours of Oct. 13, 2018.
17x132 - Hollywood Obsessed: The Black Dahlia Murder Mystery New Evidence Found
March 27, 2019
The 1947 case of a 22-year-old woman found murdered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles becomes one of the most notorious unsolved murders in American history.
17x135 - I Believe Global Terrorists Are Poisoning Me
April 1, 2019
Cheryl says she must wear surgical masks at home because a global terror network is experimenting on her with lethal chemicals; her daughter is concerned for her mental health; Dr. Phil reveals the results of extensive testing in Cheryl's home.
17x136 - Let Me Live My Life!
April 2, 2019
Sarah's dad says she is destroying her life by walking away from a full-ride college scholarship to chase what he calls a "silly daydream" of becoming a professional dancer; sisters say mom Laura is a reckless dater who has been married 10 times.
17x137 - Jonestown: Stories of Strength and Survival
April 3, 2019
On Nov. 18, 1978, more than 900 followers of Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple were killed, many by drinking cyanide-laced fruit punch; Dr. Phil speaks with survivors Rep. Jackie Speier and former Peoples Temple members Vernon Gosney and John Cobb.
17x140 - Blinded by Love
April 8, 2019
Amanda is madly in love with her son's father, a severe epileptic who refuses to take his medication and has seizures almost every day; her mother wants her to move on.
17x141 - I Want My Vindictive Millionaire Mother Out of My Life
April 9, 2019
Patty says she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars giving her son everything he wanted, and now, she says, he wants her dead; a first look at Dr. Phil's interview with Oprah Winfrey (book "The Path Made Clear").
17x142 - An Unfit Mother or an Alienating Grandma? Family's Decade-Long Drama
April 10, 2019
Jessica, who makes poor decisions, drinks alcohol daily and has a violent relationship with her live-in boyfriend, says her mother is brainwashing her 10- and 13-year-old children against her.
17x143 - Our 6-Year-Old Son Was Murdered by His Grandmother
April 11, 2019
Mason's grandmother stabbed him to death two days before his 7th birthday, causing his father to start using drugs again and acting erratically.
17x159 - Is This Scam Artist Ready to Come Clean?
May 3, 2019
Michael, an admitted liar who now claims he's a changed man and wants to "come clean" about all his past lies and deceptions, including some that have landed him behind bars, comes face-to-face with three of his victims.
17x174 - A Daughter's Brutal Murder; Her Father's Quest for Justice
May 24, 2019
Lindsay was a 24-year-old real estate agent when she was targeted and brutally murdered; her father thinks police are covering up who killed her; a woman uses DNA ancestry websites to help solve seemingly unsolvable cold cases -- all from her couch.
Dr. Phil: All seasons
S0: Specials
0 Episode
S1: Season 1
169 Episode s
S2: Season 2
176 Episode s
S3: Season 3
179 Episode s
S4: Season 4
184 Episode s
S5: Season 5
172 Episode s
S6: Season 6
47 Episode s
S7: Season 7
119 Episode s
S8: Season 8
252 Episode s
S9: Season 9
260 Episode s
S10: Season 10
252 Episode s
S11: Season 11
256 Episode s
S12: Season 12
178 Episode s
S13: Season 13
174 Episode s
S14: Season 14
108 Episode s
S15: Season 15
96 Episode s
S16: Season 16
134 Episode s
S17: Season 17
143 Episode s
S18: Season 18
180 Episode s
S19: Season 19
169 Episode s
S20: Season 20
162 Episode s
S21: Season 21
156 Episode s
S22: Season 22
11 Episode s