More Allegations Against TanaCon Organizer Michael: How Will He Respond?
Dr. Phil - S19 - E156
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Michael, an entrepreneur, social media manager and organizer of the 2018 social media convention TanaCon, which shut down early due to security concerns. Since the event’s shutdown made international headlines, Michael says he still receives backlash and death threats online on a daily basis. Dr. Phil’s team conducted reference checks, and yesterday, Dr. Phil met a woman who said she attended the event and two former employees, who say Michael let money and success go to his head. Dr. Phil also spoke to a current client of Michael’s who said Michael has been treated unfairly. Today, Dr. Phil meets one of Michael’s former clients and a past roommate who make more claims against him. How will this get resolved? Find out today.
Dr. Phil: Season 19 - 64 Episode s
19x106 - Dr. Phil Down Under: “Poisoned in Our Own Home?”
February 26, 2021
Did you know Dr. Phil is the #1 daytime talk show in Australia – and currently airs in 55 countries and territories? Today, sisters Amy and Emily, from New South Wales, Australia, say that even though Dr. Phil is over 7,000 miles away – and on a different continent – he is the only person who can help their situation! Amy and Emily say their mom, Marie, and her partner, Gordon, are taking extreme measures to combat alleged poisoning by a neighbor – including daily diary entries, surveillance cameras, and even sleeping outside. Marie says since 2017, her life has turned upside down – she claims her house is engulfed with toxic fumes and is completely unlivable. The worst part of all? Her daughters don’t believe her. What is the source behind the alleged toxic conditions inside Marie’s house? And, why are Dr. Phil and Robin inside a tent? Find out on a Dr. Phil first – when Dr. Phil takes a virtual trip down under!
19x107 - TV Doctor Warns Parents After Son’s Quarantine Overdose
March 1, 2021
Celebrity TV relationship doctor Laura Berman has a warning for parents after finding her 16-year-old son, Sam, dead of an accidental drug overdose. Dr. Berman and her husband say they believe the teen unknowingly ordered a pill laced with a deadly drug off a “drug menu” posted on social media.
19x108 - Toxic Love
March 2, 2021
Jennifer wrote to Dr. Phil saying she believes the only way her best friend, Heather, will be leaving her relationship is inside of a body bag. Heather says she doesn’t believe Collin is abusive, although she does admit that he has put his hands on her, ripped her clothing, and bitten her face. Collin admits that he once put his hands on Heather’s throat while in a rage but says he never actually squeezed – although he did think about it. Collin says he doesn’t believe he’s in love with Heather like he used to be – so why are they both still fighting so hard to make this relationship work? And, is Collin actually abusive, or is he “not that bad” like Heather claims?
19x109 - Toxic Love: Will Heather Leave Collin?
March 3, 2021
Jennifer says she fears for her best friend, Heather’s, life, claiming she’s in an abusive relationship but refuses to see how bad things really are. Heather says she doesn’t believe her boyfriend, Collin, is “that bad” and doesn’t think what he does is actual “abuse.” Dr. Phil says he thinks both Heather and Collin are in danger for completely different reasons. Dr. Phil sits down with Collin and Heather individually to explain where he thinks this relationship is headed. Will Heather leave Collin?
19x110 - How Do I Parent My ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Daughter?
March 4, 2021
Heather, a lifelong fan of Dr. Phil and a member of the Dr. Phil Phanatics fan group, drove 1,600 miles from Arkansas to Los Angeles to get help with her 15-year-old daughter, Marissa, whom she describes as “Jekyll and Hyde.” She says one minute Marissa's an aspiring cardiologist with top grades, and the next, she’s a pot-smoking car thief who admits to stealing her own mother’s vehicle nine times. Heather says she is at her wits’ end and does not know how to parent her daughter effectively. Dr. Phil invites one of the world’s leading child behavioral experts on stage, Dr. Michele Borba, who works closely with Dr. Phil to impart potentially life-changing advice to Heather and her daughter. Watch while Dr. Phil encourages Marissa to tell her mother everything she is not picking up on when it comes to her needs. How will Heather react? Tune in to find out!
19x111 - It's Time to Let My Husband Peacefully Pass Away
March 8, 2021
Maegan and her mother-in-law, Kelly, are in a fierce tug-of-war over Maegan’s husband and Kelly’s son, Josh, who has been in a persistent vegetative state for the last two years due to an anoxic brain injury. After two years and no improvement, Maegan claims Josh’s condition is in decline, and it’s time for both her and Kelly to let him go and pass peacefully. Kelly says she completely disagrees with Maegan’s decision to end Josh’s life and finds all of Maegan’s social media posts about Josh “full of lies and exploitative.” Kelly claims the only reason Maegan wants to bring Josh home, remove his feeding tube, and allow him to die is that she needs “new material” for her social media followers. Maegan denies that she is exploiting her husband and says that she has helped to spread awareness of anoxic brain injuries. Can these women come together to decide what is truly best for Josh? Dr. Phil weighs in on this morally, ethically and spiritually challenging debate. Don’t miss it!
19x112 - The “Bakersfield 3”: The Gruesome Discoveries Two Years Later
March 9, 2021
It’s a mystery that made local news and brought together three mothers under tragic circumstances. Two young people vanished and one was murdered within weeks of each other in Bakersfield, California. They became known as the “Bakersfield 3.” In March 2018, Cheryl’s son Micah disappeared. Two weeks later, Di’s son, James, was shot and killed. The two young men knew each other, and so their moms believed the cases were connected. Then, two weeks after James’ murder, Baylee, who was also in their circle, disappeared. The three mothers searched for answers and met for the first time with Dr. Phil in 2018. Since then, countless tips have come to the police, and there has been a heartbreaking discovery discussed with these families. Also, criminal charges have been made. Find out who among the "Bakersfield 3" has been accused of horrific crimes.
19x113 - The “Bakersfield 3”: Moms Confront Their Own Demons
March 10, 2021
The mothers of the “Bakersfield 3” sit down with Dr. Phil to discuss their traumatic losses. Cheryl and her husband, Lance, are grieving for their murdered son, Micah, whose remains were discovered this past year. Dr. Phil helps them work through their grief and guilt with a revealing exercise. Di continues to investigate the murder of her son, James, who was shot and killed in 2018, and Jane struggles to understand the unbelievable twist in her missing daughter, Baylee's case.
19x114 - From College Athlete to Homeless and Addicted
March 15, 2021
Ira was once a talented high school basketball player and even played in college. His mother, Chonte, says all of Ira’s basketball dreams were destroyed once he was introduced to partying and drugs on campus. Now, Ira is walking the streets of Los Angeles homeless and using Fentanyl on a daily basis. But despite being homeless and using drugs, Chonte says her son refuses to admit he’s a drug addict and pretends to live a lavish lifestyle on social media. Chonte says she’s cut off Ira financially, but Ira calls his mother’s “tough love” “bad parenting,” and claims his mother should be helping him get on his feet, especially since she has the money to do so. Plus, find out why Ira believes rehab is just a waste of his time, and see what brought this young man to tears.
19x115 - My Mother Believes She’s Being Tracked by a Secret ‘Hookup’ App!
March 16, 2021
Jonny came to Dr. Phil begging for help because she claims her mom, Nancy, has become “delusional” and completely obsessed with what she calls a “secret hookup app.” Nancy says people on the app use a “secret color code” and a “secret number system” to try to communicate with her for sex. Nancy claims these people will hold up the numbers 1 through 8 on their fingers to communicate different sex acts. Nancy says she feels in danger because wherever she goes, she sees people tracking her location using the “hookup app!” But Jonny says nobody is tracking her mom, and it’s “all in her head.” Is Nancy being tracked? Dr. Phil investigates. Don’t miss it!
19x116 - Belligerent and Blacked Out But Not a Drop to Drink
March 17, 2021
Stephanie says she and her partner of 15 years, Hal, are living a perpetual nightmare due to Hal being diagnosed with a rare condition where his body makes him legally intoxicated without actually drinking alcohol. Stephanie says Hal has been diagnosed with auto-brewery syndrome, and there is no clear cure in sight. Hal says he lives his life by the breathalyzer – one moment he can be stone-cold sober, and within an hour, he can be belligerently “drunk,” stumbling, and very combative. This rare syndrome also affects Ray and his wife and caretaker, Sierra, and they both say this condition has taken a huge toll on their relationship. Hal, Stephanie, Sierra, and Ray all say they’re desperate for a cure.
19x117 - The Police Chief, His Wife, and His 6 Girlfriends: The Exclusive Interview
March 23, 2021
A married Texas police chief is arrested after his multiple affairs are exposed online. Jason Collier admits to cheating or having inappropriate relationships with not just one -- but several -- girlfriends, all while married to and living with his wife. In an exclusive interview, Collier comes clean about his web of lies. Watch a preview in the video above!
19x118 - Exclusive: Texas Police Chief Leading Secret Triple Life Speaks
March 24, 2021
He seemed like the perfect boyfriend, handsome and the well-respected police chief of a Texas town. But the multiple women he was dating soon discovered that Jason Collier was every woman’s worst nightmare: a married man lying to not only his wife but also to his multiple girlfriends. In part two of Dr. Phil’s exclusive interview, Collier answers accusations made by the woman who outed what she called his “triple” life.
19x119 - Life After “Death”: Lethal Surgeon Sentenced to Prison
March 25, 2021
Dr. Christopher Duntsch has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” and is the first known surgeon sentenced to life in prison due to gross malpractice. From 2011 – 2013, Dr. Duntsch reportedly maimed 33 patients, with two of them later dying after surgery, while working at hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. In 2015, Duntsch was indicted on five counts of aggravated assault and one count of harming an elderly person, and in 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison. In 2021, two additional patients passed away due to complications from his surgeries – including Duntsch’s childhood friend Jerry Summers. Dr. Phil speaks with individuals directly impacted by Dr. Duntsch, including a surviving victim, medical professionals, and a woman who once viewed Dr. Duntsch as her “second son.”
19x120 - Help! My Brother Would Rather Be Homeless Than Get a Job
March 29, 2021
Mia and Kiki say their 30-year-old brother, Forrest, lives in their deceased grandma’s house in a room they call “the cave.” They say he lives in filth, won’t leave the house, is jobless and won’t pay his bills. Mia and Kiki say their mother, Lesli, enables Forrest’s behavior by bringing him food and money. Forrest says his family doesn’t understand how hard it is for him due to his mental disorder, fear of getting sick, and rough childhood with his mom. He also claims he would rather be homeless than get his life together. The family says they’re worried if Forrest continues to be lazy and unmotivated that he will end up on the streets.
19x121 - Beautiful, Rebellious and Always Running Away
March 30, 2021
Jennifer says her 15-year-old daughter, Marie, is completely out of control, refuses to go to school, and is constantly running away. She says, at one point, her daughter was so disrespectful that she had to send her to live with her grandmother, Vicki, because she was too much for her to handle. Jennifer says she recently lost her job of four years because she was constantly having to keep an eye on Marie. Jennifer says she fears Marie’s actions will lead to her living on the streets, jail, or even worse, dead. Jennifer’s oldest daughter, Carly, says she’s distraught over Marie’s attitude and how it affects their mother. She says Jennifer cries daily, and her stress levels are through the roof. Is Marie just a “bad teen,” or is she crying out through rebellion for attention?
19x122 - Will He Remarry His Russian Bride?
March 31, 2021
The last time we met Mark Anthony and his Russian bride-to-be, Marina, they were counting down the days until their May 25, 2020 wedding, but the pandemic hit, and their plans changed. Marina was stuck in Russia, and Mark Anthony was stuck in the states, so they had a virtual wedding. But six days later, something happened that broke them up. Now, Mark Anthony wants to get back together with Marina and walk down that aisle again -- but will Marina want the same? And, does Dr. Phil think this is a match made in heaven?
19x123 - My Brother is Delusional and Believes in Conspiracy Theories
April 1, 2021
Stephanie claims her brother Brandon's conspiracy theories have taken over his life and are tearing their family apart. She says he believes people are after him and that the “elite people” control everything. She also says he talks in riddles and barely leaves his home. Stephanie claims his split from reality is making him think their mother, Rozanna, is out to destroy him. Rozanna says she’s become Brandon’s whipping post – so why does she say she paid six months of his past electric bills. Both women say 10 years ago, Brandon was charming, charismatic, and successful, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as a real estate broker. Will Dr. Phil be able to help Brandon at this point?
19x124 - Dr. Phil’s 3,000th Show -- With Bonus Footage!
April 2, 2021
After 17 seasons and nearly 20,000 guests, Dr. Phil celebrates his 3,000th episode! Dr. Phil’s studio audience is filled with some of your favorite guests from past seasons. From relationships on the brink of divorce to guests struggling with deadly addictions and disorders, find out how some of Dr. Phil’s most memorable guests are now. And, you will not believe which former guest surprised everyone with an engagement ring and proposal on Dr. Phil’s stage! Surprise guest messages from Oprah Winfrey, the Jonas Brothers, and more -- hear what they have to say about Dr. Phil’s 3,000th milestone. Plus, find out the surprise that left Dr. Phil nearly speechless!
19x125 - Where Are They Now? You Asked, We Answer!
April 5, 2021
Dr. Phil checks in on the progress of two of your favorite guests! When Ryan, aka “Raging Ryan,” first sat down with Dr. Phil, he was terrorizing his family with out-of-control rages, fueled by alcohol and marijuana. A year later, Ryan claims he’s made amazing progress -- but his sister, Alyssa, insists his behavior has only gotten worse! Then, Dr. Phil sits down with Heather. The last time they spoke, she repeatedly defended her boyfriend, Collin, even though she claimed he regularly put his hands on her. Dr. Phil recommended she finally leave Collin for good. Did she? Find out!
19x126 - My Mom Is in Love with a Man Who Doesn’t Exist
April 6, 2021
Karen says she’s fallen in love and plans to spend the rest of her life with a man named “Thomas,” whom she met online. But, Karen’s daughter, Mindy, says there is no “Thomas.” She says she is sure her mother is being catfished by a man she has never met or even video chatted with, who claims to be on an oil rig and stuck in the Gulf of Mexico. Mindy says her mother’s heart is not the only thing “Thomas” has stolen from her; he has also gone after money her recently retired mother doesn’t have to give. Karen says she is a dedicated Dr. Phil viewer and has watched all his shows on catfishing, so she knows her “lover” is real. She claims the fact that no one can prove he is a fake gives her great hope they will be together soon. Find out what happens when Dr. Phil provides Karen with evidence that she is being scammed. Will she believe the truth?
19x127 - Karen’s Catfish: Will She Believe the Truth
April 7, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Mindy and her mother, Karen, who claimed to be in love with a man she had never met named “Thomas.” Despite Dr. Phil providing Karen with seemingly overwhelming evidence that “Thomas” was indeed a catfish, Karen seemed to have a hard time grasping what had happened to her and who was behind the scam. Today, Dr. Phil introduces Karen to the man whose photos were stolen and used by Karen’s catfish, which leads to a very emotional moment for Karen. But that’s not all. Dr. Phil also introduces Karen to the man whose name and personal details were stolen and used by the catfish. And, is this the first time Karen has possibly fallen prey to an online catfish? Can Dr. Phil help Karen stop getting duped by online predators? Plus, infectious disease expert Dr. Tony Mills answers any and all questions you may have about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
19x128 - My Dad Can’t Stand My Ex-Boyfriend
April 8, 2021
On the outside, 23-year-old Jen appears to have it all: good looks, a successful business, and a healthy 3-year-old daughter. But sadly, on the inside, Jen says she is living a nightmare and suffers from chronic anxiety. She claims that one of the main contributors is Chris, her ex-boyfriend and father of her daughter. Jen says she and Chris have a toxic relationship, and up until three weeks ago, they weren’t speaking. Additionally, Jen’s father, Steve, and Chris don’t see eye-to-eye – as Steve claims Chris never provided for his family. Chris insists he’s changed his life and wants to prove to Jen and Steve he’s the man she deserves. Today, Jen, Steve, and Chris all sit down together for the very first time in almost a year to hopefully clear the air – but, will Steve allow Chris to get a word in? Are they able to move forward and learn to co-parent? Or, is it time to move on? Tune in to find out.
19x129 - Update: “Dr. Phil Saved My Alcoholic Wife’s Life,” and “Dr. Phil Gave Me a Second Chance”
April 9, 2021
A few months ago, Keith and his wife of 28 years, JoLynn, visited Dr. Phil’s stage for the first time after making news headlines when JoLynn was arrested for public intoxication. JoLynn and Keith have returned with an unbelievable update. JoLynn thanks Dr. Phil for helping her make a dramatic change in her life. For the past few months, JoLynn has been supported by Dr. Deena Manion, Clinical Officer, and the staff at Westwind Recovery. Later, meet Dr. Phil Associate Producer Lindy Foust, who thanks Dr. Phil for giving her a second chance after her addiction to Adderall, Xanax, and alcohol adversely affected her life and her ability to properly perform her job. Lindy’s parents, Susan and Butch, share their thoughts on their daughter’s recovery, as well as their gratitude to Dr. Phil and his staff.
19x130 - Vanished: Where is Maya?
April 12, 2021
The mystery deepens in the case of beautiful missing mom Maya Millete, who vanished from her home in California. Maya’s sister and brother-in-law claim she was in a volatile marriage and just days away from meeting with a divorce attorney when she disappeared. They also claim her husband, Larry, isn’t helping them search for her. Plus, a family friend describes his visit inside the home. He claims he saw fans blowing and the windows open, as if the place was being aired out. He also claims he noticed what looked like a freshly repaired hole in the couple’s bedroom door. Her family says her children are asking, “Where is mommy?” Where is missing Maya?
19x131 - Help! Our Home is One Big Storage Unit!
April 13, 2021
Jodee says her husband, Charlie, has a hoarding problem. Charlie says he doesn’t like that word; he says he’s a collector with nine kayaks, nine backpacks, 10 bikes, 40 guitars, 60 soccer balls, 100 soccer jerseys, 100-plus fishing rods, a wall of amplifiers, drum sets, camping gear and more! Jodee says she feels like she’s living in one big junk-filled storage unit. Charlie says he doesn't call it junk because it’s all good stuff. Jodee says now her husband’s obsessive “collections” have spread past their 2,400 sq. ft. house and into the garage, two sheds, two vans, three cars, and an RV -- and she's had enough! To add to Jodee’s stress with Charlie’s 12-year clutter problem, she says she inherited her mother’s house and all its belongings when she passed away five months ago, and with escrow closing at the end of next month, she says she’s stressed out with all the clutter that surrounds her. Find out what Robin has planned for this family.
19x132 - I’m Afraid My Phobia and OCD Will Ruin My Wedding!
April 14, 2021
Jamie says for 17 years, she has dealt with OCD and the fear of throwing up. She says she is fearful to leave the house and feels safest in her bed. Jamie says she can’t hold down a job because her fear of throwing up takes over her life. She says it gets so bad that she will get panic attacks where she will twitch and pull her hair three-to-four times a day. Her fiancé, Brent, says her phobia has caused tension in their relationship and hopes she can walk down the aisle on their wedding day. Jamie’s parents, Kristi and Jerry, say their daughter’s anxiety developed during her childhood.
19x133 - Threatened By My Second Grader
April 15, 2021
Faren says her 7-year-old son, Michael’s, all-day tantrums have become the main event in her home. She says Michael is aggressive, violent, and loud, and she can’t take it anymore. She says he screams, kicks, and punches people, pets, and even himself. Faren and her boyfriend, Ricky, say they spend all day trying to control Michael, and nothing calms the boy down. Michael’s father, Steven, claims his son is well-behaved at his home, and it’s Faren that antagonizes their child. Faren’s stepmom, Valinda, says her grandson needs attention from his mom, and since Ricky and a new child have moved into Faren’s house, Michael is having a challenging time getting enough attention. Is there hope for Michael?
19x134 - I’m Addicted to Vaping!
April 16, 2021
Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes, but is vaping safer or less addictive? First, Dr. Phil sits down with Carissa, who says she turned to vaping to quit her cigarette addiction and vapes “practically nonstop.” Carissa’s daughter, Alexa, says she’s concerned about her mother’s vaping, but claims Carissa doesn’t want to believe that it could be potentially dangerous. Then, Dr. Phil meets 20-year-old Damion, who says he’s certain he’s going to be the next big social media influencer and R&B star. However, Damion’s parents say he’s “lazy,” “entitled,” and spends practically all his time in his room vaping! Are Damion’s dreams destined to go up in smoke? Find out!
19x135 - Help! My Mom’s an Empty Mess-Ter
April 19, 2021
Jackie emailed Dr. Phil over 660 times because she says ever since her daughter went to college, she can’t see the floor of her house because of the clutter! She says she started recycling scrap metal, and now, it’s turned her home into a “hellhole torture chamber.” Jackie says the last time anyone besides her daughter stepped foot in her house was seven years ago. Jackie says her relationship with her daughter has been strained. Shayla says her mom kicked her out of the house years back, and she’s never been able to discuss why. Will Dr. Phil be able to clear some paths to forgiveness for this mother-daughter duo? Will Jackie be able to dig out from the mess in order to finally make things right with her daughter?
19x136 - My Wife Claims She is Being Mind Controlled
April 20, 2021
Rachel claims she’s a victim of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and mind control. She says she’s lived a life of constant fear and abuse since she was a child and is still mysteriously triggered, controlled and violated. Her husband, Ben, says he believes his wife’s story completely and wants her to be free from these triggers ruling their lives.
19x137 - Traumatic Past and Odd Behavior: Is My Cousin Having a Breakdown?
April 21, 2021
Stephanie claims her cousin Bonnie has had a traumatic life involving abuse, sexual assault, and involvement in the adult entertainment industry. Bonnie’s Aunt Cyndi claims that what she calls Bonnie’s "manic episodes" are getting worse and are happening more often. Bonnie says she is handling her past by using mushrooms and smoking weed. Bonnie says her family needs to be understanding of how hard her past was and that she is trying to make it in life.
19x138 - My Twin Sister Thinks She is Etta James Reincarnated!
April 22, 2021
Tamera claims that not only does she look exactly like Etta James, she claims she is Etta James reincarnated! Tamera says the four-time Grammy winner entered her body soon after her death in 2012. Ever since, she claims she’s had visions of Etta James’ life and says she is now ready to restart her music career and show the world that Etta James is back! But Tamera’s mother, Debra, and Tamera’s twin sister, Tia, claim Tamera is “delusional” and not in any way Etta James. They say they absolutely refuse to call Tamera “Etta,” which they say has led to the family completely fracturing. Later, Bishop T.D. Jakes, founder of The Potter’s House Church, a non-denominational, multicultural church in Dallas, Texas, joins Dr. Phil to discuss the way we speak and why words matter. Bishop Jakes is also a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, Don’t Drop the Mic: The Power of Words Can Change the World, is in bookstores and online now.
19x139 - Violence, Arrests, School Drop Out and Drugs: My Grandson Needs Help!
April 23, 2021
Lee says his 17-year-old nephew, Dakota, is out of control. He says Dakota grew up in a toxic environment, and after his father died by suicide, he moved in with his grandparents, Catherine and Jim, and has acted out even more. Catherine says Dakota hangs out with wannabe gang members, drug addicts and troublemakers. Catherine says she can’t use tough love with her grandson because she holds guilt from his father’s suicide. Dakota’s older brother Hayden turned his life around, so can he help get his brother on the right path?
19x140 - My Narcissistic Drama Queen Teen is Dead to Me
April 26, 2021
Mya says she’s tired of everyone in her life being jealous of her, wanting to be her, and tearing her down. She says even her own father, Jim, is “so jealous” of her that he is trying to ride on the coattails of her internet fame! Mya says she livestreams her life 24/7, including while she sleeps, and one night, her viewers overheard her father yelling at her younger sister. She says in retaliation, her father kicked her out of his house and told her she was dead to him! Jim says after he kicked Mya out, he learned that she had become one of the most hated women on the internet for her insults, degrading language, and for berating a woman who allegedly was wearing a wig because she has cancer! Jim says Mya has been slandering his name on the internet, claiming he was abusive to her in her childhood, and says he wants to clear his name. Mya says her dad is nothing but a liar and everything she has said about her father is 100% the absolute truth.
19x141 - Something is Seriously Wrong with My Mother
April 27, 2021
Dr. Phil meets Sara, an attorney who says over the past year, her 67-year-old mother, Chris’, behavior has changed to such a worrying extent, she has been Baker Acted and cannot be trusted around her own grandchildren. Sara says Chris disappeared for two days last year after faxing a “manifesto” to a major news network about an idea to end Donald Trump’s Presidency. Sara says when she found her mother, she contacted the police who recommended taking her to the emergency room for a wellness check. However, after evaluating Chris, the ER doctor Baker Acted her, and she was sent to a mental health facility. Chris, who says this whole ordeal has been a huge misunderstanding and that she is not mentally compromised in any way. Dr. Phil offers a potentially life-changing resource to Chris to determine her brain health once and for all. Will Chris take the help? Tune in to find out!
19x142 - “90210” Star AnnaLynne McCord Reveals Dissociative Identity Disorder Diagnosis
April 28, 2021
Actress AnnaLynne McCord, known for her roles on 90210 and Nip/Tuck, says she is “uninterested in shame” as she bravely shares her diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder. Joined by her doctor, the star reveals why she made the decision to share her journey. She shares her experience of disassociating to deal with past childhood trauma, and how she healed. AnnaLynne says she is determined to work to help destigmatize mental illness.
19x143 - My 3-Month-Old Grandson Was Murdered; Who is To Blame?
April 29, 2021
Elke and Steven are grieving the devastating loss of their 3-month-old son, Lucas, who died tragically in May of last year. As if living through the unbearable loss is not enough, the circumstances of Lucas’ death are still a mystery. Steven says he’s now under investigation but is innocent and would never hurt his child, and his girlfriend, Elke, believes him. His mother, Melissa, wrote to Dr. Phil desperate for help because she says she suspects Elke is responsible for her grandson’s death. Elke says she would never hurt her child, and she’s still in shock at the loss of her infant son.
19x144 - Who Killed Baby Lucas?
April 30, 2021
In part two of the mystery surrounding the tragic death of 3-month-old baby Lucas, parents Elke and Steven hear from a world-renowned expert regarding traumatic brain injuries and abuse in children. Find out what Dr. Phil learns about the possible timing and cause of Lucas’ death.
19x145 - Our Mom Lived Without Heat and Water … For Online Scammers!
May 3, 2021
Sisters Stacey and Traci say their mom, Gail, is “blinded by love,” and currently being scammed by her online boyfriend, “Matt Hurley.” However, Gail says her relationship with “Matt Hurley” couldn’t be clearer – and after four years – she would know if he wasn’t the “caring and truthful” man she fell in love with. Stacey and Traci claim Gail was living without running water and heat so she could send money to “Matt Hurley,” and they are desperate for her to end the relationship. How much money has Gail really sent to “Matt Hurley” – and how much does she really know about “him”? Tune in for part one of this two-part global investigation.
19x146 - Dr. Phil Goes Global: Where is “Matt Hurley?”
May 4, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Gail and her two daughters, Stacey and Traci, who claim their mom has lost everything due to an online romance scam. Gail says that’s not the case -- she insists her boyfriend of four years, “Matt Hurley,” is the real deal but is stuck in Nigeria and can’t afford a plane ticket to the U.S. Gail says for the past two years, “Matt Hurley” has been staying at a hotel in Warri, Nigeria. When Dr. Phil sends a producer to that location, what does he find? And, Dr. Phil finds the man in “Matt Hurley’s” photos. Where is he located, and what does he have to say to Gail? Tune in today to find out. Plus, David McClellan from shares what he says are quick and easy ways to confirm if someone really is who they claim to be online – and has a special offer for Dr. Phil’s audience.
19x147 - Our 11-Year-Old is Starving Herself to Death
May 5, 2021
Matt wrote to Dr. Phil because he says his 11-year-old daughter, Hannah, has been battling an eating disorder since she was 9, and doctors have told him and his wife, Malina, that their daughter’s is one of the toughest cases they’ve ever seen. Malina says Hannah used to light up every room before she started spiraling out of control and lying to hide food and exercise. Matt says Hannah went from being the class president to violent outbursts, compulsive exercising, and being force-fed with a feeding tube – and he sees his daughter slipping through the cracks.
19x148 - Help! I’m Engaged to a Womanizing, Love-Bombing Psychopath!
May 6, 2021
Jennifer says she’s engaged for the fourth time to the same man, Steven, and needs Dr. Phil’s help to figure out if she should leave him now or find a way to save their relationship before they walk down the aisle. Jennifer claims Steven is an abusive, womanizing, sex-addicted, psychopath. She says their relationship has been in turmoil for three of the four years they’ve been together, but she doesn’t understand why she can’t ever seem to fully walk away. Steven claims the reason their relationship is so rocky is because Jennifer drinks too much alcohol and can’t ever seem to let go of the past. Steven says he believes their relationship is worth fighting for and says giving up is not an option. Will Jennifer and Steven stay together, or is it time for them to part ways?
19x149 - Where is Baby James?
May 7, 2021
A desperate search for a missing baby boy in Texas ends with a horrifying new discovery. Baby James’ family says they haven’t seen the toddler since Thanksgiving and claim his mother gave them a string of weak excuses when they asked where he was. In an exclusive interview, James’ great aunt says she feared something terrible had happened to the baby. She made a secret recording of her niece, the child’s mother, D’Lanny Chairez, who insisted that she had placed her son for adoption. But James' great aunt says she wasn’t buying it, and when she went into D’Lanny’s home to search for James, she says what she found horrified her -- a terrible smell and a bloody blanket. Was D’Lanny telling the truth about her son’s whereabouts? Don’t miss the shocking update.
19x150 - I Won’t Accept My Son as a Woman
May 10, 2021
Most parents' greatest wish for their children is to be happy and healthy. But Angela says she disagrees with her adult child’s lifestyle. She wrote to Dr. Phil because she says she is not happy with her child’s gender identity. She says she cannot accept that her adult child, who was born male, wants to dress like a woman. Angela says her child, who identifies as Jaybies, is disrespectful and a bad influence on her 16-year-old daughter. But Jaybies says Angela is the one with the issue. She says she’s been different her entire life, and her mom pushes her conservative beliefs on everyone.
19x151 - My Husband Rages
May 11, 2021
Natasha says despite her 8-year marriage with her husband, Brenden, being full of screaming, fights, threats, name-calling and pushes to the face, which she calls “muffing,” she still stays by his side. Why is Natasha trying to make this relationship work? Brenden admits he can get anxious, which leads to outbursts of anger, but says he suspects he could have a medical problem. Dr. Phil asks Dr. Bradley Jabour, CEO and Chief of Radiology at Medical Imaging Center of Southern California, to find out if Brenden could really have something medically wrong with his brain.
19x152 - My Mom is Dying From Cancer and Killing Herself with Alcohol
May 12, 2021
Alexa says she’s tired of watching her mother, Jen, make terrible decisions in life. She says her mother was given only four-to-six years left to live after her second cervical cancer diagnosis and refuses to do chemotherapy. On top of that, Alexa says Jen is an alcoholic who refuses to stop drinking alcohol when she knows it’s killing her! Jen admits she is an alcoholic, but says she wants to restart her life. However, Jen also admits that she hasn’t been 100% truthful with Alexa.
19x153 - Terrorized By My Teenager
May 13, 2021
Venessa says she wrote to Dr. Phil desperate for his help with her raging and violent 14-year-old son, Michael. She claims his aggression is so extreme that he cannot be controlled, and that he has broken windows, doors, walls, and even destroyed locks to get to his electronics when they’ve been confiscated. Venessa says she’s losing her son, and his violent behavior has been escalating since 2019 when his father died by suicide. Plus, Dr. Phil speaks with three-time Grammy nominee Michele Pillar, who opens up about her life as she describes it in her book, Untangled: The Truth Will Set You Free.
19x154 - My Mom is No Mother Teresa
May 14, 2021
Kiara says when she was 36-weeks pregnant, her unborn child’s heart stopped beating. She says instead of her mother, Teresa, being there for her, she disclosed the tragic news on social media before she had the opportunity to grieve her son’s death. Even worse, Kiara claims her mother later blamed her for the death of her child and told her that she should have been the one to die instead of her son! Kiara says she doesn’t think she can forget or forgive the horrible things her mother said, but Teresa says her words didn’t come unwarranted – why? Teresa says she feels that both Kiara and her son, Kyrie, have resented her for years for her “strict” parenting growing up. Teresa says she’s tired of her children being ungrateful and treating her like she’s just a “dog” to them. Is it possible for this family to move forward from all the anger and resentment? Should Kiara forgive her mother?
19x155 - Social Media Outcast: The Organizer of TanaCon Speaks Out
May 17, 2021
In 2018, Michael, an entrepreneur and social media manager, says he was at the top of his career and organized a social media convention, TanaCon, aimed at connecting online content creators with fans. Unfortunately, Michael says due to unanticipated crowds and safety concerns, the convention was forced to shut down early, causing him to lose ,000 and file bankruptcy. Michael says since then, he has received nothing but backlash, humiliation, and death threats online. Michael says he wrote to Dr. Phil seeking advice on how to move forward from the trauma he endured – as well as clear his name. Dr. Phil’s team connects with references provided by Michael and a woman who says she attended the event.
19x156 - More Allegations Against TanaCon Organizer Michael: How Will He Respond?
May 18, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Michael, an entrepreneur, social media manager and organizer of the 2018 social media convention TanaCon, which shut down early due to security concerns. Since the event’s shutdown made international headlines, Michael says he still receives backlash and death threats online on a daily basis. Dr. Phil’s team conducted reference checks, and yesterday, Dr. Phil met a woman who said she attended the event and two former employees, who say Michael let money and success go to his head. Dr. Phil also spoke to a current client of Michael’s who said Michael has been treated unfairly. Today, Dr. Phil meets one of Michael’s former clients and a past roommate who make more claims against him. How will this get resolved? Find out today.
19x157 - ,000 and Counting: My Sister’s ‘Hypochondria’ is Ruining Her Life
May 19, 2021
Anna claims her younger sister Alexandra has been dealing with severe “hypochondria” since she was a child, and it’s ruining her life. Alexandra says she is ,000 in medical debt because of constant trips to the E.R and hospital, and ambulance rides. Their cousin Nina says she believes the cause of Alexandra’s problems runs deeper than she thinks, and their friend Katie says she is worried Alexandra might never find happiness if she continues down the path she’s taking. Watch as Dr. Phil takes a look beneath the surface of Alexandra’s decade-long struggle.
19x158 - Accusations of Abuse and Tampering with a Corpse: What Happened to “Mother God”?
May 20, 2021
Eight months after Dr. Phil’s exclusive interview with the leader of the religious group, “Love Has Won,” Amy Carlson, also known as “Mother God,” was discovered dead inside a Colorado home. Carlson’s body was discovered in the small town of Moffat, Colorado on April 28, 2021, wrapped in a sleeping bag adorned with Christmas lights and glitter makeup around her eyes, which were allegedly missing. Seven apparent members of “Love Has Won” were arrested on charges of abuse of a corpse and child abuse. Rick Alan Ross, CEO of Cult Education Institute and cult expert, weighs in on the fallout from her death and the future of “Love Has Won.”
19x159 - Addicted to Enabling My Alcoholic Daughter
May 21, 2021
Debbie admits to enabling her 48-year-old alcohol-dependent daughter, Malissa, who she says has been to rehab four times, can’t hold a job, wrecked her car, and is being evicted from her apartment. Debbie says she will never give up on her daughter but wants to learn how to stop enabling her. Debbie’s husband of 29 years, Layne, admits he’s allowed Debbie to enable Malissa, and he’s had enough. Debbie says Dr. Phil is her last hope to save her daughter and get her marriage back on track, but is Malissa the only family member Dr. Phil needs to get real with? Find out!
19x160 - Running on Empty: A Broken Family, Part 1
May 24, 2021
Arielle says she has struggled with over a decade-long addiction to heroin. Her mother, Donna, and father, Ivy, say they’ve done all they can to keep Arielle safe – but is Donna helping or hurting the fragile situation? And, hear what their teen children, Arielle’s younger siblings, say about how Arielle’s addiction has affected them. Dr. Phil takes the first steps in addressing this family’s situation in part 1 of a three-part Dr. Phil.
19x161 - Running on Empty: A Broken Family, Part 2
May 25, 2021
Donna, Ivy, Arielle, Elle and Michael are back for day two with Dr. Phil. Arielle says she used heroin for over a decade and left her family broken -- and the family says they all have so much anger built up from the years of chaos in the house. Plus, Arielle says there is a secret regarding her paternity.
19x162 - Secrets, Addictions And Lies: Can This Family Heal?
May 26, 2021
Donna, her husband Ivy, and their children, Arielle, Elle and Michael, say that, as a family, they have been struggling to cope with Arielle’s drug addiction for 10 years. Arielle says her past heroin addiction has caused the family to fall apart and that they all have issues with one another. Donna and Ivy say Arielle’s drug addiction has also caused a lot of tension in their marriage. Can this family find a way to come together and rebuild their relationships?
19x163 - My Perfect Husband’s Secret Life Exposed
May 27, 2021
Dr. Phil speaks with the woman behind a viral social media video that has been viewed nearly 3 million times. Brittanie says her perfect marriage fell apart the day U.S. Marshals came to her home, held her at gunpoint, and arrested her loving husband of 10 years. After his arrest, Brittanie says she learned her husband, and father of her two children, had been hiding a deep, dark secret -- he was eventually convicted of multiple sex crimes. Brittanie claims from the moment her husband was arrested, she uncovered even more troubling details of her husband’s life, including a secret affair with a teenage girl. Find out what Brittanie says this teenage girl told her about her husband, and what Brittanie claims her husband has written to her from behind bars. Plus, Dr. Phil speaks with Kristin, who appeared on Dr. Phil last season, worried her 15-year-old son, Robbie, was a pedophile. Find out what’s happened since the appearance and how Kristin has used her experience to help others.
19x164 - Inmate on Death Row: Review of the Evidence
May 31, 2021
Dr. Phil delves into a murder that happened 21 years ago. Rob Will was 22 when he was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death 19 years ago for shooting and killing a 38-year-old Sheriff’s Deputy. But Rob denies he pulled the trigger -- and claims that the state of Texas has the wrong guy sitting on death row. Both sides are talking: the prosecutor who says the right man is behind bars, and those who believe that ballistic evidence and the lack of DNA don’t lie.
19x165 - On Trial For Being Male
September 6, 2021
Dr. Phil welcomes a varied group of people to his stage to discuss the idea of straight men being the new minority. Dr. Phil talks to political commentator Tomi Lahren who, in a viral video, branded many men in America as “boys” who act like “trash.” He also meets Jerry, a man from California, who says he was falsely accused of raping a woman. And, Dr. Phil welcomes leading academics, Dr. Warren Farrell and Wendy Murphy, who each have polarizing opinions on the plight of straight men in America. Plus, a man who says he got tired of dealing with women so much that he decided to date men. How does the audience respond to his views? Tune in to find out!
19x166 - A Former Beauty Queen Sex Trafficked?
September 7, 2021
Jill says she was an international beauty queen who had it all. She left the pageant world to get married and have her son, but after her divorce, Jill says she desperately wanted to compete again. That's when she claims her life turned a dark corner and something sinister began happening to her. And, Jill hasn’t seen her son, Memo, in seven years. He says his mom just walked out the door one day and never came back, and he desperately wants to reunite with her. But is Jill excited to see him?
19x167 - Dr. Phil Making House Calls
September 8, 2021
This summer, Dr. Phil hit the road to make some good, old-fashioned house calls for his new CBS primetime docuseries “House Calls with Dr. Phil.” Today, he catches up with four families who are featured in the series. In Utah, Dr. Phil met with 19-year-old Lexi, who says she refused to speak to her dad, Chuck, for five years -- despite living under the same roof. Next, Dr. Phil visited San Jose, CA, where Brenda and her husband, Terry, say their family was falling apart, and their marriage and children were suffering following the unexpected death of their son. Also in California, Dr. Phil met with teens Jose Jr. and his younger brother, James, who turned in their police officer father to Dr. Phil for being narrow-minded and making it impossible to have a healthy relationship with them. Lastly, Dr. Phil headed to Colorado where he met a family who say they were thrown into chaos at their family-owned business due to what they claim is their stepfather, Mark’s, narcissistic behavior.
19x168 - My “Good” Daughter is Now Bad
September 9, 2021
Maria says she has spent the past 20 years overwhelmed by raising her older daughter, Aly, who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Meanwhile, Maria says her 16-year-old daughter, Alayna, who was always well-behaved, is now acting out by vaping, failing classes, sneaking out, and disrespecting her. Alayna says she is fed up with having to raise herself and has recently moved in with her father, Rodney, to escape the constant fighting with her mother. Find out why Alayna’s family pleads with Alayna to move back home – including her father.
19x169 - Last Call for My Former “Party Animal” Mom!
September 10, 2021
Michaela says her 45-year-old mom, Janie, is a former “party girl who never grew up.” But, Janie says challenges in her life have contributed to her alcohol addiction. Michaela says that three years ago, doctors told Janie she had five years left to live – if she stopped drinking – but even that didn’t persuade her to change her ways, and just a few weeks ago, Janie ended up in the hospital after vomiting blood. Today, Dr. Phil meets Michaela, Janie, and Janie’s brother and dad, who are desperate for Janie to stop drinking and get her life back on track. While Janie says she has tried to get sober in the past, her family hopes Dr. Phil’s advice will finally sink in … before it’s too late.
Dr. Phil: All seasons
S0: Specials
0 Episode
S1: Season 1
169 Episode s
S2: Season 2
176 Episode s
S3: Season 3
179 Episode s
S4: Season 4
184 Episode s
S5: Season 5
172 Episode s
S6: Season 6
47 Episode s
S7: Season 7
119 Episode s
S8: Season 8
252 Episode s
S9: Season 9
260 Episode s
S10: Season 10
252 Episode s
S11: Season 11
256 Episode s
S12: Season 12
178 Episode s
S13: Season 13
174 Episode s
S14: Season 14
108 Episode s
S15: Season 15
96 Episode s
S16: Season 16
134 Episode s
S17: Season 17
143 Episode s
S18: Season 18
180 Episode s
S19: Season 19
169 Episode s
S20: Season 20
162 Episode s
S21: Season 21
156 Episode s
S22: Season 22
11 Episode s