Backwards to Forwards / Sounds Like Trouble

January 19, 2000

Dragon Tales - S1 - E23

Backwards to Forwards / Sounds Like Trouble

#12301 ""Backwards to Forwards"" It's a mixed-up backwards episode, as Max, Emmy and the dragons play a game and end up being sprinkled with a special type of water that causes things to go backwards. It's a lot of fun, until it creates a lot of confusion. They then have to work together to get things moving in the right direction again. #12302 ""Sounds Like Trouble"" A ball-game sends Max, Emmy and the dragons scrambling into a dark cave after losing a goo ball. There, Ord must come face-to-face with his long-held fear of the dark.

Dragon Tales: Season 1 - 40 Episode s

Dragon Tales: All seasons