Emmerdale: Season 34 - 101 Episode s
34x87 - Thur 14 Apr 2005
April 14, 2005
A harmless competition of ‘Mr and Mrs' in the Woolpack ends in a bitter row when Simon confesses that his dream home would be in Scarborough. Having wrongly assumed that he would want to live with her in Emmerdale, Nicola is furious. Will the fishmonger return to his home town or finally make the commitment that Nicola is so desperate for? Meanwhile, Jimmy is delighted to hear that Sadie has disappeared and heads to Pear Tree cottage to tell Tom and Carl the good news. Tom is clearly not in the mood for celebrating, disappointed at the way things have worked out. Elsewhere, Scott and Dawn are unable to stay civil with one another as he attempts to teach her to drive. Giving it up as a bad job, Dawn asks Bob if he would consider helping her and a thrilled Bob readily accepts the challenge.
34x88 - Fri 15 Apr 2005
April 15, 2005
Lesley's interfering is welcomed for the first time when she tells Nicola about Simon's past and the breakdown of his previous relationship. Realising that Simon is scared of commitment, she confronts him and he finally opens up to her. After a long chat they announce that Simon is moving to Emmerdale and the couple look smitten as they look forward to their future together. Meanwhile, Viv and Bob are separately miserable as their divorce finally comes through. Viv is delighted when Paddy offers to take her to the Woolpack for a drink, but despite keeping up appearances, it is clear that she is as sad as Bob that their marriage is officially over. Over at the antiques barn, Rodney surprises Paul by asking him to become part owner of the family business. Paul accepts, knowing that is a big step forward for him and his recently found father.
34x89 - Sun 17 Apr 2005
April 17, 2005
When Emily is late home from a shopping trip with Paul, Paddy heads over to the shop and is unable to resist when Viv invites him upstairs for a bite to eat. The tension mounts between the lonely individuals and before long they are wrapped around one another, forgetting all about the chicken sizzling under the grill. Otherwise engaged, Paddy and Viv fail to notice the grill pan has caught fire, but as the smoke alarm goes crazy and Donna flies in, they are forced to lie that Paddy heard the noise and came to save the day. As Donna brands the vet a hero, he and a Viv are clearly embarrassed by their behaviour. Elsewhere, Nicola and Simon grow closer as they plan their future together. However, Rodney is mortified when he is left with Lesley for company!
34x90 - Mon 18 Apr 2005
April 18, 2005
Zoe is disappointed when Callum fails to attend the birthday party that she's laid on for him, and when she confronts him he accuses her of using him as an excuse to invite people round. Despite their row, Callum eventually shows his face and has an unexpectedly good time. Louise joins the celebrations and can't help but flirt outrageously with Matthew. Fearing that she's on the brink of doing something that she may regret, she makes a sudden exit and heads for Diane's. Louise confesses that she has feelings for Matthew but insists that she wants her relationship with Terry to work. Will the barmaid stay faithful to her man? Elsewhere, Paddy is disappointed when Emily snubs him for Paul yet again. Viv convinces him that one final fling with her will make him feel better, and she books them a hotel on the internet. Donna becomes suspicious of her mother's behaviour and snoops around for evidence. What will she find?
34x91 - Tue 19 Apr 2005
April 19, 2005
A suspicious Donna persuades a reluctant Marlon to follow her mother. Horrified that she is close to discovering Paddy and Viv's affair, he desperately distracts his girlfriend and she fails to discover the identity of Viv's mystery man. Inside the hotel room, a guilty Paddy decides that he can't go through with the liaison and leaves a disappointed Viv feeling dejected and alone. Meanwhile, Emily goes looking for her husband and when she is unable to find him she confesses to Paul that she is no longer happy with her relationship. Could this be the end of the road for Paddy and Emily?
34x92 - Wed 20 Apr 2005
April 20, 2005
As Emily makes a special effort with Paddy he is full of remorse and contemplates confessing all. Marlon strongly advises him to keep quiet, but will his guilt get the better of him? Over in the shop, Viv also wrestles with her conscience and she gives a surprised Emily the day off. Confused about the odd behaviour of those around her, Emily seeks advice from Paul in an attempt to save her marriage. Elsewhere, Val and Bob provide support for one another in their individual quests. Bob admits that he is looking for a woman, and Val admits that she's after a job
34x93 - Thur 21 Apr 2005
April 21, 2005
Paddy Confesses Emily walks out of the shop after a rude comment from Viv, and when she returns home in a rage Paddy gets the wrong end of the stick and confesses all. How will the mouse-like creature react to the news of her husband's fling? Over at the B&B, Val is amused when she catches Bob recording a video message in an attempt to get a date. After considerable teasing she offers to help, and after a couple of bottles of wine she offers herself! Elsewhere, Dawn is outraged to discover that Scott conned an elderly lady out of her car and returns the automobile to its rightful owner. The young mum is left in disgust at her boyfriend's behaviour.
34x94 - Fri 22 Apr 2005
April 22, 2005
34x95 - Sun 24 Apr 2005
April 24, 2005
Emily struggles to come to terms with her husband's betrayal, but after a few words of advice from Paul, she plucks up the courage to confront both Paddy and Viv. The disgraced postmistress and vet begin to argue over whose fault it was and Emily eventually cracks under the pressure. She tells them that she wants things to carry on as usual and that no one in the village is to know about the affair. Is this something that can be kept under wraps? Elsewhere, Jack is concerned about Diane when she snaps at Victoria and, guessing that she is apprehensive about her forthcoming scan, he does his best to reassure her. Meanwhile, Bob decides that he is determined to achieve one of his greatest ambitions – to get into the Guinness Book of Records! He enlists the help of Val, but will he succeed in reaching his goal, and poor Debbie Dingle feels her baby kick while minding TJ.
34x96 - Mon 25 Apr 2005
April 25, 2005
It's business as usual for Emily who is determined to behave as though her husband's affair never happed. A guilt-ridden Viv demands that Emily punch her in the face for revenge, but Emily calmly responds that she has no right to tell her what to do. Despite her composed demeanour, Emily confides in Paul and breaks down as she tells him that she can't stop thinking about the betrayal. She returns home, only to find Paddy and Viv discussing what has happened and, despite her instinct to flip, she disappears up to bed, leaving the shamed couple feeling worse than ever. Meanwhile, Donna incorrectly assumes that Viv and Bob are back together and goes to see her step-father to find out what's going on. Val and Bob are busy practicing their world record attempt and not wanting Donna to interrupt, he shouts out that he is with a woman. Donna takes this as confirmation that he is with Viv and later ignores Marlon's protestations that she is wrong.
34x97 - Tue 26 Apr 2005
April 26, 2005
Emily is irritated when she finds herself clearing up after Paddy at home. When she gets to work she can feel her blood boiling as Laurel innocently tells her that she has heard that Viv has been seeing someone on the sly. Emily's pent up aggression finally becomes too much to contain and the usually timid character explodes, attacking the shop in a frenzy. She sweeps the products off the shelves and smashes everything to the ground. Before long a crowd gathers and a horrified Viv realises that she has only got herself to blame. Later that day, Donna sees the wreckage in the shop and demands an explanation from her mother. Will Viv find the words to tell her daughter about her abysmal behaviour?
34x98 - Wed 27 Apr 2005
April 27, 2005
A furious Emily packs Paddy's bags before storming over to the Woolpack. The punters look on in shock as Emily dumps the suitcases at her husband's feet and announces that he has been sleeping with the postmistress! When Viv is unable to deny the affair, Bob seethes at the thought of Paddy with his former wife and instinctively smacks him in the face. Does Bob's jealous reaction confirm that he still has feelings for Viv? Meanwhile, a horrified Donna confronts Marlon over whether he knew about the affair and is furious to discover that he did. Marlon tries desperately to make amends but is hurt when Donna accuses him of caring more for Paddy than for her.
34x99 - Thur 28 Apr 2005
April 28, 2005
Matthew's sights are set firmly on Louise and despite the obvious chemistry between them she continues to reject his advances. With Terry away, Matthew tries a new approach and he openly tells the barmaid that he is crazy about her. Louise insists that she is attached, but the handsome King tells her that it's dinner at his tomorrow night or nothing. Will Louise finally give in to temptation? Elsewhere, Zak does his best to cheer a miserable Emily and invites her to have tea at the Dingles'. She gratefully accepts his offer but later shocks him when she announces that it's over between her and Paddy because he will always come second to her late husband, Butch. Over at the veterinary surgery, Paddy struggles to carry on as usual and when he overhears Tamsin and Libby gossiping about him. He warns Libby that he will sack her if he hears a peep out of her again.
34x100 - Fri 29 Apr 2005
April 29, 2005
Louise struggles to suppress her desire as Matthew openly plans their dinner together. In a desperate attempt to remain loyal to Terry, she tells Matthew he's a walking cliché and to leave her alone. Later, Louise is consumed by lust. After telling Bob that she's going for a walk, she finds herself at Matthew's door. A delighted Matthew reaches to help her out of her coat and before long they are wrapped up in a passionate clinch. Afterwards, an extremely pleased Matthew pours two glasses of champagne but Louise leaves telling him that it was a one off and will never happen again. Will she remain true to her word? Elsewhere, Andy, Robert and Victoria anxiously wait for their parents to return home and are thrilled when Jack and Diane arrive with news that Diane has been given the all clear. Jack proposes a celebration, but soon regrets it when his wife plans a long shopping trip funded by him!
34x101 - Sun 1 May 2005
May 1, 2005
Sadie takes advantage of Cain's obvious desire for her by telling him that she'll reward him generously if he gets hold of evidence about Jimmy's real financial situation. He agrees to sneak into Pear Tree Cottage but will he come up with the goods? Meanwhile, Louise is distracted by thoughts of her night of passion and arouses Diane's suspicions with her odd behaviour. Unable to stay away, Louise meets Matthew in the car park for another tryst but has second thoughts, leaving Matthew aching for more. Later that day, Louise panics when Matthew starts up a friendly conversation with Terry and at an opportune moment she warns Matthew off and tells him their fling was a mistake. Is this really the end of their dangerous liaison? Over at the Dingles', Chas boasts that she has more will-power than Zak or Shadrach and declares she could give up drinking without a problem. Her father and uncle declare that they could give up booze tomorrow and Chas swiftly takes them up on the offer.
34x102 - Monday 2nd May 2005
May 2, 2005
Sadie distracts the Kings in the Woolpack while Cain sneaks into the office to look for evidence of Jimmy's true financial state. Unable to find sufficient paperwork, Cain decides to take Jimmy's laptop along with a few other valuables. Sadie is later relieved that Cain has narrowly avoided being caught and she gives him his bonus before leaving him hanging with a passionate kiss. How will Cain respond to her unexpectedly amorous advance? Meanwhile, Zak and Shadrach soon break their booze ban when Rodney asks them to help him shift some crates of beer. Chas finds the drunken Dingles and tells Rodney about their supposed plans to stay sober. Rodney challenges them to stop drinking for a month in return for £500. They accept the challenge but will they succeed? Elsewhere, a guilt-stricken Louise makes a special effort with Terry and turns down Matthew's invitation to spend the night in a hotel. Matthew remains determined that he can win her round, but will Louise's conscience allow her t
34x103 - Tues 3 May 2005
May 3, 2005
Sadie is horrified when Denzel questions her about the robbery at Pear Tree Cottage and hints that Cain may have exceeded his brief. On the warpath, Sadie confronts Cain and he reluctantly admits that he stole Jimmy's laptop. Despite her initial fury, all is forgiven when Sadie realises that this is exactly what she needs to get her claws on the Kings' cash. Over in the Woolpack, Rodney is delighted as he catches Zak and Shadrach ordering two pints, but they astonish everyone by ordering two pints of water! Meanwhile, Louise is put on the spot during a drunken game of ‘sex or death' when Paul asks her about Matthew. Louise lies that she would rather die than sleep with him but despite her apparent objection, Matthew proves popular with the others and he is later smug when Val tells him that he is the most eligible bachelor in the village.
34x104 - Wed 4 May 2005
May 4, 2005
Zak resolves to keep his mind off booze by taking a reluctant Shadrach fishing. Noting the gloomy atmosphere, Zak tries to cheer Shadrach up with a cup of tea instead of an alcoholic drink but it clearly isn't enough to satisfy him. Sneaky Shadrach later steals money from the Dingle pot and treats himself to a few drinks at the Malt Shovel. Zak is appalled when he realises what his brother has done and throws him out of the house, branding him scum. Meanwhile, Louise is unable to deny her feelings any longer and when Terry goes out for the day with TJ, she finds herself back in the arms of the irresistible King. Post coital, Louise and Matthew share a tender moment as she admits that it feels so right even though she knows that it's wrong.
34x105 - Thur 5 May 2005
May 5, 2005
Rodney calls off the bet when he catches Shadrach drinking in the Woolpack, but an angry Zak manages to convince Rodney that he has stuck to the rules and persuades him to re-negotiate the deal. Shadrach leaves the Woolpack and disgraces himself by urinating in the street. A disgusted Edna catches him in the act and demanding police action, Denzel is called, leaving Chas torn between her father and her relationship. Elsewhere, Robert delights in telling Sadie that Katie let slip that Jimmy has put in an offer to buy some land. Sadie is intrigued and offers Robert a reward to find out more but can he deliver? Meanwhile, Cain keeps a close eye on Sadie and is furious to see her saying farewell to Robert.
34x106 - Fri 6 May 2005
May 6, 2005
Sadie is impressed when Robert tells her that he has discovered that Jimmy has offered a local £10,000 for her field. Sadie instantly organises a meeting and undercuts her husband's offer to ensure that she becomes the proud owner of the land that is invaluable to the Kings. Later that day, Cain tries to seduce a uninterested Sadie and, after cruelly putting him down, she heads off for a steamy session with Robert. As they lay in the hay at Home Farm they are oblivious to the fact that a furious Cain has caught them in the act. Will he keep the news of Sadie's other conquest to himself? Over at the antiques barn, Shadrach asks Rodney for another shot at the bet. Softened by his sincerity, Rodney agrees to give him another chance on the condition that if he fails he has to take a bath on the main street!
34x107 - Sun 8 May 2005
May 8, 2005
While out viewing a vacant plot of land on which to build their home, Katie and Robert cement their future when Robert proposes and an emotional Katie accepts. The couple are pleased when Andy offers his congratulations. Will the air of romantic happiness last? Cain ruffles Sadie's feathers when he lets slip that he knows about her and Robert. Later on, in the Woolpack, he witnesses the Sugden family celebrating Robert and Katie's engagement. Irritated by the scene of family happiness, Cain promptly informs Andy that Robert is still having his cake and eating it. How will Andy react to this latest revelation about Robert's infidelity. Meanwhile, Tom returns and Jimmy confidently tells his father about the offer he made for Mrs Kidderminster's land but fails to inform him of the burglary. Later, Tom is surprised to see Sadie back in the village and is suspicious of her sudden reappearance. Elsewhere, Jarvis and Len practice their cricketing skills but it soon becomes clear that Jarvis's
34x108 - Mon 9 May 2005
May 9, 2005
Jimmy is stunned to learn that Mrs Kidderminster has sold her land to Sadie despite his offer. He quickly realises that his estranged wife must be behind the stolen laptop and attempts in vain to persuade Sadie to sell him the land. He later breaks the news to Tom and Matthew who decide to quiz Katie about the break in. Will Katie become embroiled in Sadie's deceit? Meanwhile, Andy discovers Robert's dark secret as Cain's accusations ring in his ears. He quizzes Daz about Robert and Sadie and his suspicions are confirmed when he later witnesses the pair in close contact. An enraged Andy sets off to confront his wayward brother. Elsewhere, with Max away on a course for a few days, Zoe reluctantly agrees to help Paddy out at the surgery.
34x109 - Tue 10 May 2005
May 10, 2005
When Andy confronts Robert at the garage about his affair with Sadie a brutal fight breaks out between the brothers. Alerted by Daz, Katie rushes to the scene and is devastated to learn the reason behind the punch-up. Despite Robert's desperate denial of the affair, she struggles to believe him. When Jack comes across his boys fighting once again, he demands to know what is going on. Robert once again denies the allegation, persuading Jack that Andy is just trying to poison Katie's mind. Having conned Jack, will Robert be able pull the wool over his fiancées eyes?Meanwhile, a distraught Katie decides to confront Sadie. The Woolpack regulars, including a stunned King family watch as Katie pours a drink over Sadie who retaliates with a firm slap across the face. Angry at Katie's behaviour, Tom sacks her on the spot. Being sacked is the least of Katie's worries as she heads to Andy's house to seek comfort. Will the turmoil of recent events force the ex-lovers back into each other's arms?
34x110 - Wed 11 May 2005
May 11, 2005
After spending the night at Andy's, Katie is in turmoil. Throughout the day both Andy and Robert separately pay her a visit and beg her to give them another chance. Cornered and confused, Katie heads home only to run into Jack who berates her for tearing his family apart. Tired of the arguments, Katie decides to leave the village. Can Andy or Robert stop Katie before she walks out of both their lives?Elsewhere, Tom is worried that Sadie is wrecking his planned development and pays her a surprise visit. He offers her a cheque as payment for the land but Sadie knows she holds all the cards. Will she accept Tom's generous offer or will she hold out for an even better deal? Over at the vet's surgery, it's Zoë's first day back. She attempts to cheer Paddy up but her efforts are thwarted when he declines her offer of lunch at The Woolpack. She later catches Paddy looking at jobs abroad and hints that it's something she has considered herself. Meanwhile, Edna creates a fuss when she refuses
34x111 - Thurs 12 May 2005
May 12, 2005
After discussing Sadie's demand, the Kings conclude that it would be a bad idea to allow her to regain her interest in the business. Tom and Max visit Home Farm to break the news to Sadie, who reacts by telling a stunned Tom that Zoe is now going to sell her the only other bit of land that they need for their development. Shaken by Sadie's plans, Tom is forced to concede and offers her a 10% share in King & Sons. Sadie is triumphant but how will Jimmy react to the news?Meanwhile, a concerned Jack questions Robert about his spat with Cain. Robert informs him that it was Cain who spread the rumours about him and Sadie. Robert again denies any wrong doing and explains he was negotiating with Sadie about buying a property on the new King development. Jack is concerned, does Zoe know about the Kings' plans? Elsewhere, Zoe worries that Dawn is not coping very well with the task of looking after both TJ and Jean.
34x112 - Fri 13 May 2005
May 13, 2005
Jack turns detective when he visits the council offices and discovers that the Kings have gained planning permission to build housing on Zoe's and Mrs Kidderminster's land. Jack wastes no time in revealing to Zoe and Andy the Kings true intentions. The trio make a pact to stop Sadie and the rest of the King family. Meanwhile, a triumphant Sadie arrives at the Kings and gleefully announces that Zoe has agreed to sell her the last field needed for their development. Sadie admits that Zoe is under the illusion the field is to be used for a livery business. However, Sadie is stunned when Andy, Jack and Zoe arrive and inform the gathered King family the game is up and that they are aware of their true intentions for the land. Angry at being duped, Zoe makes it clear she would only sell the land to Jack and that she wants Sadie to move out of Home Farm. Her plans thwarted and facing eviction, what will Sadie do next? Elsewhere in the village, Simon and Nicola grow tired of Lesley's interfere
34x113 - Sun 15 May 2005
May 15, 2005
Sadie enjoys her newly acquired power since buying the land that the Kings so desperately need. Tom makes it clear to Sadie that she is still on board, however, Jimmy takes delight in bursting her bubble by reminding her that she'll never worm her way back into the family. As well as keeping Sadie sweet, business-minded Tom is also hopeful that Jack and Andy will agree to sell him their fields. Despite wanting to stand his moral ground, can Jack afford to say no to Tom's generous offer? Over in the café, Donna takes advantage of Viv's absence and throws a party. Meddling Marlon invites Paddy, knowing that Emily will be attending. Will his efforts to re-unite the couple prove successful?
34x114 - Mon 16 May 2005
May 16, 2005
Cain taunts a miserable Robert who is drowning his sorrows over Katie, and when Cain takes things too far Robert snaps and a brawl ensues. Sadie intervenes by telling Cain that his gripe should be with her and she demands that he leave Robert alone. Cain later bursts in on a startled Sadie as she composes herself in the toilets. Matthew witnesses Cain's underhand behaviour and goes to his sister-in-law's rescue. Will Sadie use the opportunity to seek sympathy from the Kings? Elsewhere, Chas joins Carl and his son for a game of football and the chemistry between them is more apparent than ever. Despite their reluctance to admit their feelings for one another, will love conquer all?
34x115 - Tues 17 May 2005
May 17, 2005
Chas is forced to lie to Denzel when Shadrach steals his police car and drives into a ditch. The copper is furious when he discovers that he can't trust his girlfriend to be honest with him and he warns her that if it happens again their relationship will be over. Elsewhere, Zoe come to a decision about her future and announces to Callum that she and Jean will be leaving the village. Meanwhile, Matthew manipulates Robert by telling him that if he convinces Jack to sell his land, there may be room for him in the business. Will Robert compromise his relationship with his father for a future with the Kings?
34x116 - Wed 18 May 2005
May 18, 2005
Scott is met with an abrupt refusal when he asks Zoe if he can take Jean on holiday to Spain with him. Zoe is later furious when Ashley questions her decision, making her more adamant than ever that a fresh start is the best thing for her and Jean. Elsewhere, Chas's relationship with Denzel is clearly tarnished as a consequence of her father's behaviour. She explains her fury to Diane but also confesses to being confused over Carl. Will her relationship problems lead her back to her former lover? Meanwhile, Betty tries to verbally poison Dr Forsythe against Steph, but he insists that he will make up his own mind about the controversial villager.
34x117 - Thur 19 May 2005
May 19, 2005
As Betty cleans at Home Farm she soon picks up on Zoe's plans to move abroad and heads to the Woolpack armed with gossip. Scott is horrified when he hears through the grapevine that Zoe is leaving and heads off to confront her. How will Zoe respond when the father of her child storms round demanding that Jean stay where she is? Over at the Dingles', Shadrach shocks his family when he dresses up and declares that he is a changed man. He insists that he intends on getting himself a job, but Lisa is left to pick up the pieces when he fails miserably. Meanwhile, Libby suggests to Sadie that she stable her horse at Andy's farm, but the young farmer remains adamant that he doesn't want her horse on his land.
34x118 - Fri 20 May 2005
May 20, 2005
Donna is exhausted having single-handedly run the shop and the café in Viv's absence, and when Marlon offers to lend a hand, between them they forget to lock up. Shadrach seizes the opportunity and shamelessly steals as much booze as he can carry from the shop. Donna is distraught when she discovers the missing drink and Marlon instantly suspects his uncle. He heads up to Dingle's homestead to speak to Lisa, Zak and Chas, and when they find Shadrach they insist he hide the alcohol elsewhere. When Denzel arrives on official business Chas is yet again compromised. Will she stand by her father or her boyfriend? Elsewhere, Dawn speaks to Zoe on Scott's behalf and as a mother she can't help but empathise with her. Dawn is angry that Scott failed to mention that Zoe had offered to pay for him to frequently visit Jean and tells him that Zoe deserves a chance. Meanwhile, Andy is unable to turn down Sadie's money and agrees to rent her a stable.
34x119 - Sun 22 May 2005
May 22, 2005
Chas is feeling at an all time low having compromised her relationship with Denzel by lying for her father. During a heart-to-heart with Diane, she admits that she fears she'll never be happy and confesses that she signed up for the army a while ago and is seriously thinking now could be the right time to join the troops. Meanwhile, Viv returns home to news of the burglary and she heads straight up to the Dingles' to give them a piece of her mind. Zak is unrepentant and reminds Viv that she stole Emily's husband, claiming she's now had her just deserts. Later that day, Scott tells Viv that he fears he'll lose Jean, but his overprotective mother promises that she will never let that happen. What does Viv have up her sleeve?
34x120 - Mon 23 May 2005
May 23, 2005
Sadie is upset when she is snubbed by Zoe and Jimmy takes delight in telling her that no one would miss her if she disappeared. Feeling miserable, she heads back to the B&B and finds skimpy underwear on her bed with a note inviting her to Cain's room. She can't help but be tempted but is he the tonic she needs? Meanwhile, Viv sets about fighting for Jean, and after visiting the Citizen's Advice Bureau she tells Scott that they stand a good chance of getting custody of Jean by proving that Zoe is unbalanced. Scott is clearly uneasy at the thought of playing dirty, but how far will he go in order to keep his daughter? Over in the Woolpack, Emily finally ventures out of the house but struggles when faced with Viv. Paul cheers up Emily with his witty remarks about the postmistress but Viv is left feeling worse than ever.
34x121 - Tues 24 May 2005
May 24, 2005
Cain is furious when Sadie is dismissive about the previous night and feeling wronged the angry Dingle promises to make her pay. Later that day, Sadie is fraught when she finds a docile looking Damon, and she is later horrified when her beloved dog is pronounced dead. Is Cain responsible for the unexpected fatality? Meanwhile, Viv tries a different tack and asks Terry to make Zoe see sense about taking Jean away. Remembering how he felt when he thought he'd lose TJ he agrees to try, but Zoe quickly guesses that Viv sent him and insists that she has made up her mind. Elsewhere, Betty asks Jarvis how he will be celebrating his impending 65th birthday but he is determined that he doesn't want to do anything. Betty asks Len to talk to him and when he does Jarvis reluctantly agrees to a few drinks the following day.
34x122 - Thurs 26 May 2005
May 26, 2005
Tom can't help but sympathise with Sadie and he offers to help bury her beloved pet. As they spend time together, Sadie comes clean about her past. How will Tom react when she confesses that she slept with Robert Sugden? Meanwhile, Jarvis's pleas for a low key birthday are unheard and the quiet drinks he planned in the Woolpack soon turn into a party. Despite his initial reluctance, Jarvis soon goes with the flow, so much so that he puts his back out on the dance floor! That evening, Libby invites Andy to be her date at the farmer's ball the following week. He is thrilled to be asked but worries that his lack of dancing ability will let him down. Terry offers to give him lessons but can he learn the moves in time?
34x123 - Fri 27 May 2005
May 27, 2005
Carl notes that Chas is feeling low and he takes her out for a drink in Hotten to cheer her up. During the evening Chas tells him about her plans to join the army and he is clearly upset at the thought of losing her. Their conversation is interrupted when Chas sees an old friend and Carl is left gutted that he hasn't had the opportunity to tell her how he really feels. Meanwhile, Tom is concerned when he hears that Sadie is planning to leave the village and he goes to say his goodbyes. Sadie hands over the land and assures him that she never wanted to use it as a lever to get back in with the Kings. Tom softens and invites her back into the firm, but how will Jimmy feel when he discovers his ex-wife is back on board? Over in the café, Viv takes great pleasure in outlining Home Farm's sordid past to ensure potential buyers of the property are put off for good.
34x124 - Sunday, 29th May 2005
May 29, 2005
Chas tells her family that she plans to join the army and is disappointed when they make their disapproval crystal clear. Meanwhile, Carl worries that he can't bare the thought of losing Chas and Max and advises his brother to talk to her. As he confesses his true feelings, Jimmy interrupts with a mocking comment and Chas is left believing that she is at the centre of some sort of bet. Can Carl convince her that his feelings towards her are genuine? Elsewhere, as Sadie packs up her car, Tom approaches and asks her to manage a short-term contract near Huddersfield. Sadie is only too happy to accept and she leaves the village feeling delighted that she is still a part of the King fold. As Sadie drives away she almost ploughs into Cain and promises him that if she ever discovers that he was responsible for Damon's death, next time she won't stop. Meanwhile, Scott convinces Zoe to join him and Jean for a picnic and they enjoy a pleasant day out. But for how long will the happy family scena
34x125 - Monday, 30th May 2005
May 30, 2005
While Scott and Zoe continue to play happy families with Jean, Viv is busy speaking to a solicitor about Scott's rights as a father. It later comes to a head when Viv interrupts Scott and Zoe's lunch and announces the results of her investigations. Scott is openly angry at his mother for interfering and he follows her out. Viv and Scott discuss the situation and agree that it is brilliant that Zoe thinks they are at loggerheads. Scott then goes back to the pub and apologises to Zoe, telling her that he's told his mum that it's none of her business. What are Viv and Scott scheming? Meanwhile, pregnant teenager Debbie is feeling increasingly isolated, and having spoken to no-one about her delicate state, she is in desperate need of help. She goes to her hideout place and calls a teen advice line but after asking a few awkward questions she hangs up. Elsewhere, Chas is sick of the lack of support she receives from her family over joining the army and when Zak bets her that she'll be in ex
34x126 - Tue 31 May 2005
May 31, 2005
Scott puts his plan into action and sends Viv round to Home Farm to apologise to Zoe. Viv spells out her concerns in her usual brash manner, clearing the way for Scott to arrive and offer Zoe a sympathetic shoulder. Will Zoe fall for Scott's charm offensive? Elsewhere, Nicola tells Rodney and Paul that Lesley is coming to stay as she has hurt her arm she could do with a hand. A desperate Rodney is dismayed to find that the B&B is closed for refurbishment and is forced to invite the overly friendly woman into his home. Meanwhile, Daz thinks there is something strange about the way Debbie is acting but will he discover the real reason behind her peculiar behaviour
34x127 - Wed 1 Jun 2005
June 1, 2005
Daz is determined to get to the bottom of what is bothering Debbie and he follows her as she sneaks off to her hide. Believing that she is alone, Debbie takes off her jumper and as she reveals her bump Daz bursts in and is shocked by what he sees before him. Debbie insists that Daz mustn't tell a sole that she is pregnant, but is this secret too large to keep to himself? Elsewhere, Lesley has her feet firmly under the table at Mill Cottage, much to Nicola's annoyance. Simon and Nicola head off to view houses and Lesley invites herself along, infuriating Nicola further. How much more can Nicola take? Meanwhile, Chas finds herself explaining her decision to join the army and insists that it is something that she has always dreamed of doing. Feeling that she is being discouraged she becomes even more determined that she has made the right decision.
34x128 - Thurs 2 Jun 2005
June 2, 2005
Daz is clearly concerned about Debbie and he visits the hide armed with presents for the expectant mother. Debbie confesses that she plans to dump the baby at a hospital after the birth, but Daz argues that Zak and Lisa would help out if they knew. Daz pleads with Debbie to visit a doctor but will the stubborn Dingle do the right thing?Meanwhile, Carl confesses to Max that he can't stand the thought of Chas leaving the village. But after failing to convince her before, will he swallow his pride and tell Chas how he really feels? Elsewhere, an embarrassed Andy visits Viv for a dancing lesson in preparation for the farmers' ball and the postmistress takes delight in showing him a few moves!
34x129 - Fri 3 Jun 2005
June 3, 2005
Debbie panics when she overhears Zak and Shadrach saying that they are heading off to the woods and fearing that they'll find her hide she asks Daz to go and clear it. The Dingles later stumble across Daz and he manages to excuse his whereabouts. However, he later tells Debbie that he won't lie on her behalf anymore. Debbie fears that Daz will tell Andy about the baby and to keep him quiet she says she's going to see a doctor. She heads off to the surgery but bottles it at the last minute, later lying to Daz that she saw the doctor and everything is fine. Elsewhere, Andy's dancing lessons appear to be paying off and Viv is thrilled at his progress. He proudly tells Libby that she is in for a surprise at the farmer's ball leaving her curious as to what he has planned!
34x130 - Sun 5 Jun 2005
June 5, 2005
34x131 - Mon 6 Jun 2005
June 6, 2005
34x132 - Tue 7 Jun 2005
June 7, 2005
34x133 - Wed 8 Jun 2005
June 8, 2005
34x134 - Thur 9 Jun 2005
June 9, 2005
34x135 - Fri 10 Jun 2005
June 10, 2005
34x136 - Mon 13 Jun 2005
June 13, 2005
34x137 - Tue 14 Jun 2005
June 14, 2005
34x138 - Wed 15 Jun 2005
June 15, 2005
34x139 - Thur 16 Jun 2005
June 16, 2005
34x140 - Fri 17 Jun 2005
June 17, 2005
34x141 - Mon 20 Jun 2005
June 20, 2005
34x142 - Tue 21 Jun 2005
June 21, 2005
Donna is shocked by Scott’s generosity with money, unaware that it is his way of saying goodbye as he prepares to leave the country with Zoe and Jean. Before heading to Home Farm, Scott also posts a letter to girlfriend Dawn. Having acknowledged his feelings for Zoe, Scott gets down on one knee at Home Farm to propose. Zoe is unable to keep up the pretence that everything is going ahead as planned and tells him there is no way she will marry him, before retracting her invitation for Scott to join her and Jean in America. Scott reacts by throwing her down against the table in a rage. Zoe grabs the nearest thing to her, a syringe filled with Ketamine she had just prepared for an injured horse and plunges it into him. As Scott falls to the floor Zoe picks up a second syringe just as Paddy walks in and witnesses the attack. Has Zoe enough hatred for Scott to inject him with the second needle and get him out of her life for good
34x143 - Wed 22 Jun 2005
June 22, 2005
The police arrive at Home Farm to question Zoe. When the engagement ring and the puncture wounds on Scott’s body are discovered DI Warren begins to wonder if Zoe knows more than she is letting on and she is arrested on suspicion of assault. Paddy is told that he must give a statement but is aware this evidence is crucial to Zoe’s fate. When the drugs are mentioned and the fact that as a vet, Zoe would be aware of their effect on humans, the pressure is on Paddy to ensure some damage limitation? Meanwhile, Viv is told of Scott’s condition and rushes to the hospital. Adamant that Zoe is responsible, Viv tells Bob that Zoe will pay for what she has done. Will Viv go through with her threat and seek revenge for her critically ill son?
34x144 - Thurs 23 Jun 2005
June 23, 2005
Zoe awaits news on whether she is to be charged or not until the police have obtained a statement from Scott, who is currently unconscious. Eventually, Zoe is released on bail but told to have no contact with witnesses. That afternoon, back at Home Farm, there’s a knock at the door and Viv barges her way in. Zoe tells Viv that Scott tried to rape her but Viv is having none of it and goes for Zoe. A struggle ensues but Depaul arrives and prises them apart, telling Zoe she’ll end up getting herself arrested again. Will Depaul ensure Viv leaves before Zoe says something she might later regret? Elsewhere, Dawn is furious when she receives Scott’s letter telling her he’s left the village and, feeling betrayed, she decides to flee to Spain. However, when Bob fills her in on events, will she change her mind and go to Scott’s bedside?
34x145 - Fri 24Jun 2005
June 24, 2005
Kelly Windsor makes a shock return to the village to be at Scott’s bedside, but step-mum Viv isn’t impressed. Kelly doesn’t waste any time in showing that she hasn’t changed when a young doctor on duty arrives and she sets about seducing him. Kelly quick slips back into caring mode when Viv arrives back from the canteen but are Bob and Marlon as convinced by Kelly’s display of concern as Viv seems to be? Meanwhile, Ashley pays Zoe a visit and asks her to explain what happened. He reminds her of a previous comment she made saying that she wanted Scott out of her life for good, but Zoe is indignant at his suggestions. Elsewhere, Max tells Jimmy that Andy may lose his entire flock of sheep due to illness resulting in a loss of £10,000. Can Jimmy hatch a plan to use this to his advantage?
34x146 - Sun 26 Jun 2005
June 26, 2005
With an arguing family by his bedside, Scott awakes. He tries to speak and manages to mumble something about Zoe trying to kill him. Before those around him can make sense of what he is saying he begins to fit and as the nurse calls for assistance the family are hustled out. When Bob and Donna are alone, he admits to her that Scott had written Dawn a letter explaining that he and Zoe were running away together. Donna is stunned but finally understands Dawn’s reasons for going to Spain. The doctor explains to a distraught Viv that Scott may suffer permanent brain damage. As the family take in the news, the police knock on Zoe’s door and escort her away for questioning. While Emily baby-sits Sarah, Debbie is distraught to find that Andy won’t leave the farm to spend time with her. Is he avoiding her for a reason?
34x147 - Mon 27 Jun 2005
June 27, 2005
Kelly turns up at Home Farm with a journalist and snap-happy photographer. Zoe is stunned, and when pushed for a comment she realises she’s beaten and heads inside. Meanwhile, Dawn arrives at the hospital and is stunned to see Scott’s delicate condition. Kelly makes snide comments about Dawn not being there sooner and as she tries to defend herself she goes to grab Scott’s letter. Will Bob be able to stop her? Elsewhere, Robert is angry when he finds a cheque that Jack has written for Andy. He thinks that Andy is becoming Jack’s favourite son and is determined to get back at him, so sets about chatting up Libby. Andy is upset when he sees Libby accept a lift from Robert. How far will Robert go to seek revenge on his brother?
34x148 - Tue 28 Jun 2005
June 28, 2005
At the hospital Dawn is irritated by Kelly and Viv’s continuous bitchy remarks and finally snaps showing a stunned Viv the letter from Scott. Viv is distraught and in her frustration she begs Scott to wake up. She refuses to believe her would leave her and is desperate to question him. After pressure from Cain, Andy visits Debbie. She tells him that she wishes they could spend more time together and suggests that she moves back to Butler’s farm to be with him. Will Andy agree? Elsewhere, Lesley suspects that there is something strange about Rose and determined to get to the bottom of it, she invites her to the pub. Lesley opens up to Rose and confesses that she lied about her arm to get close to her son. What will Rose reveal to Lesley?
34x149 - Wed 29 Jun 2005
June 29, 2005
Andy confesses to Jack that while he wants to do the right thing by Sarah, he no longer has any feelings for Debbie. Andy pays Debbie a visit and when she tells him that she loves him, he admits that he doesn’t feel the same. He apologises but Debbie is inconsolable. He insists he’ll always be there for Sarah, but an angry Debbie says he can’t have the baby without her. Debbie is distraught as she watches the man she loves walk away. Ashley is taken aback when he gets a call out of the blue from his brother asking if Jasmine, Ashley’s 15 year old niece, can come to stay. Will he agree to take her in for the summer? Kelly, meanwhile, spends the day flirting with Danny, but will he respond to her advances?
34x150 - Thur 30 Jun 2005
June 30, 2005
A distraught Debbie tells Cain that she and Andy are finished. Cain is ready to go and hunt Andy down but he receives a second blow when Debbie announces that she’s called social services and is getting rid of her baby. The worried Dingles try to convince her it’s just her hormones. However, unbeknown to the family, Debbie is still convinced that her baby will be better off with a foster family and puts her in a taxi. In the nick of time, Cain arrives and desperately tries to convince her not to abandon her responsibilities. He assures her that he will be there for her but can he convince her to keep her baby? After finding out that Debbie has banned Andy from seeing Sarah, Jack tells Robert that Andy could do with his support. Seizing the opportunity to get back in with his family so that he can work against them for the Kings, he lends Andy a shoulder to cry on. Elsewhere, when Ashley’s niece Jasmine arrives, she appears to be a stroppy teenager and he struggles to get
34x151 - Fri 1 Jul 2005
July 1, 2005
Jack and Andy are disheartened at the cattle market when there are no bids for their cows because someone has said that their cattle are infected with pneumonia. They suspect the Kings, and Jack confronts Jimmy in the Woolpack. Robert witnesses the confrontation and questions his father as to whether the land is worth all the aggro. He is clearly trying to persuade him to sell to the Kings, but will Jack remain oblivious to his son’s manipulation? Meanwhile, Jasmine is in the house alone and she sneaks into Steph’s room to find a box containing cuttings relevant to Shelly’s disappearance. Jasmine is clearly intrigued and when Steph returns home she subtly asks her about Shelly. Ashley intervenes but it is clear Jasmine is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. Elsewhere, Kelly insensitively tells Donna that she can do much better than lanky Marlon and insists she’ll do well if she sticks with her. Donna feels increasingly humbled as the day goes on.
34x152 - Sun 3 Jul 2005
July 3, 2005
After much deliberation, Jack comes to the conclusion that Andy would be better off if he sells his land, and Tom is elated to hear of the farmer’s change of heart. However, when he goes to sign the doted line, Andy stops him in his tracks and the father and son leave delighted that the Kings haven’t managed to get one over on them. Enjoying their triumph, they take things one step further as they mischievously drive their muck spreader past Pear Tree Cottage! Elsewhere, Matthew confesses to Louise that he can’t bare the thought of her being with Terry, but she sharply tells him that he better get used to it because she intends on being with Terry for a long time. Meanwhile, as Steph heads off to work on the memorial garden she tells Ashley to invite Jasmine to join her. Jasmine later fails to show and Steph finds her in the café talking to Daz. Steph warns Jasmine to stay away from him, explaining he’s caused her a lot of trouble. Will this make Jasmine more determined to
34x153 - Mon 4 Jul 2005
July 4, 2005
The villagers are amazed by Jack and Andy’s behaviour the previous day but it is clear that they do not regret their actions. Tom later goes to see Jack and tells him the offer is still there if he wants it, but Jack makes it perfectly clear that he has no intention of selling. A frustrated Tom goes back to the office and tells Matthew that he wants this sorted by the time he gets back from his business trip, but will he be able to make Jack budge? Elsewhere, Matthew continues with his other task and steps up his attempt to woo Louise. After buying her a necklace he tries to kiss her, but it is clear that all she wants is to hear that he really cares for her. Will he mange to convince her that his feelings are genuine? Over in the Woolpack, having spent the whole evening with Kelly, Danny is confident that she is a dead cert. However, when Kelly finds out Max has more money, she waits for Danny to go to the gents and heads off with the delighted vet!
34x154 - Tue 5 Jul 2005
July 5, 2005
Having been suitably convinced that Matthew really likes her, Louise decides that it’s time to end her relationship with Terry. A panic stricken Matthew tries to put her off, but with her mind made up she heads off to face Terry. Back at the Woolpack, Louise asks to see Terry, and as they go to the back room she discovers that he has decked out the room with roses. She begins to cry and tells him that she loves him but can’t be with him. Terry is completely stunned and devastated as Louise’s words sink in. Elsewhere, Jimmy suggests employing Cain to put pressure on the Sugdens. Matthew disagrees, but Jimmy gets Cain on side regardless. Cain pockets fifty quid before telling Jimmy that although he’d love to smash Andy’s face in, he promised Debbie he wouldn’t. He walks off with the money leaving Jimmy livid.Meanwhile, Viv is insulted when Dawn fails to ask after Scott, and tells her that despite everything Scott needs them all - including Dawn. Will she put her pride aside
34x155 - Wed 6 Jul 2005
July 6, 2005
Louise is pleased to see Diane back, and in need of a shoulder to cry on she tells her that she and Terry are over. Diane guesses that Matthew is involved and warns her that she is making a terrible mistake. When Val appears, it becomes clear that she already knew about the affair, leaving Diane furious. Louise is annoyed at Diane’s interference and tells her to go to hell. Later, in the bar, Diane consoles Terry and feeling he deserves the truth, she tells him that Louise has been seeing Matthew. Terry is momentarily stunned but then heads for the door. He finds Louise and Matthew together, but he is too emotional to pick a fight and he sobs as he watches Matthew lead the lady he loves away. Elsewhere, Marlon opens his mail and finds that he has been invited to enter a prestigious pub chefs’ competition and could win a week working in Aldo Zilli's kitchen. Marlon isn’t interested and dismisses it as junk mail, but when Bob tells Donna about the competition she decides to enter
34x156 - Thur 7 Jul 2005
July 7, 2005
News of Louise and Matthew’s affair spreads around the village leaving the residents shocked at her betrayal. A wronged Terry confronts Matthew and punches him in the face, before shouting abuse at Louise in the pub. Louise seeks assurance from Matthew that she has done the right thing, but when he fails to give her the reassurance she needs, will she realise that she has made a terrible mistake? Meanwhile, Val’s interior design dream is left in tatters when the bank refuses to give Pollard a loan. Refusing to give up, she asks Diane for financial help, but will her sister come to her aid? Elsewhere, Bob is unsure that their plans to enter Marlon into a food competition are wise, but Donna remains undeterred and forges Marlon’s signature. How will the chef react when he discovers his girlfriend’s deceit?
34x157 - Fri 8 Jul 2005
July 8, 2005
After much deliberation, Ashley visits Zoe ready to discuss the incident with Scott. Ashley is stunned when Zoe confesses that she tried to kill Scott and although she is adamant that it was self defence he is shocked further when she tells him that she enjoyed humiliating him. Ashley storms off in disgust leaving Zoe fearing that she has said too much. Will the vicar go to the police? Elsewhere, Matthew realises that he must be there for Louise and Terry is upset as he watches them acting affectionately in public. Louise is hurt by the reaction from some of the villagers and Matthew comforts her half-heartedly, unsure of what he has got into and how he can handle it. Meanwhile, Diane lets slip to Marlon that he has been entered into a competition and he is furious that Donna has gone behind his back. She eventually manages to calm him down and after much deliberation Marlon agrees to go through with it.
34x158 - Sun 10 Jul 2005
July 10, 2005
34x159 - Mon 11 Jul 2005
July 11, 2005
34x160 - Tue 12 Jul 2005
July 12, 2005
34x161 - Wed 13 Jul 2005
July 13, 2005
34x162 - Thur 14 Jul 2005
July 14, 2005
34x163 - Fri 15 Jul 2005
July 15, 2005
34x164 - Sun 17 Jul 2005
July 17, 2005
34x165 - Mon 18 Jul 2005
July 18, 2005
34x166 - Tue 19 Jul 2005
July 19, 2005
34x167 - Wed 20 Jul 2005
May 20, 2005
34x168 - Thur 21 Jul 2005
July 21, 2005
34x169 - Fri 22 Jul 2005
July 22, 2005
34x170 - Sun 24 Jul 2005
July 24, 2005
34x171 - Mon 25 Jul 2005
July 25, 2005
34x172 - Tue 26 Jul 2005
July 26, 2005
34x173 - Wed 27 Jul 2005
July 27, 2005
34x174 - Thur 28 Jul 2005
July 28, 2005
34x175 - Fri 29 Jul 2005
July 29, 2005
34x176 - Sun 31 Jul 2005
July 31, 2005
34x177 - Mon 1 Aug 2005
August 1, 2005
34x178 - Tue 2 Aug 2005
August 2, 2005
34x179 - Wed 3 Aug 2005
August 3, 2005
34x180 - Thur 4 Aug 2005
August 4, 2005
34x181 - Fri 5 Aug 2005
August 5, 2005
34x182 - Sun 7 Aug 2005
August 7, 2005
34x183 - Mon 8 Aug 2005
August 8, 2005
34x184 - Tue 9 Aug 2005
August 9, 2005
34x185 - Wed 10 Aug 2005
August 10, 2005
34x186 - Thur 11 Aug 2005
August 11, 2005
34x187 - Fri 12 Aug 2005
August 12, 2005
Emmerdale: All seasons
S0: Specials
9 Episode s
S1: Series 1
20 Episode s
S2: Series 2
102 Episode s
S3: Season 3
13 Episode s
S23: Series 23
6 Episode s
S24: Season 24
2 Episode s
S25: Season 25
16 Episode s
S26: Season 26
2 Episode s
S27: Season 27
2 Episode s
S28: Season 28
1 Episode
S29: Season 29
187 Episode s
S30: Season 30
257 Episode s
S31: Season 31
253 Episode s
S32: Season 32
266 Episode s
S33: Season 33
308 Episode s
S34: Season 34
304 Episode s
S35: Season 35
303 Episode s
S36: Season 36
297 Episode s
S37: Season 37
262 Episode s
S38: Season 38
281 Episode s
S39: Season 39
298 Episode s
S40: Season 40
307 Episode s
S41: Season 41
311 Episode s
S42: Season 42
298 Episode s
S43: Season 43
307 Episode s
S44: Season 44
302 Episode s
S45: Season 45
308 Episode s
S46: Season 46
322 Episode s
S47: Season 47
236 Episode s
S48: Season 48
117 Episode s
S49: Season 49
236 Episode s
S50: Season 50
297 Episode s
S51: Series 51
261 Episode s
S52: Series 52
258 Episode s
S53: Series 53
249 Episode s
S54: Series 54
58 Episode s