Epic Rap Battles of History News with Adam Smith
Epic Rap Battles of History - S0 - E58
A brief update on ERB, by Adam Smith (and Theodore Roosevelt).
Epic Rap Battles of History: Season 0 - 101 Episode s
0x8 - Epic Rap Battles of History News and Contest
March 19, 2011
A contest for ERB.
0x9 - Behind the Scenes - Einstein vs Stephen Hawking
March 30, 2011
0x10 - Behind the Scenes - Genghis Khan vs Easter Bunny
April 20, 2011
0x11 - Epic Rap Battles of History News with Ben Franklin
May 7, 2011
A brief update on ERB, by Benjamin Franklin.
0x12 - Behind the Scenes - Napoleon vs Napoleon
May 18, 2011
0x13 - Behind the Scenes - Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin
June 23, 2011
0x14 - Behind the Scenes - Gandalf vs Dumbledore
July 14, 2011
0x15 - Hulk Hogan and Epic Rap Battle Update
August 14, 2011
Another brief update on ERB, by Hulk Hogan.
0x16 - Behind the Scenes - Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare
August 17, 2011
0x17 - Behind the Scenes - Mr. T vs Mr. Rogers
September 14, 2011
0x18 - Behind the Scenes - Columbus vs Captain Kirk
October 10, 2011
0x19 - Behind the Scenes - Mr. T vs Mr. Rogers - Green Screen Cut
November 18, 2011
0x20 - Behind the Scenes - Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD
November 18, 2011
0x21 - Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2
November 18, 2011
0x22 - Epic Rap Battles of History Live - John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly
November 29, 2011
0x23 - Behind the Scenes - Hitler vs Vader 2
December 7, 2011
0x24 - Epic Rap Battles of History News.
December 16, 2011
A brief update on ERB, by Charles Darwin.
0x25 - Behind the Scenes - Master Chief vs Leonidas
January 31, 2012
0x26 - Behind the Scenes - Mario Bros. vs Wright Bros.
February 16, 2012
0x27 - NicePeter and Friends
February 28, 2012
A bonus song from Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD.
0x28 - Behind the Scenes - Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley
April 2, 2012
0x29 - Behind the Scenes - Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe
May 7, 2012
0x30 - Behind the Scenes - Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
June 14, 2012
0x31 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
June 14, 2012
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dance it off.
0x32 - Behind the Scenes - Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates - Demo Recording Session
May 15, 2012
0x33 - Epic Rap Battles of History News with Theodore Roosevelt
September 27, 2012
A brief update on ERB, by Theodore Roosevelt.
0x34 - Behind the Scenes - Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury
October 1, 2012
0x35 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury
October 1, 2012
Frank Sinatra and Freddie Mercury dance it off.
0x36 - Behind the Scenes - Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
October 15, 2012
0x37 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
October 18, 2012
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney dance it off.
0x38 - Behind the Scenes - Doc Brown vs Doctor Who
October 29, 2012
0x39 - Behind the Scenes - Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood
November 12, 2012
0x40 - Behind the Scenes - Batman vs Sherlock Holmes
November 27, 2012
0x41 - Behind the Scenes - Moses vs Santa Claus
December 10, 2012
0x42 - Epic Rap Battles of History News with Isaac Newton
January 25, 2013
A brief update on ERB, by Isaac Newton.
0x43 - Behind the Scenes - Adam vs Eve
February 11, 2013
0x44 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Adam vs Eve
February 11, 2013
Adam and Eve dance it off.
0x45 - Behind the Scenes - Gandhi vs Martin Luther King, Jr.
February 25, 2013
0x46 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Gandhi vs Martin Luther King, Jr.
February 28, 2013
Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. dance it off.
0x47 - Behind the Scenes - Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison
March 11, 2013
0x48 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison
March 11, 2013
Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison dance it off.
0x49 - Q&A with Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
March 12, 2013
A Q&A session and update on ERB.
0x50 - Behind the Scenes - Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong
March 25, 2013
0x51 - Behind the Scenes - Mozart vs Skrillex
April 8, 2013
0x52 - Behind the Scenes - Rasputin vs Stalin
April 23, 2013
0x53 - Mozart vs Skrillex Live - With a Twist
May 20, 2013
A live Epic Rap Battle of History at the YouTube Comedy Week.
0x54 - Epic Rap Battles of History News with Teddy Roosevelt 2
May 22, 2013
Another brief update on ERB, by Theodore Roosevelt.
0x55 - 6 Million Subscribers Song
June 17, 2013
A song to celebrate six million subscriber to the channel.
0x56 - Epic Rap Battles of History Season 3
September 9, 2013
0x57 - Behind the Scenes - Hitler vs Vader 3
October 7, 2013
0x58 - Epic Rap Battles of History News with Adam Smith
October 15, 2013
A brief update on ERB, by Adam Smith (and Theodore Roosevelt).
0x59 - Behind the Scenes - Blackbeard vs Al Capone
October 21, 2013
0x60 - Behind the Scenes - Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc
November 4, 2013
0x61 - Behind the Scenes - Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso
November 18, 2013
0x62 - Behind the Scenes - Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali
December 3, 2013
0x63 - Behind the Scenes - Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
December 19, 2013
0x64 - Epic Rap Battles of History News, Season 3.5
March 18, 2014
Another brief update on ERB, by Theodore Roosevelt.
0x65 - Behind the Scenes - Rick Grimes vs Walter White
May 5, 2014
0x66 - Behind the Scenes - Goku vs Superman
May 19, 2014
0x67 - Behind the Scenes - Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe
June 2, 2014
0x68 - Behind the Scenes - Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye
June 16, 2014
0x69 - Behind the Scenes - George Washington vs William Wallace
June 30, 2014
0x70 - Behind the Scenes - Artists vs TMNT
July 14, 2014
0x71 - Season 4 Trailer
September 30, 2014
0x72 - Behind the Scenes - Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters
November 10, 2014
0x73 - Behind the Scenes - Romeo and Juliet vs Bonnie and Clyde
November 17, 2014
0x74 - Behind the Scenes - Zeus vs Thor pt. 1
November 24, 2014
0x75 - Behind the Scenes - Zeus vs Thor pt. 2
November 24, 2014
0x76 - Behind the Scenes - Zeus vs Thor pt. 3
November 24, 2014
0x77 - Behind the Scenes - Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
December 1, 2014
0x78 - Behind the Scenes - Oprah vs Ellen
December 8, 2014
0x79 - Behind the Scenes - Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock pt. 1
December 15, 2014
0x80 - Behind the Scenes - Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock pt. 2
December 15, 2014
0x81 - Behind the Scenes - Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock pt. 3
December 15, 2014
0x82 - Epic Rap Battles of History News, Season 4.5
February 9, 2015
A brief update on ERB, by Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
0x83 - Behind the Scenes - Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted pt. 1
May 25, 2015
0x84 - Behind the Scenes - Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted pt. 2
May 25, 2015
0x85 - Behind the Scenes - David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini pt. 1
June 8, 2015
0x86 - Behind the Scenes - David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini pt. 2
June 8, 2015
0x87 - Behind the Scenes - David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini pt. 3
June 8, 2015
0x88 - Behind the Scenes - Terminator vs RoboCop pt. 1
June 22, 2015
0x89 - Behind the Scenes - Terminator vs RoboCop pt. 2
June 22, 2015
0x90 - Behind the Scenes - Terminator vs RoboCop pt. 3
June 22, 2015
0x91 - Behind the Scenes - Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers pt. 1
July 6, 2015
0x92 - Behind the Scenes - Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers pt. 2
July 6, 2015
0x93 - Behind the Scenes with Zach - Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers
July 6, 2015
0x94 - Behind the Scenes - Shaka Zulu vs Julius Caesar pt. 1
July 20, 2015
0x95 - Behind the Scenes - Shaka Zulu vs Julius Caesar pt. 2
July 20, 2015
0x96 - Behind the Scenes - Jim Henson vs Stan Lee pt. 1
August 3, 2015
0x97 - Behind the Scenes - Jim Henson vs Stan Lee pt. 2
August 3, 2015
0x98 - Deadpool vs. Boba Fett
December 16, 2015
In this bonus battle, Star Wars bounty hunter Boba Fett wraps against Marvel's merc-with-a-mouth Deadpool.
0x99 - Deadpool vs Boba Fett. ERB Behind the Scenes
December 16, 2015
0x100 - Deadpool vs Boba Fett. Behind the Scenes of Epic Rap Battles of History pt. 2
December 16, 2015
0x101 - Epic Dance Battle of History - Deadpool vs Boba Fett
December 16, 2015
Deadpool and Boba Fett dance it off.
0x102 - Behind the Scenes - J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin pt. 1
May 2, 2016
0x103 - Behind the Scenes - J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin pt. 2
May 2, 2016
0x104 - Behind the Scenes - Gordon Ramsay vs Julia Child pt. 1
May 18, 2016
0x105 - Behind the Scenes - Gordon Ramsay vs Julia Child pt. 2
May 18, 2016
0x106 - Behind the Scenes - Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson
May 30, 2016
0x107 - Behind the Scenes - James Bond vs Austin Powers
June 14, 2016
0x108 - Deeper Behind the Scenes - James Bond vs Austin Powers
June 14, 2016