Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure (2012)
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure is a four-part British documentary television series that aired on BBC Two. Chefs Ken Hom and Ching He Huang, both Chinese food specialists, describing their travels through China and the recipes and personal stories they find there.Hom and Huang will travel to Beijing, learning about Peking Duck, and on to the Silk Road, Kashgar, and the Sichuan Province,together bringing a unique and authoritative perspective on Chinese food that will surprise and inform.Ken and Ching undertake an epic 3000-mile culinary adventure across China - not only to reveal its food, but its people, history, culture and soul.BBC Books has acquired and published the title to accompany the BBC Two series of four hour-long episodes.
Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure: Season 1 - 4 Episode s
1x1 - Beijing
August 5, 2012
In Beijing, Ken Hom and Ching-He Huang cook for world-class chefs before learning traditional cooking methods in the homes of ordinary Beijingers.
1x2 - Chengdu
August 12, 2012
Ken Hom and Ching-He Huang visit Chengdu in Sichuan province to discover the complex spices that make Sichuan food the most memorable of all Chinese cuisines.
1x3 - Yunnan
August 19, 2012
Ken and Ching leave the megacities far behind to journey across China's vast western frontier where few travellers dare to venture, deep into the culture and cuisines of the country's ethnic minority groups.
1x4 - Ancestral Homes
August 26, 2012
In the final leg of their culinary adventure across China, Ken and Ching make an emotional return to their ancestral homes, the climax of their entire journey, before reuniting for their final meal in Hong Kong.