Serious traffic accident | Practice with poisonous animals for emergencies

May 10, 2021

Feuer & Flamme – Mit Feuerwehrmännern im Einsatz - S4 - E2

Serious traffic accident | Practice with poisonous animals for emergencies

A serious car accident with a person trapped inside puts the Bochum fire brigade under great stress. The journey becomes a real test and a race against time. An elderly lady complains of acute shortness of breath, the fire brigade is notified via the emergency call system. The crucial question is: is the shortness of breath possibly related to Corona? Firefighters must also be prepared for a poisonous emergency. So today their path takes them to the Bochum zoo - to all kinds of poisonous and exotic reptiles. And finally a car is fully ablaze. The fire brigade trainees are allowed to take over the extinguishing of the fire all by themselves for the first time.

Feuer & Flamme – Mit Feuerwehrmännern im Einsatz: Season 4 - 6 Episode s