Franny's Feet (2003)
Franny's Feet is a Canadian animated series for children. It is produced by DHX Media/Halifax Film in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and created by Cathy Moss and Susan Nielsen. The show follows the adventures of four-year-old Frances "Franny" Fantootsie as she tries on various pairs of shoes and travels to different places in the world. Its very first appearance was on in September 2001; it later appeared on CBC Television on January 1, 2004, then began to air on Family the following September, and was introduced to PBS Kids Sprout in the U.S. beginning in June 2006. In the U.K., it has aired on Discovery Kids UK, Channel Five, Playhouse Disney UK and Tiny Pop. A fourth season began in September 2009.
Franny's Feet: Season 1 - 26 Episode s
1x1 - Jingle Dress
July 8, 2003
1x2 - A Home For Herman
1x3 - The Colossal Fossil
1x4 - Lighthouse Lily
1x5 - Pilot Project
1x6 - Not Yeti
1x7 - Double Trouble
1x8 - Bedtime for Bears
1x9 - Birds of a Feather
1x10 - Yummy in My Tummy
1x11 - Paper Presents
1x12 - You Bug Me
1x13 - Hop to It
1x14 - Night Time
1x15 - Arctic Antics
1x16 - Octopus’s Garden
1x17 - Armadillo Allergy
1x18 - Say Jamaica
1x19 - Fowl Weather
1x20 - Pink Flamingos
1x21 - Reindeer to the Rescue
1x22 - It’s a Big Job
1x23 - Bright Idea
1x24 - Iguana Play Paddleball
1x25 - Happy Halloween
1x26 - Snowy Jamaica