GEAR Fighter Dendoh (2000)

GEAR Fighter Dendoh is an anime series that aired in Japan. It ran for 38 episodes, from October 4, 2000 to June 27, 2001, on the TV Tokyo network and its affiliates. Japanese elementary school students Ginga Izumo and Hokuto Kusanagi are chosen by a giant robot known as Dendoh, and now have to work together to defend the Earth from the evil mechanical alien empire Garufa.

Created by

GEAR Fighter Dendoh: Season 1 - 38 Episode s

GEAR Fighter Dendoh: 1 Season

Other names for GEAR Fighter Dendoh

Gear Fighter Dendoh (US)数码传动战士 (HK)L'invincibile Dendoh (IT)기어전사 덴도우 (KR)

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