Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru - Season 1
In the land of Eostia, humans and dark elves have fought for supremacy for over a century. The dark elves rule over a race of monsters that has raided human lands for generations, capturing and defiling their women. Aided by powerful bands of mercenaries, the human kingdoms have gradually pushed back their old rivals.
Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru: Season 1 - 6 Episode s
1x1 - Olga x Chloe: Black Fort, Collapse Chapter
January 27, 2012
1x2 - Alicia x Prim: Opposing the Country of Servitude Chapter
June 29, 2012
1x3 - Kaguya x Ruru x Maia: The Worms That Squiggle in Their Soft Skin, the Sight of the Wild and Bad Beasts Chapter
November 28, 2013
1x4 - Claudia x Celestine: A Father`s Relation, the Morning That the Goddess Falls Down... Chapter
January 31, 2014
1x5 - A Horrifying Orgy: Feasting on a Pure Princess Knight`s Silky White Skin Demands Courage at the Tip of the Sword Chapter
August 10, 2018
1x6 - A Shocking Tragedy: What Captivated the Pure and Adorable Young Princess Is the Genital with a Black Gleam Chapter
December 28, 2018