Episode 56
La Querida del Centauro - S2 - E56
Ana, Miguel and Tyson arrive at the warehouse. Miguel recognizes her immediately. Lalo takes Elvira to a desolate place, leaves her unconscious with hidden money. Yolanda suffers an attack and forgets her past. Trying to escape, she attacks Gerardo.
La Querida del Centauro: Season 2 - 85 Episode s
2x6 - Episode 6
May 8, 2017
A very concerned Gerardo asks Javier if it is possible to remove the calls from his mobile phone; the latter replies it is almost impossible. Lucho gets a call from Cholo for a meeting. Cristina and Román see each other again, and she kisses him.
2x7 - Episode 7
May 9, 2017
Yolanda and Julián arrive at the garage of Forensic Science, where she waits for Julián to fill in some forms; that's when Centauro shows up with a rifle. Yolanda starts Julián's car and escapes from there as she can.
2x8 - Episode 8
May 9, 2017
Julián keeps Yolanda unconscious and then goes to Rafael's office to collaborate with the investigation. Gerardo cannot believe it is a about a suicide. A destroyed Cristina meets with Román at a park, to the anger of Lucho.
2x9 - Episode 9
May 10, 2017
A broken Gerardo bids farewell to Yolanda in her funeral. Ana, who's been present all the time, gets captivated by Gerardo. Emilio warns Centauro about Mariana; she's falling in love and she won't like Yolanda's appearance at the mansion.
2x10 - Episode 10
May 10, 2017
Lalo and his men have broken into Mapache's shelter, from where they've agressively taken Miguel and Mapache. Lucho arrives at Cholo's Back Room and gets surprised at seeing so many armed men; he ignores it, but he's there due to Centauro's visit.
2x11 - Episode 11
May 11, 2017
Gerardo manages to keep Isidro's mobile phone, in which he finds a picture of Ana with a message setting a date at place on a highway. Yolanda tells Centauro she likes him but she needs some time.
2x12 - Episode 12
May 11, 2017
Gerardo, curious about what Ana could say, listens to the messages she has received in her mobile phone. Julián begins with the second part of Yolanda's treatment; Centauro fears she may suffer some damages as the ones of Cholo.
2x13 - Episode 13
May 12, 2017
Gerardo's claim to Román results in a new quarrel between him and Lucho. Rafael asks Javier to start an investigation for the loss of Mena's mobile phone, considering Gerardo as the main suspect.
2x14 - Episode 14
May 12, 2017
Mariana accepts that Gerardo has handled her mobile phone, but she is hiding what she spoke with Isidro fearing Centauro. Ana goes to the meeting point and manages to neutralize Lalo's men; leaving him without Miguel and the money.
2x15 - Episode 15
May 15, 2017
After leaving Gerardo uconscious, Julián injures his head and asks for help. He says Gerardo has suffered a fit of anger and sends him to get hospitalized. Rafael tries to defend him, but he cannot do anything.
2x16 - Episode 16
May 15, 2017
Mariana learns about who the nurse in charge of Gerardo is and tells Isidro to threaten him so that he kills him. Román and his friend Erick watch Cristina's video; they're planning a show for a customer with a lot of money.
2x17 - Episode 17
May 16, 2017
Guided by Mapache, Yolanda, Lalo and a group of men are heading for the neighborhood. Ana manages to see the ambush and is able to notify Miguel; however, they get caught in the neighborhood.
2x18 - Episode 18
May 16, 2017
Yolanda tells Centauro she wants to marry him. Samuel is getting the lethal injection ready determined to comply with what Isidro has aked him. Mariana, broken for Centauro's rejection, shoots a video for him saying that she's leaving.
2x19 - Episode 19
May 17, 2017
Mariana tries to get a ticket to Spain ignoring that Ana and Gerardo are going for her. Rafael, at the hospital, gets the dispatch from the lieutenant in charge. Because of the description of the suspects, he knows Vicente was involved.
2x20 - Episode 20
May 17, 2017
Due to Érica's call, Rafael heads for High Frequency with Lucho to learn about the death of Mariana. Centauro and Emilio are notified by the Doctor that Vicente and Ana have rescued Gerardo.
2x21 - Episode 21
May 18, 2017
While trying to release the ropes with a glass, Gerardo tells Yolanda and Cristina that el Centauro has ordered to kill Mariela and Otoniel. Vicente hits him to shut up, while Yolanda tries to calm Cristina down.
2x22 - Episode 22
May 18, 2017
2x23 - Episode 23
May 19, 2017
Félix gives his report to el Centauro about the winery and el Cirujano's gym. El Centauro decides to go for a walk around the gym. Julia keeps asking Cristina about her life. The girl thinks she can earn her by saying what she wants to hear.
2x24 - Episode 24
May 19, 2017
Yolanda insists on getting to the port, but Centauro persuades her not to; she feels they are hiding something from her. Some days go on, and Gato's leg is getting better, while Fausto is making Cristina work even harder.
2x25 - Episode 25
May 22, 2017
Following Julián's idea, Emilio and Centauro get a person that pretends to be Yolanda's aunt. Meanwhile, Yolanda is speaking to Rosaura, a woman from the port who says she doesn't recall her and has never heard of her.
2x26 - Episode 26
May 22, 2017
In spite of her hesitation, Yolanda seizes the visit of her 'aunt' to talk about her past. Under Centauro's request, Isidro and Lalo go and check Álex's flat, where they find a USB containing Mariana's farewell video, and her original passport.
2x27 - Episode 27
May 23, 2017
Álex finds his flat destroyed and, fearing for his life, begs Nicolás to allow him to live with him. Lucho, at the division, discovers Gato and Cristina in videos of security while they are being sought for on the streets.
2x28 - Episode 28
May 23, 2017
Gerardo and company take Mapache to Tyson's neighborhood, where they pay for a better room with Dueñas' truck. After the inquiry, they only find out a woman is leading the Jackals.
2x29 - Episode 29
May 24, 2017
Lucho revises Román's computer and find Cristina's video. Fausto finds a leaflet with Cristina's and Gato's faces. Immediately, he calls the police and speaks with Román, expecting a reward.
2x30 - Episode 30
May 24, 2017
Tyson speaks with Miguel. He tells him he is facing the Jackals to seek for Gerardo's children. Lucho arrives at the hardware store, Cristina and Gato see him and escape.
2x31 - Episode 31
May 25, 2017
Abel offers Gerardo his patronage to face the Jackals together. Cristina makes Lucho tell her why Román is a bad person; they go to a café with Internet, and when he wants to show her he finds out the mail has been deleted.
2x32 - Episode 32
May 25, 2017
Ana wakes up after a night of drinks, fearing what she might have said about his dad to Gerardo. Yolanda suffers a breakdown similar to the ones Cholo used to have; Centauro, really afraid, asks Julián for solutions.
2x33 - Episode 33
May 26, 2017
Gerardo arrives at Tyson's neighborhood with his children and Lucho. Nicolás meets Centauro in person and gets astonished at seeing Yolanda alive. Rafael watches Ángel's new video, and orders Román to investigate him.
2x34 - Episode 34
May 26, 2017
After arguing with Ana, Gerardo looks for her to tell her he likes her, they kiss each other but they are interrupted by Gato. Lucho refuses to get in touch with Román. Tyson, Gerardo and Ana are planning to take over Diablo's land.
2x35 - Episode 35
May 29, 2017
Ana and Gerardo get a room where they are making love but they are interrupted by Cristina, Gato, Lucho, and Tyson. On their part, Yolanda and Centauro make love too, and a few words of him bring new memories.
2x36 - Episode 36
May 29, 2017
Emilio tells Julián his plan to kill Yolanda, who wakes up and doesn't remember anything about the day before. Cristina's nausea comes back, and Ana makes her question about the possibility of being pregnant.
2x37 - Episode 37
May 30, 2017
Javier is questioned about his investigation by Rafael, and he tells him everything he has discovered about Mariana and Gerardo's escape. Lemus, at the hospital, meets a nurse who warns him about the presence of the doctor.
2x38 - Episode 38
May 30, 2017
Isidro and Yolanda manage to leave Lemus' truck without being seen. Cristina asks Gerardo and Lucho to leave Román's issue behind. Lalo confesses his attraction to Elvira, and they kiss.
2x39 - Episode 39
May 31, 2017
Elvira shares her concerns about Aunt Clara to Lalo, who tells her to forget about the issue because what she has written on the diary was ordered by Centauro. Julián explains to Emilio the risk of Yolanda recalling her past.
2x40 - Episode 40
May 31, 2017
Gato and Lucho get nearly caught by Primo, they are saved because of the help of a neighbor. Nicolás makes Érica work with him on the biography of Centauro. Yolanda defends Leticia from the bribery.
2x41 - Episode 41
June 1, 2017
Ingrid refuses to pay to Primo, while Gerardo and company are behind them. Yolanda starts suffering for the memory of the murders she committed when she was 'The Boss.' Very upset, she attacks Elvira.
2x42 - Episode 42
June 1, 2017
Yolanda is taken to Lemus' private practice by Lalo and Centauro, Lamus leaves the place to get the police who are watching him confused. Leticia is hidden at a motel and communicates with Rafael, who is the only one she trusts.
2x43 - Episode 43
June 2, 2017
Ana y Gerardo get to the tavern and, thanks to her beauty, Primo allows them to go in. Centauro orders to take Román to the mansion. Yolanda wakes up very tired form Lemus' new treatment.
2x44 - Episode 44
June 2, 2017
Rafael visits Nicolás at the radio station and seizes the opportunity to ask Érica for dinner. Román recognizes Isidro's tatoo and, very stressed, warns him not to talk about it. Nicolás learns about Leticia's murder but pretends in front of Rafael.
2x45 - Episode 45
June 5, 2017
Lalo tells Elvira the whole truth about Yolanda and she is shocked to hear the plan. Gerardo and Cristina talk about having the baby. Yolanda surprises Lalo and Elvira in the midst of a passionate scene and covers them up for Isidro.
2x46 - Episode 46
June 5, 2017
2x47 - Episode 47
June 6, 2017
Yolanda, still very confused, remembers everything, even more clearly. Román offers to continue with the surveillance over Lemus. Javier's economic situation seems to get worse and Román finds it out. Centauro continues planning to make Javier fall.
2x48 - Episode 48
June 6, 2017
Lemus examines Yolanda and she lies so he does not notice she remembers her past. Gato advises Cristina to improve her relationship with Lucho, while Miguel helps her in a plan to reunite them. Gerardo is honest with Ingrid.
2x49 - Episode 49
June 7, 2017
Alerted by Ana, Gerardo and company follow Primo to the place of the meeting. Elvira looks for Yolanda and finds her crying next to her family's photos. Javier is desperate and asks Roman for money.
2x50 - Episode 50
June 7, 2017
Isidro informs Centauro about Javier; they plan to use his wife and the moneylender to corrupt him. Lalo demands an explanation from Diablo for what happened, and he thinks Primo is responsible.
2x51 - Episode 51
June 8, 2017
Centauro suggests Yolanda that they go on a trip and she feigns joy. Isidro and Emilio finalize details of Yolanda's ambush. Gerardo and company plan to enter the meeting with Abel's men. Yolanda asks to speak with Primo in private.
2x52 - Episode 52
June 8, 2017
Lucho, still upset by the wound he received, is honest with Cristina and they decide to be together. Gerardo follows Yolanda, who goes to Lemus's office, while Lalo goes after her. Rafael orders to look for information about Nataly Tapias.
2x53 - Episode 53
June 9, 2017
Centauro orders Lalo to kill Gerardo and leave Yolanda alive while he interrogates Elvira. Primo comes out alive from the shooting area. While they escape, Gerardo removes the tracker to Yolanda, then wounds Lalo and they leave.
2x54 - Episode 54
June 9, 2017
Abel asks Gerardo for explanations, because he is not satisfied with the situation; he is scared after learning that Centauro is alive. Ana vent her sadness with Ingrid. Rafael finds Lemus's diary in his office.
2x55 - Episode 55
June 12, 2017
Javier's wife thinks he is meeting the lender, unaware of the fact that it is Centauro's order and Isidro will be present. The situation gets even more tense when Miguel, very upset, brings out Liborio issue before Yolanda.
2x56 - Episode 56
June 12, 2017
Ana, Miguel and Tyson arrive at the warehouse. Miguel recognizes her immediately. Lalo takes Elvira to a desolate place, leaves her unconscious with hidden money. Yolanda suffers an attack and forgets her past. Trying to escape, she attacks Gerardo.
2x57 - Episode 57
June 13, 2017
Adriana, Paula's cousin, comes to visit. Ana feels great distress when she sees Gerardo's relationship with Yolanda. Centauro orders the disconcerted Nicolás to poison Rafael, who spends the night with Érica. Lalo confirms that Elvira is still alive.
2x58 - Episode 58
June 13, 2017
Centauro orders Isidro to get a replacement for Elvira since he suspects Lalo's attitude. Román informs Javier about the attack against Rafael and he can not believe how he got involved. Lalo visits Elvira and questions her work.
2x59 - Episode 59
June 14, 2017
Javier is ordered and threatened with his wife to leave Rafael alone inside the brothel, unaware of the fact that Lucho and Gerardo watch everything. When Rafael is about to be killed, Gerardo neutralizes the assassins and they escape together.
2x60 - Episode 60
June 14, 2017
Lucho tells to Cristina what happened and doesn't notice Tyson listens to them. Nicolás tries to poison the commissioner, but his daughter blackmails him. When he is about to drink the poison, the commissioner receives a message from Rafael.
2x61 - Episode 61
June 15, 2017
Centauro decides to accept Nicolás's plan. He hides a microphone in Adriana's jacket to listen to the meeting with the commissioner. Centauro and Emilio listen to the blackmail and decide to talk to her so she helps them.
2x62 - Episode 62
June 15, 2017
Tyson, along with some men, grab Gerardo, Yolanda and Rafael as they leave the university. They are taken to the place where Lucho and the children are tied. Abel feels betrayed and is willing to hand them over to Centauro.
2x63 - Episode 63
June 16, 2017
Yolanda, tied up and without her pills, begins suffering a new attack. Lalo suggests to Elvira that they go to the United States; he plans to steal some money. Ana returns to the neighborhood and confesses to Abel the true identity of his father.
2x64 - Episode 64
June 16, 2017
Abel forces Rafael to bring a microphone to his meeting with the commissioner, fearing he will be betrayed. Centauro prepares the attack to Gerardo and company; Lalo apologizes not to go with them, planning his escape.
2x65 - Episode 65
June 19, 2017
Miguel is taken by force along with Yolanda and her family, who try to escape from the place. Ana and Gerardo return to the neighborhood aiming to kidnap Tyson and make an exchange, however, they are found by Abel's men.
2x66 - Episode 66
June 19, 2017
Tyson meets Román and Javier. Gerardo, Ana and Yolanda visit Érica at home. Tyson reveals to Centauro that Ana is Cirujano's daughter. Taking advantage of Centauro and his men's absence, Lalo is ready to execute his plan.
2x67 - Episode 67
June 21, 2017
Before the firmness in Lalo's answers, Emilio decides to postpone the conversation until the plan against Gerardo is carried out. Javier begins to feel the weight of his conscience, and does not know what to do.
2x68 - Episode 68
June 22, 2017
Centauro meets the commissioner, Javier and Román, and warns them that Gerardo will probably go after them. Yolanda's health is getting worse, but she hides it from Gerardo; Elvira is her only confidant.
2x69 - Episode 69
June 23, 2017
Centauro and Emilio bring back together. They talk with concern about Ana. Yolanda looks over Ana's things and finds the reliquary, however, she had already changed Cirujano's photo, fearing to be discovered.
2x70 - Episode 70
June 26, 2017
Ana meets Érica and gives her the devices to track down Nicolás and the commissioner. Javier and Román check the area where Lalo was seen. Gerardo tries to convince Professor Martínez to help Yolanda.
2x71 - Episode 71
June 27, 2017
The commissioner sends to Centauro a photo of a security, and this one is very confused after seeing Elvira and Lalo. Yolanda wakes up after the treatment but Martínez tells Gerardo that she has little time left to live.
2x72 - Episode 72
June 28, 2017
Érica manages to be invited by Nicolás to his house so she can help Paula put the devices to the commissioner and her husband. Loco's ideas for distribution seduce Centauro, who does not listen to Emilio's objections.
2x73 - Episode 73
June 29, 2017
Although he knows he can not do anything about it, Emilio opposes to Centauro's plan to go to the division. Gerardo and company follow the movements of the commissioner through a computer. Ana plans to kill Yolanda.
2x74 - Episode 74
June 30, 2017
Yolanda struggles not to lose control due to her memories. Loco and Centauro return to the shelter with women, causing annoyance in Emilio. While everyone celebrates the wedding, Ana prepares the solution she plans to inject Yolanda.
2x75 - Episode 75
July 3, 2017
Javier and Román receive news about the altercation in the parking lot. Centauro pleased Loco by offering him to direct the Chacales. Yolanda wakes up and does not remember her family. Lucho and Cristina, together with Raúl, look for Martínez.
2x76 - Episode 76
July 4, 2017
While Gerardo and Ana try to locate themselves so they can take pictures, Emilio asks the commissioner to release some men from Cirujano's cartel. Julián and Román meet Centauro and Loco at the refuge.
2x77 - Episode 77
July 5, 2017
While Gerardo and Ana try to locate themselves so they can take pictures, Emilio asks the commissioner to release some men from Cirujano's cartel. Julián and Román meet Centauro and Loco at the refuge.
2x78 - Episode 78
July 6, 2017
Centauro arrives at the wine cellar, together with Emilio, Loco and a group of men. They find the backpack with weapons and espionage tools. Ana and Gerardo confront the men and manage to escape.
2x79 - Episode 79
July 7, 2017
The commissioner tells Javier about his meeting with Emilio. Adriana arrives at Paula's house, but Gerardo fears that they are also tracking the device she is about to hide in her cousin. Yolanda and Érica plan how to get Paula out of the house.
2x80 - Episode 80
July 10, 2017
Paula starts a video call with Érica to tell her of the situation and asks her to record everything is about to happen. The camera captures Paula's murder by Nicolás. Érica, after watching everything, sees Román arriving at his office and escapes.
2x81 - Episode 81
July 11, 2017
The commissioner begins to lose his temper because of the pressure and Paula's death. He tells Emilio that he has a new condition for his alliance: Centauro must die. Gerardo decides to change course and stops hiding himself.
2x82 - Episode 82
July 12, 2017
Nicolás is about to leave his house when he is arrested. Gerardo tries to communicate with Yolanda, but she still does not respond. In a press conference for television, the commissioner reveals that Ana is Cirujano's daughter.
2x83 - Episode 83
July 13, 2017
After the chaos caused by the revelation, Ana decides to leave with Miguel and takes Yolanda with them. Nicolás is about to speak, but he is interrupted by a lawyer sent by Centauro.
2x84 - Episode 84
July 14, 2017
Lucho finds Elvira gagged; Lalo confirms that Ana and Miguel took all the money. Isidro and several men go towards the orphanage. Surrounded and with no exit, they all hide in a secret place that Gato had found.
2x85 - Episode 85
July 17, 2017
While they wait hidden, Gerardo and Cristina forgive each other. After thoroughly examining Ana, Loco takes her to Centauro. A noise in the hiding place takes Javier to find Gerardo and company, who point him with their guns.
2x86 - Episode 86
July 18, 2017
Emilio assures Ana that Centauro will execute her and offers her an ally to recover Cirujano's cartel. Javier is honest with Gerardo and Lucho, who forgive him in some way. Loco finds Ana and Emilio talking secretly and distrusts.
2x87 - Episode 87
July 19, 2017
Ana tells Centauro about Raúl. Paredes puts pressure on Román, questioning him about the inconsistencies of his version. Ana is interested in Loco's business and tries to get information.
2x88 - Episode 88
July 20, 2017
Javier tries to evade suspicions. Emilio asks the commissioner for help in finding Yolanda. Javier and Román are surprised to see Ana at Centauro's house; she tells Román about her son.
2x89 - Episode 89
July 21, 2017
Román informs his suspicions about Javier to Centauro, who decides to remind him who is in charge. While Lucho and Lalo watch how Centauro's men take Irina, Gato, along with Cristina and Elvira look for Yolanda.
2x90 - Episode 90
July 24, 2017
During the delivery, el Centauro realizes his son has betrayed him; Yolanda is ready to kill: she still considers herself to be Benedicto's wife.