Episode 15

March 28, 1993

London's Burning - S9 - E15

Episode 15

Blue Watch is called to help a guy who's stuck on a tree. Skip finds out that he was leering at young sunbathing women and steals the film from the camera. The Health Club George had invested in, goes on fire. Kelly and Beattie are trapped in a room, but Blue Watch saves them. Nick suspects arson and Georg e counts two and two together. He drums up support from Jack and Jaffa and they go to beat up Elkins, who caused the fire to claim the insurance. There's a heavy fight with him and his bodyguards. Pearce goes to talk to Sandra about Hallam's death and his i ntention to sell the house and transfer to Hampshire to get away. She sort of forgives him that he was the one who survived. Sicknote and ACO Baxter hold a speech in Hallam's memory as the memorial plaque is unveiled. Marianne returns to the Netherlands. T he guys call each other into the station bathroom one by one, as Skip has developed the photos of the women. Jack almost gets to kiss Carole, but the alarm bell goes off and interrupts them. As the pumps speed along the motorway, they get involved into a heavy crash and a long bar crashes through the window of one pump.

London's Burning: Season 9 - 15 Episode s