- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Martha Speaks
- Season 1
- Episode 64
Martha Speaks: Season 1 - 65 Episode s
1x14 - Perfectly Martha
September 9, 2008
Have giant alien pickles invaded Wagstaff City? Truman saw something just like it in a movie, but he never saw the ending.
1x15 - Firedog Martha
September 10, 2008
Helen agrees to take care of Mrs. Clusky's dog for a few days, and Martha can't wait to welcome their houseguest. To Martha's chagrin, François turns out to be a demanding and manipulative guest who knows just how to charm the humans.
1x16 - Martha's Pickle
September 10, 2008
Large pickles are discovered in town, which Martha and her friends fear are aliens.
1x17 - The Dog Who Came to Dinner
September 11, 2008
Granny Flo's Alphabet Soup is taking a licking from the competition, Oodles of Os. If Granny Flo goes out of business, how will Martha communicate? To increase sales, Helen, Martha, and T.D. set out to convince Granny Flo to advertise on the popular TV show, International Icon.
1x18 - Martha Calling
September 11, 2008
Being able to translate animal speech helps when Martha gets a job as the vet's assistant. But when a puppy comes to the vet and he speaks nothing but incomprehensible puppy talk, Martha will need more than her linguistic skills to figure out what's wrong. / Carolina is starting a newspaper and she needs some crack reporters. TD turns investigative reporter, until he becomes the headline himself.
1x19 - Oh, Nooo!
September 12, 2008
Martha is upset when Alice and Helen make a fuss about a kitten; Alice can't believe Truman can dislike ice cream without ever having tasted it.
1x20 - Bye Martha
September 12, 2008
Martha's canine-human speech skills prove a big plus when she becomes a veterinary assistant, until she helps treat a puppy that speaks gibberish. Meanwhile, when Carolina starts a newspaper, TD tries to become an investigative reporter, but ends up a headline instead.
1x21 - Martha Walks the Dog
September 15, 2008
Alice is afraid to express an interest in ballet because of Ronald, who she thinks will tease her; Martha's attempt to become an agility dog flops.
1x22 - Martha's Got Talent
September 15, 2008
Martha is thrilled when she hears Courageous Collie Carlo is coming to town. But when Martha unexpectedly reveals how uncourageous Carlo really is, she has to help him save his reputation or Carlo's TV career could be history.
1x23 - Martha the Hero Maker
September 16, 2008
To cheer up Helen, who's down in the dumps after not winning an art competition, her mother decides to bake her a cake. But when a flower order takes priority, Martha and Skits step in to finish the job. Then bath-hating Martha asks TD's father to create a perfume to hide her pungent doggy scent.
1x24 - Starstruck Martha
September 16, 2008
Truman can't believe his luck when Alice invites the gang to go whale watching . . . . until he realizes that he has to actually get on a boat. Which means he'll get seasick.
1x25 - Martha in Charge
September 17, 2008
Carolina is determined to outdo Tiffany Blatsky on the science project. She organizes an expedition with T.D., Truman, and Martha to gather "exotic" plants. When the canoe capsizes, a storm blows up, and the sun starts to go down, they worry they may never get off Flea Island.
1x26 - Truman and the Deep Blue Sea
September 17, 2008
Tiffany wants to make Helen's treehouse into a girls' clubhouse. But who should be president? When the girls hold an election (Carolina vs. Tiffany, of course), both candidates aggressively court Helen's vote.
1x27 - Escape from Flea Island
September 18, 2008
Martha loses her collar and winds up in the animal shelter. She leads an escape attempt, only to find that freedom isn't much without a family.
1x28 - No Dogs Allowed
September 18, 2008
When Martha's family comes to take her home, she decides she can't leave her shelter friends behind. Adopting that many dogs is out of the question, so Martha, Helen, and T.D. cook up a plan to find families for the pound pooches.
1x29 - Ain't Nothin' But a Pound Dog
September 19, 2008
Caught without her collar, Martha is sent to an animal shelter, where she tries to escape. Her family comes to the shelter to take her home, but she doesn't want to leave her new friends behind.
1x30 - Raiders of the Lost Art
October 13, 2008
Helen, Alice and TD are less than thrilled when Martha becomes a substitute teacher at their school; TD is distracted from writing a school report by a movie marathon.
1x31 - Martha Says it with Flowers
October 13, 2008
Professor Monkey is coming to town to promote his craft books with co–author Beppo. But his directions to the bookstore end up under Bob the dog's fiercely guarded porch.
1x32 - Martha Doesn't Speak Monkey!
October 14, 2008
Martha calls Helen for help when she's trapped in Pablum and Weaselgraft's hideout, and explains how Helen can find her by using her nose. Then Martha needs Helen's help when she again finds herself in Pablum and Weaselgraft's lair, but this time explains how to locate her by describing the sounds she hears.
1x33 - Martha and Truman Get Lost
October 14, 2008
Martha insults everyone she talks to until Truman intervenes, realizing that she's actually not in a foul mood but is saying the reverse of what she means.
1x34 - Martha Gets Spooked
October 31, 2008
Martha becomes the host of a TV show that's supposed to help people better understand their pets, but when no one tunes in, the producers change it to "Crime Scene Doggie." Then Martha and Skits fight over a new toy.
1x35 - Martha Changes Her Luck
October 31, 2008
Is someone fixing up the haunted house? If not, who ordered those flowers? Was it the ghost of Mrs.
1x36 - Martha Runs the Store
November 26, 2008
Uh–oh. Martha walked under a ladder—and broke a mirror—so now she thinks she's jinxed. And she's worried her bad luck is rubbing off on everybody else. Helen tries to explain that all the accidents are just coincidence, but things just keep getting worse.
1x37 - Best in Show
November 28, 2008
Skits and Martha are feeling desperate while they wait in the broiling sun for Helen to finish shopping. Fed up, Skits decides to follow the cool air into the store, and Martha has to follow to get him out.
1x38 - Truman on the Ball
November 28, 2008
Helen can't find Martha and Skits anywhere. Little does she know, they're trapped inside the darkened department store, trying to find the exit . . . when they aren't distracted by the comfy beds, overflowing garbage cans, and automatic tennis–ball shooter.
1x39 - Martha Sings
January 2, 2009
Professor Monkey's visit to a local bookstore to promote his craft book may be disrupted when the directions to the store wind up under Bob the dog's porch; Martha helps Truman find something he lost at Dog Head Lake.
1x40 - T.D. Makes the Band
January 2, 2009
1x41 - Itchy Martha
February 13, 2009
Alice is shocked to discover that Truman has never actually tried ice cream. Alice thinks deciding you won't like ice cream without trying it is, well, prejudiced! Can Helen and T.D.
1x42 - Martha and the Thief of Hearts
February 13, 2009
1x43 - Alice Twinkle Toes
February 16, 2009
Alice is afraid to express an interest in ballet because of Ronald, who she thinks will tease her.
1x44 - Martha Fails the Course
February 16, 2009
1x45 - There Goes the Neighborhood
February 17, 2009
1x46 - Ice Scream
February 17, 2009
1x47 - Nurse Martha
February 18, 2009
Martha's canine-human speech skills prove a big plus when she becomes a veterinary assistant.
1x48 - T.D. Gets the Scoop
February 18, 2009
Helen's cousin Carolina is a little bit older but a lot more fashion–conscious. Helen tries to take her advice, even though she's pretty happy with how she looks already. Then Martha becomes the new host of a radio advice show, and people start doing some pretty strange things.
1x49 - Skits Under the Weather
March 16, 2009
Helen is miserable after Martha volunteers her for a part in the school play. With practice—and a little help from Martha—Helen finds she can do anything she wants, if she puts her mind to it.
1x50 - Martha the Weather Dog
March 16, 2009
It's Alice's birthday and everybody's invited, including Martha. The only problem is that Nelson (Martha's cat nemesis) will be there too. When somebody—or some animal—ruins the birthday cake, Alice's brother Ronald thinks Martha's responsible. Martha proclaims her innocence . . .
1x51 - Martha in the Doghouse
March 17, 2009
Martha's need for quiet during her naptime leads Helen and friends to build her a doghouse.
1x52 - Martha Models
March 17, 2009
1x53 - T.D. and Martha Gopher Broke
March 18, 2009
1x54 - T.D. and the Steak Tree
March 18, 2009
1x55 - Virtually Martha
March 19, 2009
1x56 - Martha vs. Robot
March 19, 2009
Martha joins TD and TD's dad in trying to stop a gopher from eating all of the crops at CK's farm.
1x57 - Helen's All Thumbs
March 20, 2009
1x58 - Martha's Dirty Habit
March 20, 2009
1x59 - Martha Bakes
April 6, 2009
1x60 - Martha Makes Scents
April 6, 2009
1x61 - Martha the Witness
April 7, 2009
1x62 - Martha Takes a Stand
April 7, 2009
1x63 - Martha Goes to School
April 8, 2009
1x64 - T.D. and the Light Bulb of Doom
April 8, 2009
1x65 - Martha Treads the Boards
April 9, 2009
Mom and Dad get stuck in the dressing room on opening night of a community-theater production.
1x66 - Martha's Pack
April 9, 2009
1x67 - Martha Smells
April 10, 2009
1x68 - Martha Hears
April 10, 2009
1x69 - Martha's Worst Best Day
July 13, 2009
1x70 - Truman's Brother
July 13, 2009
1x71 - Here's Martha!
July 14, 2009
1x72 - Dog Fight
July 14, 2009
1x73 - Therapy Dog
July 15, 2009
1x74 - Martha's Duck Trouble
July 15, 2009
1x75 - Truman's Secret
July 16, 2009
1x76 - Skits Monkeys Around
July 16, 2009
1x77 - What's Bothering Bob?
July 17, 2009
Bob begins chasing Truman all over town, and eventually chases him, Helen, Alice, TD and others up a tree. Then on a super-hot day, Martha spins a yarn about Goldi-Martha, the Skits Hatter and Little Red Riding Helen to Jake in an attempt to distract the boy from the heat.
1x78 - Martha Spins a Tale
July 17, 2009
Martha spins a yarn about Goldi-Martha, the Skits Hatter and Little Red Riding Helen.