- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Oddity Archive
- Season 0
- Episode 163
Ben's Junk: Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD Audio Interface
Oddity Archive - S0 - E163
…or, what happens when ol’ Benny-boy decides he needs more than 2 microphone inputs.
Oddity Archive: Season 0 - 101 Episode s
0x113 - Archive Thrifting #1: Impromptu Investigations
April 5, 2018
Testing out a new, potential subseries—and hitting every conceivable pothole along the way.
0x114 - Archive Thrifting #2: Arc of a (Dumpster) Diver
April 19, 2018
…figured I’d better shoot at least one episode in Beautiful Downtown Aurora before leaving.
0x115 - Ben's Junk: K-Tel Record Selector
May 3, 2018
At last! Ben reviews a K-Tel product!
0x116 - Ben's Junk: Teac V-770 Cassette Deck
May 17, 2018
The MCS deck kinda got fried. Time for another fixer-upper!
0x117 - Discovision Dead Sides
May 31, 2018
Let’s unearth some (unintentional) pre-DVD Easter Eggs…
0x118 - Ben's Junk: ABC Talking Monday Night Football (Board Game)
June 21, 2018
An early, talking board game—whose (nearly) every move is dictated by a tiny record.
0x119 - Archive Riffs: Selling Your Home? (Talking House Transmitter Promo Video)
June 28, 2018
Rather serendipitously, just in time to move, we’ve unearthed a promo video for an item that we’ve used on Archive many times—namely, the Talking House Transmitter. Talk about timing!
0x120 - Archive Thrifting #3: Beautiful Downtown Aurora's Last Stand
July 5, 2018
…because I totally needed a bunch more junk to try and pack up.
0x121 - Ben's Junk: Rocketfish Wireless Rear Speaker Kit
August 2, 2018
There were a precious few hallmarks of the old Archive HQ that I did NOT want to carry over. Speaker wire running all over the room was one of them.
0x122 - Ben's Junk: Audio Technica AT-LP120 Turntable (Early Thoughts)
August 16, 2018
Already went over to a direct-drive cassette deck, might as well do the same with vinyl…
0x123 - Ben's Junk: Ben's Makeshift Bedroom Stereo System
August 30, 2018
Looking into the most intimate areas of Ben’s…half-baked stereo system.
0x124 - Ben's Junk: Ramsey FM Transmitter (Further Experiments)
September 13, 2018
Sergei’s Catacomb of Classics in stereo, anyone?
0x125 - Archive Thrifting #4: Elvis Sightings
September 26, 2018
Archive Thrifting®: Now in ESTEREO!!!
0x126 - Archive Thrifting #5: Low Money Hu
October 11, 2018
A mere 3½ months in the making!
0x127 - Sounds of Terror! (Halloween Album Review)
October 25, 2018
The return of the Halloween album reviews! Now in screaming, spooktacular stereo!
0x128 - Ben's Junk: Pac-Man Fever (Pac-Man Tiny Arcades)
November 8, 2018
I’ve got search-for-a-reissue-of-the-original-Pac-Man-arcade-game fever…it’s driving me crazy.
0x129 - Archive Riffs: Thanksgiving Commercials
November 22, 2018
A (non-filling) seven-course meal of Turkey Day commercialism!
0x130 - Ben's Junk: NES Classic Edition (The Last Word?)
December 6, 2018
So, what is the Oddity Archive guy doing with a reissue console?
0x131 - Christmas LaserKaraoke (Deleted Segment from Christmas Special 2018)
December 24, 2018
A little stocking stuffer of yuletide caterwauling—er, caroling!
0x132 - Ben's Junk: Nagaoka MP-110H Phono Cartridge
January 3, 2019
New year, more audio kit. It’s tradition, ya know?
0x133 - Ben's Junk: Sega Pico ("Edutainment" Console)
January 10, 2019
Time to learn…that edutainment consoles rarely end well.
0x134 - Ben's Junk: SNES Classic Edition (Belated) First Impressions)
January 24, 2019
Wait, didn’t we already cover this? Talk about déjà vu…
0x135 - Ben's Junk: Tyco VideoCam
January 31, 2019
Ben’s recovering from a virus (and middle-ear dysfunction). Sounds like a good time to do a (kiddie) camcorder review.
0x136 - Archive Riffs: Valentine’s Day Commercials (A Semi-Romantic Tale)
February 14, 2019
We’re just a bunch of old softies…with a taste for bent story arcs.
0x137 - Archive Thrifting #6: Frostbite Falls
February 28, 2019
Will our scrappy hero escape the clutches of the snow monster? Find out in our next installment: “Frosty The Slowman, or, Snow Thanks to You”!
0x138 - Ben's Junk: Ronco Mr. Microphone
March 14, 2019
Tagline: Ben: Hey, good lookin’! How ‘bout I pick you up later? Attractive Lady: (smacks Ben so hard his fillings are rearranged) Ben: But it worked for the guy in the commercial…
0x139 - Ben's Junk: GAF Super 8 Sound Film Projector
March 28, 2019
Another fixer-upper? In Archiveland? Never!!!
0x140 - Ben's Junk: The Big Reel (Film Collector’s Magazine)
April 11, 2019
While researching the recent VHS Distributors episode, I kept running into references to a publication known as the “Big Reel”. Turns out, it’s most (in)famous of the old film collector publications—and it’s easy to see why.
0x141 - Discovision/Laserdisc Quirks (An Informal Discussion)
April 25, 2019
In a way, Laserdiscs never really outgrew their experimental phase. Here’s an informal, overview of SOME of the more idiosyncratic Laserdiscs out there (and/or their packaging).
0x142 - Discovision Dead Sides Vol. 2
May 9, 2019
DVD Easter Eggs? Nah, way too easy.
0x143 - Ben’s Junk: VGA Converters/Public Domain CD-ROMs
May 23, 2019
A double dose of turn-of-the-millennium PC goodness!
0x144 - Ben’s Junk: Innovative Technologies ITNS-500 Slide “Scanner”
June 13, 2019
After a long delay…well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
0x145 - Archive Riffs: Clutch Cargo (Big "X", Parts 4 & 5)
June 20, 2019
The Archive finally gets to “see the X”! Spoiler: It’s a rock.
0x146 - Mystery 8mm Films/The Ballad of Ben & 8mm (Commentary)
June 27, 2019
Let’s see if we can’t clear up some misconceptions about this episode…
0x147 - Archive Thrifting #7: Wii, Wii, All The Way Home
July 4, 2019
I was going a little stir crazy at the end of last season. So, naturally, I decided to add a little to my at-home clutter.
0x148 - Ben's Junk: Video Action Magazine (Issue #1: December, 1980)
August 1, 2019
Readin’ and dreamin’ ‘bout those Archivisms that’ll probably never happen.
0x149 - Ben's Junk: Ben's Laserdisc Collection (2019 Edition)
August 15, 2019
Uh, oh. Ben’s geeking out again. Get comfy.
0x150 - Fostex X-14 Cassette Multitracker/ Ben's Music "Career": The Gear
August 29, 2019
…or, how Ben unwittingly jumped on the “lo-fi” bandwagon.
0x151 - Ben's Junk: Whippany Rhythm Master (Circa 1972 Drum Machine)
September 12, 2019
Who says Ben’s got no rhythm? He’s got 10 of them!
0x152 - Ben's Junk: Burns Theremin
September 26, 2019
…or, The Space-Age Sounds of the Oddity Archive! (now available on vinyl and 3¾ips reel)
0x153 - Archive Thrifting #8: Break IT You Pay For IT
October 10, 2019
Featuring our very Special Guest: Zippy The Chimp!
0x154 - Haunted House (Halloween SFX Album Review)
October 24, 2019
Can your heart (or better yet, head) stand a trip through this haunted house? No, seriously, this is our most headache-inducing one yet.
0x155 - Ben's Junk: Realistic Concertmate (Moog) MG-1 Synthesizer
November 7, 2019
Whatdaya mean you forgot you had a Moog? Also, synth snobs need not apply.
0x156 - Ben's Junk: Sony DCR-TRV320 Digital8 Handycam (Video8 Addendum)
November 21, 2019
Since we were already talkin’ Video8, it only seemed right to cover the Archive’s first camcorder…not to mention, a piece of gear still (as of this episode, at least) in regular use around Archive HQ.
0x157 - Ben's Junk: Archer Video Processor/Stabilizer (Model 15-1272A)
December 5, 2019
Guaranteed to keep this (internet) video from rolling!
0x158 - Algorithmic Audio Mastering (CloudBounce Review)
December 9, 2019
Can online audio mastering render audio mastering engineers obsolete? The short answer: No. Having said that, it’s not as bad as you’d think.
0x159 - Archive Thrifting #9: Christmas Confidential
December 12, 2019
Just your standard, good, old-fashioned, combustible, unnerving, overpriced Country Christmas…
0x160 - Archive Riffs: Boxing Day Commercials (er, Adverts)
December 26, 2019
Celebrating the true meaning of Boxing Day… a whole lotta furniture and carpet sales.
0x161 - MovieCD
January 9, 2020
A would-be full-fledged video format episode…which got curtailed by (amazingly enough) a lack of computer stuff at Archive HQ.
0x162 - Ben's Junk: Cult VHS (& A Few DVD's) (2020 Edition)
January 23, 2020
An informal stroll few some cherry-picked titles from Ben’s (somewhat unintentional) collection of B-Movies and Cult Classics.
0x163 - Ben's Junk: Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD Audio Interface
February 6, 2020
…or, what happens when ol’ Benny-boy decides he needs more than 2 microphone inputs.
0x164 - Ben's Junk: Behringer neutron (analog, Monophonic) Synthesizer
February 20, 2020
Yes, I bought another synth. Yes, I swatted myself on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper over my lack of self-control.
0x165 - Ben's Junk: Industrial Laserdiscs/ Anderic (Reproduction) Service Remote
March 5, 2020
Lookin’ under the hood of Ben’s laserdisc player (quite appropriately) with some General Motors discs.
0x166 - Ben's Music "Career", Vol. 4.5: Greetings From Elderbush Gulch Multitracks (An Addendum)
March 19, 2020
Benny-boy’s (non-accredited) Audio School is now in session!
0x167 - Enhanced CD's (& other multimedia CD's) (an informal chat)
April 2, 2020
Please note that this episode may not run correctly unless your monitor is running at a minimum of 256 colors and your system has at least 12MB of available RAM.
0x168 - The OA (Semi-)Supercomputer/ The OA Recording Studio Redux
April 16, 2020
Well, my last attempt at a semi-regular home audio recording rig failed…and my regular laptop is on its last legs. Here’s my attempt at solving both issues at once.
0x169 - Ben's Junk: Sony SLO-325 Industrial Betamax
April 30, 2020
Time to take a bet(t)a look at the Archive’s first Betamax—from before the Archive even existed (in every sense).
0x170 - Ben's Junk: 1953 & 1956 Hoffman Television Catalogs
May 14, 2020
A genuine televisual feast.
0x171 - Ben's Junk: Tiger Quiz Wiz
May 28, 2020
Question #196.5: What is the Quiz Wiz lacking? Multiple Choice: A. An objective B. A reward C. Entertainment value D. All of the above
0x172 - Ben's Junk: First Alert FTR-960R Time-Lapse VCR (+ Time-Lapse Tape)
June 18, 2020
The Archive gets secure...or just paranoid.
0x173 - Archive Riffs: Moving Up To Amateur Radio
June 25, 2020
OA calling CQ, hopefully DX, lookin’ for the QT on the DL while TCB.
0x174 - Archive Thrifting #10: Before We Were SO Rudely Interrupted
July 2, 2020
Archive Thrifting is a magical tool of last resort…Why? Because it NEVER fails!
0x175 - Ben's Junk: Sony U-Matic & Industrial Betamax Wired Remotes
July 9, 2020
…or, Ben’s weirdest pet-project to date! (kerchunk)
0x176 - Archive Thrifting #11: This Can Not Be The Right Price Deal
July 23, 2020
0x177 - Ben's Junk: Pioneer RH-65 8-Track Deck
August 6, 2020
Meet the Archive’s new (to us) 8-track deck…
0x178 - Ben's Junk: Denon UD-M30 CD Receiver
August 13, 2020
A rare, intimate, bedroom edition of Ben’s Junk…
0x179 - Episode 200 Rebuttal & Deleted Scenes
August 27, 2020
Ok, time for my side of the story...
0x180 - Ben's Junk: JVC HR-S7600U S-VHS ET VCR (REVISITED)
September 24, 2020
Since I had S-VHS and VCR’s on the brain already (moreso than usual), it seemed like the right time to revisit one of the early, ultra-wonky Ben’s Junk topics.
0x181 - Ben's Junk: Buster Keaton Video Collection
October 8, 2020
October 4, 2020 marked the 125th anniversary of comedian/filmmaker Buster Keaton’s birth. Consider this the Archive’s (slightly belated and rambling) tribute to one of the greats…
0x182 - Archive Thrifting #12: (Not-So) Scary Deals
October 22, 2020
It’s the first Archive Thrifting Spooktacular! Strangely enough, it’s probably one of the least scary Thrifting episodes to date.
0x183 - Ben's Junk: (New) Polaroid 600 Film (& old camera(s))
November 5, 2020
You can keep your fancy digital cameras, thank you very much.
0x184 - Ben's Junk: (Some of) Ben's Audiocassette Collection
November 19, 2020
A slow-speed ramble for a slow-speed format.
0x185 - Ben's Junk: (New) Dubreq Stylophone
December 3, 2020
We be stylin’…stylus(in’), that is…y’all.
0x186 - Archive Thrifting #13: Deck The Hauls
December 17, 2020
Fillin’ up the ol’ one-horse open sleigh with…some junk.
0x187 - Ben's Junk: (some of) Ben's Vinyl Collection Vol. 2
January 28, 2021
Time to get back in the groove! (dodges tsunami of rotten produce)
0x188 - Ben's Junk: Sega Genesis Mini
February 11, 2021
Finishing up the trilogy of belatedly-acquired, nostalgically-motivated miniature video game consoles…
0x189 - Home Video Recording, 1972-Style (or, Ben's Complete U-Matic Rig)
February 25, 2021
Only about seven years in the making… With the occasional small liberty, a recreation of the first, commercially-available home videotape recording setup in North America. Depending on your perspective, it’s either hardcore or half-baked.
0x190 - Ben's Junk: Toshiba 20AF43 CRT TV
March 11, 2021
No one should ever get this excited over something this mundane… Or, this CRT is 20 AF…y’all.
0x191 - Archive Thrifting #14: (Non-)Luck of the (Non-)Irish
March 18, 2021
You’ll be green with envy over these finds…or not.
0x192 - Phonies (Answering Machine Greetings)
April 1, 2021
Just when you thought the Archive couldn’t get any more phake…
0x193 - Archive Riffs: A Taxing Set of Commercials (Tax Day Special)
April 15, 2021
It’s time to get down to business in Archiveland!
0x194 - Ben's Junk: GPX Digital TV Tuner + Recorder
April 29, 2021
Can a (relative) cheapie from Menard’s drag the Archive’s off-air recording capabilities (kicking and screaming) into the 21st century? Sort of…
0x195 - A Geeky Evening With Benny-Boy
May 13, 2021
A late-night, low-light, romantic fishing expedition with everybody’s favorite Oddity Archivist…fishing for ArchiveAnnex material, that is.
0x196 - Ben's Junk: ClonerAlliance Box Pro (Video Capture Device)
May 27, 2021
Could it be I’ve finally stumbled onto the rightful heir of the VCR? Looks like it…
0x197 - Ben's Junk: JVC HM-DH30000U & Mitsubishi HD-HS2000u D-VHS VCR's
June 10, 2021
A double-(4)-header of D-VHS (when possible) goodness!
0x198 - Episode 200 (Behind The Box) (Commentary)
June 17, 2021
If ever an OA episode needed a commentary track, it’s this one…
0x199 - Archive Thrifting #15: Out Of This World Deals
June 24, 2021
Featuring deals so far outta sight, they’re outta mind!
0x200 - Ben's Junk: Akai GX-220 Reel-To-Reel Audiotape Deck
July 8, 2021
Of course, I had to pick up a rare and unusual deck for a tape cleaning rig. Also, not to be confused with the Akai GX-220D.
0x201 - Ben's Casino Travelogue (Deleted Segment From How I Spent My Summer VIII)
July 29, 2021
The Archive delivers its first real travelogue…granted, it was all of a half-hour away from home, but still.
0x202 - Archive Thrifting #16: La Cage Aux Thrifting
August 5, 2021
Thrifting can be a real drag…but not when Ben’s around!
0x203 - VCR Cleaning (A Public Service Video)
August 19, 2021
A bit of VHSMR for everyone…
0x204 - Channel Update (9/2021) (Sony AV-2600 Update, Sencore VA62, etc.)
September 2, 2021
There’s plenty in the OA oven right now, just none of it is rising.
0x205 - VCR Rabbit Revisited
September 9, 2021
I got things just a hare wrong the first time around, so let’s hop to another round of tests…
0x206 - Ben's Junk: Video Store Regulars (& Memories)
September 23, 2021
Most people would rent a video once…Benny-boy was just insane enough to rent the same tapes over and over…then eventually buy them.
0x207 - Ben’s Junk: Wolverine Moviemaker Pro 8mm & Super8 Film Scanner
October 7, 2021
A half-hour Ben’s Junk? You might say the machine caused it to run reely long.
0x208 - Archive Thrifting #17: Spooktacular Savings
October 21, 2021
Get a witches shawl on and find a broomstick you can crawl on…and go thrifting with Benny-boy! (snap, snap)
0x209 - Ben's Junk: Sony Digital Mavica (Model MVC-FD73) (Floppy Disk Digital Camera from 1999)
November 4, 2021
Finally getting into this newfangled digital camera stuff…whatdaya mean you can’t get 3.5” floppies anymore?!?
0x210 - Ben's Junk: Coolmusic Ring Modulator (& other FX) ("Max Headroom" Hijacker Voice)
November 18, 2021
Does Ben really think he’s better than Chuck Swirsky? That freakin’ liberal…
0x211 - Ben's Junk: Christmas TV VHS & DVD's
December 2, 2021
‘Tis the season…for holiday specials. Here’s some of my favorites…
0x212 - Archive Thrifting #18: Shortwave Santa
December 16, 2021
Run, run Rudolph…towards another pile of junk!
0x213 - Ben's Junk: Keyfax Update/Pioneer GGF1381 Laserdisc Service Remote/Discovision Dead Sides Vol. 3
January 6, 2022
Going down a mental rabbit hole…in the most Archivian way possible.
Oddity Archive: All seasons
S0: Specials
308 Episode s
S1: Season 1
26 Episode s
S2: Season 2
26 Episode s
S3: Season 3
26 Episode s
S4: Season 4
24 Episode s
S5: Season 5
24 Episode s
S6: Season 6
25 Episode s
S7: Season 7
22 Episode s
S8: Season 8
24 Episode s
S9: Season 9
23 Episode s
S10: Season 10
22 Episode s
S11: Season 11
23 Episode s
S12: Season 12
16 Episode s
S13: Season 13
7 Episode s