Unsolved (2024)
The series follows criminology professor Mia van der Linden who chooses a small group of students to solve cold cases. But during their work they come across a case that they are suddenly no longer allowed to investigate by higher authorities. The group of students must use the law cunningly to find justice.
Unsolved: 1 Season
Actors in Unsolved
Georgina Verbaan
Mia van der Linden
Marie-Mae van Zuilen
Ninthe Epskamp, Ninthe
Maksim Stojanac
Veerle Dejaeger
Vera Bretonnier, Vera
Thorn Roos de Vries
Charlie Jabbari, Charlie
Xavier Molijn
Melvin Scharbaai, Melvin
Hajo Bruins
Olivier Hupkes
Olga Zuiderhoek
Mike Libanon
Jurjen Keller
Lucas Reijnders