Persona4 the ANIMATION (2011)

Persona4 the ANIMATION is a television anime series produced by AIC ASTA and directed by Seiji Kishi, based on the Persona 4 video game by Atlus. The story revolves around the protagonist, Yu Narukami, who acquires a mysterious power called "Persona" and embarks on a journey with his new friends to uncover the truth behind a bizarre series of murders involving a distorted TV World. The series aired in Japan between October 2011 and March 2012, with a compilation film released in June 2012 and an original video animation episode released in August 2012. The series was licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks.

Created by

Persona4 the ANIMATION: Season 1 - 25 Episode s

Persona4 the ANIMATION: 2 Season s

Other names for Persona4 the ANIMATION

Persona 4: The Animation (US)PERSONA4 the Animation (US)TVアニメ「ペルソナ4」 (JP)ペルソナ4 (JP)ペルソナフォー・ジ・アニメーション (JP)ペルソナ4 (JP)P4A (JP)PERSONA4 the Animation (JP)

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