Pokémon: Season 0 - 57 Episode s
0x1 - Pocket Monsters, Fall Special!
October 7, 1997
A recap of the first 27 episodes of the original anime.
0x2 - The Birth of Mewtwo
June 7, 1998
An animated adaptation of the "Birth of Mewtwo" radio drama, which was later attached to the beginning of the first movie for the Japanese video release. A small 3 minute heavily edited version was released on the US version DVDs, while the full uncut version was made available on the Mewtwo Returns DVD.
0x3 - Pikachu's Winter Vacation
December 22, 1998
A series of winter and Christmas themed shorts. The first two segments are Christmas Night & Kanga Games.
0x4 - It's the New Year! Pocket Monsters Special!
January 1, 1999
The new year special of 1999; a recap of the first 77 episodes of the original anime.
0x5 - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
July 17, 1999
Ash, Misty, and Tracey deciding bringout all of their Pokémon, and the go off somewhere. While sleeping, Togepi falls down a steep hill and disappears into a hole. Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Marill, Venonat and Psyduck follow Togepi. They end up in a giant tree where Pikachu appears to have lived in before.
0x6 - Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2
December 22, 1999
A series of winter and Christmas themed shorts. The second release contains Winter Games & Stantler's Little Helpers.
0x7 - Slowking's Day
January 1, 2000
A short special based on life of the Pokémon Slowking.
0x8 - Pocket Monsters Anime Chou Hyakka: Pocket Monsters Kingin Zukan Super Select
A recap where the characters remember the encounters with Pokémon from Johto.
0x9 - TV-ban Pocket Monsters Special Masara Town-hen Recaps: The Journey to Be a Pokémon Master Begins!!
September 29, 2000
The first of three rental VHS tapes recapping the first saga of the anime.
0x10 - TV-ban Pocket Monsters Special Masara Town-hen Recaps: The Big Match! Fire Pokémon Battle!!
September 29, 2000
The second of three rental VHS tapes recapping the first saga of the anime.
0x11 - TV-ban Pocket Monsters Special Masara Town-hen Recaps: Fierce Battles! Pokémon League!!
September 29, 2000
The third of three rental VHS tapes recapping the first saga of the anime.
0x12 - Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys' Crisis!
April 13, 2006
Our heroes spot a confused flock of Pokémon and realize something isn't right, especially once an unusual aurora appears in the sky and their Poké Balls and PokéNav stop working! That's when they spot Solana, the Pokémon Ranger, who helps get the Pokémon going in the right direction. She explains that the Rangers have detected strange geomagnetic activity, and just then, the group sees a Deoxys in the sky! Could it be the source of the disturbance?
0x12 - Pichu & Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2001
December 22, 2000
A series of winter and Christmas themed shorts. The third and last release contains Delibird's Dilemma, Snorlax Snowman, and Trouble in Big Town.
0x13 - Mewtwo Returns
December 30, 2000
Ash, Misty, and Brock continue exploring the Johto region and have to rescue Pikachu after Jessie and James of Team Rocket kidnap him. The search leads them to the hidden plateau where Mewtwo has established a haven for the cloned Pokémon from the previous film. The evil Giovanni is plotting to recapture Mewtwo and renew his efforts to create an army of bio-engineered Pokémon. Aided by the reluctant Meowth, Ash and his friends defeat Giovanni and his henchman.
0x14 - The Legend of Thunder!
December 30, 2001
A made for television special that showcased the legendary Raikou, as well as brand new trainers. It became the first three episodes of Pokémon Chronicles. This was based on the release of Pokémon Crystal and is called as such in the Japanese title.
0x15 - Pichu Bros. In Party Panic!
July 18, 2003
This is an animated cartoon that was released inside the game Pokémon Channel. A half-hour long anime show, broken into five short segments, featuring the Pichu Brothers. Meowth throws a party that the Pichu brothers and their friends are not invited to. After a series of events, they find out they were invited, but their invitations were simply delivered late. They go to Meowth's Party and hear him sing. The series has a total of five episodes, each on its own channel.
0x16 - Pikachu's Summer Festival!
August 1, 2004
Summer has arrived, and many Pokemon have set up shops for a summer festival on the beach. Soon the gang will be blessed by a special performance from the pop idol Azumarill, but upon her arrival, she's kidnapped by the flying Pokemon Skarmory! Pikachu, along with Plusle, Minun, Meowth, Wobbuffet and a number of other Pokemon must now track down the singing beauty; the show must go on!
0x17 - Pikachu's Ghost Festival!
August 1, 2005
Pikachu and his friends have a picnic when they discover a Ghost Festival. The walk in to it, and find out that it is haunted by Ghost Pokemon and other Pokemon such as Koffing, Lickitung, Ditto, and Cubone. Meowth also discovers the Ghost Festival and gets scared out of his mind. Pikachu makes friends with the ghosts, and they work together to make Meowth run out of the Festival.
0x18 - The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
April 29, 2006
Ash is personally invited to the lab of Dr. Yung to test out his new battle system. When arriving there he meets up with Misty and Professor Oak who were also invited. Dr. Yung appears and challenges both Misty and Ash to a battle. He easily defeats Misty, but his match with Ash is interrupted by a cloaked figure named Mirage Master. Mirage Master turns Dr. Yung’s experiments against him and captures him and Professor Oak! As Brock goes for help (and to get a date), Ash and Misty sneak into the castle to rescue the Professor while May and Max wait outside. However, Mirage Master seems strikingly familiar, is he possibly hiding something?
0x19 - Pikachu's Island Adventure
August 1, 2006
Pikachu and the other Pokémon were at the beach, when a weakened Wynaut approaches them. It tells them that its friends were attacked by Meowth and the other Team Rocket Pokémon, as well as an Exploud and a Hariyama, because Meowth wanted to take over their playground, which resides on a nearby island. After hearing Wynaut's story, Pikachu and the others decide to help them take back their playground, and begin to train them, so that they can rescue their island from the clutches of Meowth.
0x20 - Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate!
September 8, 2006
A boy wakes up to find that he's been turned into a Squirtle and can now understand the Pokémon Language. He learns that disasters have been happening lately and rescue teams have been formed. He joins his friends Charmander and Chikorita on Team Go-Getters. They get an assignment where they must go to the Sinister Cave to find the older brother of a Pichu. However, they have rivals on the mission – Team Meanie, a team of mean Pokémon Ekans, Medicham, and Gengar. Will they be able to rescue Pikachu and beat Team Meanies?
0x21 - Pikachu's Exploration Club
August 1, 2007
The fourth short premiered on ANA flights on August 1, 2007.
0x22 - Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness
September 9, 2007
Chimchar is ready to join an exploration team, and with his newly human turned pokémon friend Piplup, he is ready for any challenge that may arise, inclduing Grovyle's plot to steal a Time Gear.
0x23 - Pikachu's Great Ice Adventure
August 1, 2008
While playing in the ocean near a tropical resort, Pikachu & Co. get in a scuffle with Team Rocket's Pokémon. This scuffle causes the Pokémon to wind up miles away in an Ice-covered Paradise. However, when they get there, they are seperated soon find that certain Pokémon in the area require their assistance. Will they be able to reunite with their friends and help these Pokémon out?
0x24 - Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness
April 12, 2009
Having become stronger as a team and joined forces with Grovile, Piplup and Chimchar head to the Hidden Land in order to stop the destruction of time. Grovile explains that Dialga, Master of Time, has been going crazy with its home of Temporal Tower collapsing, and is in the process of becoming the evil Primal Dialga of the future. The only way to stop the destruction of time is to defeat Dialga. When Lapras brings them to the Hidden Land, Team Pokepals head to the Old Ruins in order to ride the Rainbow Stoneship to Temporal Tower.
0x25 - Pikachu's Great Sparkling Search
August 1, 2009
Summer! Everyone is full of energy today. Pikachu and friends play with their beach ball! Pikachu and Pochama are chasing and diving in a river when they drift over and see a metropolis. "Where are we?" they said, searching from the rooftops of the buildings. Suddenly, with a bang, jagged-eared Pichu and Muchul collide. The two argue in an angry mood. "Sparkling is gone! It was the present to give to Kireihana..." Besides, today is her birthday!? This is troublesome! We must hurry and search. Moreover, Nyarth-tachi are aiming too! Thus, the Great Sparkling Search begins!
0x26 - Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
February 28, 2010
In Oblivia Region, a Pokémon Ranger named Natsuya, receives a mission of head for the archipelago to stop a villainous team - Pokémon Pinchers' misdeeds from poaching and selling Pokémon which tasked by Professor Hastings. During his mission, he meets Ukulele Pichu and captures it.
0x27 - Pikachu's Big Mysterious Adventure
August 1, 2010
The seventh short premiered on ANA flights on August 1, 2010.
0x28 - Hikari - Setting Off on a New Journey!
February 3, 2011
After concluding her journey with Satoshi and Takeshi, Hikari returns home and has to decide which of her Pokémon to take with her on her journey to become a Top Coordinator.
0x29 - Nibi Gym - The Greatest Crisis Ever!
February 3, 2011
Takeshi has returned to Nibi City so he can study to become a Pokémon Doctor. However, a Nurse Joy that is a Pokémon Inspection Officer declares that the Gym Leader change was not certified. Hearing this, Forrest challenges Nurse Joy to a battle to prove his worth as the new Pewter City Gym Leader. Will Forrest defeat Nurse Joy and succeed Brock as the new Gym Leader of Pewter City?
0x30 - Pikachu's Summer Bridge Story
August 1, 2011
Ash's Pikachu and friends visit a town with a huge draw bridge, but problems arise when they come across Ash's Oshawott and Tepig, who have eaten the fruits that wild Gothita and Darumaka had collected. They head off to collect fruits from the forest across the bridge, but then Meowth appears and tries to steal the fruits. On top of that, the bridge is raised, blocking their passage. What will Pikachu do? The fight for the fruits begins!!
0x31 - Sing Meloetta: Search for the Rinka Berries
July 3, 2012
0x32 - Creating 15th Anniversary Celebration! A Super Ranking Special on Noteworthy Movie Scenes!
August 16, 2012
This special features Team Rocket ranking the Pokémon movies in celebration of their 15th anniversary.
0x33 - Mewtwo: Prologue to Awakening
July 11, 2013
The original story is set before Mewtwo meets Satoshi and his friends in the upcoming film's storyline. It will focus on Mewtwo's history, goals, and how it became the strongest Pokémon.
0x34 - Dent to Takeshi! Gyarados no Gekirin!
October 3, 2013
Dent visits Johto on a fishing trip and finds a Gyarados who is behaving oddly. He relays the information to the local Pokémon Center, where Takeshi is working, and an investigation commences.
0x35 - Pokemon XY: Road to Kalos
October 10, 2013
Prequel special to the Pokemon XY series.
0x36 - Pokemon XY: Complete Overview Special
December 31, 2013
0x37 - Iris vs. Ibuki! The Path to Becoming a Dragon Master!!
March 27, 2014
The second special episode of the Best Wishes series of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on March 27, 2014 as a one-hour special with XY021.
0x38 - Pokémon: Mega Evolution Special I
April 3, 2014
Pokémon Trainer Alain wishes to battle every single Mega Evolution there is, and he travels around the world to accomplish his goal. He first seeks out Elite Four member Siebold, who he has heard possesses a Mega Stone.
0x39 - Diancie, Princess of the Diamond Domain
July 17, 2014
0x40 - Pokemon XY: New Year's Eve 2014 Super Mega Special
December 31, 2014
The first part, "A Complete Showcase of Legendary Pokémon," is a re-broadcast of select episodes of the anime where legendary Pokémon have appeared. These included "A Promise is a Promise," "The Scuffle of Legends," "The Battle Finale of Legend!," and "What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!" The second part, "Pocket Monsters XY Special: A Full Showcase of Intense Battles!" is a recap of Satoshi and Serena's adventures in Kalos so far.
0x41 - Pokémon: Mega Evolution Special II
November 6, 2014
Alain continues his journey to find and defeat all of the Mega Evolutions in the world. He next meets up with Hoenn Region Champion, Steven Stone. Steven has also been traveling to understand the secrets of Mega Evolution and the Mega Stones, but both are caught off guard when Rayquaza appears in the skies.
0x42 - Pokémon: Mega Evolution Special III
March 19, 2015
Alain and Steven must find a way to stop an apocalyptic clash between Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza before these titans turn the Hoenn Region into a ruin.
0x43 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: Flying in the Air
April 23, 2015
0x44 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: Wake Up
April 30, 2015
0x45 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: Ball Pickup
May 7, 2015
0x46 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: Heated Battle
May 14, 2015
0x47 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: Shooting Star
May 21, 2015
0x48 - Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures: In the Dark
May 28, 2015
0x49 - Hoopa, the Mischief Pokémon
June 19, 2015
After Baraz sets off to find the Prison Bottle for Hoopa, Meray remembers how the three of them grew up together. The young Baraz decides that Hoopa should use its rings to help people instead of playing tricks on them, but it doesn't always go as planned.
0x50 - Pokémon: Mega Evolution Special IV
October 29, 2015
Alain has returned to Kalos with Lysandre to be tested in a match against ten Mega Evolved Pokémon. Alain loses his Mega Stone and Key Stone if he fails. Meanwhile, Chespin discovers scientists performing experiments on an unknown Pokémon, which leads it to fall victim to a mysterious illness.
0x51 - Uncover All the Mysteries! The Pokemon XY&Z Complete Overview Special!!
December 31, 2015
A look back at all the adventures in Pokemon XY&Z.
0x52 - Distant Blue Sky!
December 23, 2022
Ash travels a mountain pass to a nearby town to meet up with his dad. Along the way, he runs into a mysterious young boy with a keen interest in Pokémon.
0x53 - Let's Liven Up Satoshi and Pikachu's Adventure Special
January 6, 2023
0x54 - Shaking Island Battle! Barboach VS Whiscash!
(Never Aired) Ash and friends help Chōta get rid of the Barboach and Whiscash causing tremors on Jojo Island, when Team Rocket gets an idea to use the Pokémon for themselves.
0x55 - Team Rocket VS Team Plasma! (1)
Original 23rd episode of the Best Wishes! (Black & White) anime that was delayed indefinitely due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. While initially planned to be broadcast at a later date, the episode was never aired and was subsequently written out of continuity with the release of "Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!".
0x56 - Team Rocket VS Team Plasma! (2)
Original 24th episode of the Best Wishes! (Black & White) anime that was delayed indefinitely due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. While initially planned to be broadcast at a later date, the episode was never aired and was subsequently written out of continuity with the release of "Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!".
Pokémon: All seasons
S0: Specials
57 Episode s
S1: Indigo League
82 Episode s
S2: Adventures in the Orange Islands
36 Episode s
S3: The Johto Journeys
41 Episode s
S4: Johto League Champions
52 Episode s
S5: Master Quest
65 Episode s
S6: Advanced
40 Episode s
S7: Advanced Challenge
52 Episode s
S8: Advanced Battle
53 Episode s
S9: Battle Frontier
46 Episode s
S10: Diamond and Pearl
52 Episode s
S11: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
52 Episode s
S12: Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
53 Episode s
S13: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
34 Episode s
S14: Black & White
48 Episode s
S15: Black & White: Rival Destinies
49 Episode s
S16: Black & White: Adventures in Unova
45 Episode s
S17: XY
48 Episode s
S18: XY: Kalos Quest
45 Episode s
S19: XYZ
49 Episode s
S20: Sun & Moon
43 Episode s
S21: Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures
49 Episode s
S22: Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends
54 Episode s
S23: Journeys
48 Episode s
S24: Master Journeys
42 Episode s
S25: Ultimate Journeys
57 Episode s