- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Red vs. Blue
- Season 0
- Episode 277
Season 12 Teaser Trailer
Red vs. Blue - S0 - E277
Kimball records a journal entry explaining what has happened with the Reds and Blues since the end of season 11
Red vs. Blue: Season 0 - 54 Episode s
0x227 - PSA: Warning: Trigger Warnings
July 5, 2015
0x228 - PSA: The #1 Movie in the Galaxy: 2
August 9, 2015
In a world where movie trailers are the pinnacle of cinematic achievement, one trailer stands above the rest...
0x229 - PSA: But That's Not All!
September 11, 2015
Have you ever wanted MORE Rooster Teeth? Do you want to try it all FREE for 30 days? Then Simmons and Grif have some important info for you.
0x230 - MS/Bungie: Red vs Blue presents Halo is Coming to Fortnite
December 10, 2020
Grif and Sarge prepare for the arrival of Master Chief. That is until a "sneaky blue" gets there first.
0x231 - MS/Bungie: Red vs. Blue: Halo Recap: Episodes 1-3
April 8, 2022
Join Sarge, Grif and Simmons while they recap Episodes 1-3 of the new live action Halo tv series now streaming on Paramount+.
0x232 - MS/Bungie: Red vs. Blue: Halo Recap: Episodes 4-5
April 22, 2022
Join Sarge, Grif and Simmons while they recap Episodes 4-5 of the new live action Halo tv series now streaming on Paramount+.
0x233 - MS/Bungie: Red vs. Blue: Halo Recap: Episodes 6-8
May 13, 2022
Join Sarge, Grif and Simmons while they recap Episodes 6-8 of the new live action Halo tv series now streaming on Paramount+.
0x234 - MS/Bungie: Red vs. Blue: Halo Recap: Episodes 9
May 20, 2022
Join Sarge, Grif and Simmons while they recap the Season Finale of the new live action Halo tv series now streaming on Paramount+.
0x235 - The SDCC @ Home 2020 Video: RvB Zero SDCC Clip
July 25, 2020
Red vs. Blue is coming back this year!
0x236 - Special: It's Five More Letters...
June 3, 2018
Sometimes life is hard. Other times, it's as easy as 1-2-3... 4 and 5.
0x237 - Family Shatters: Episode 01: Shatter Squad Needs a pet
October 20, 2021
One and Raymond try to convince shatter squad to get a dog.
0x238 - Family Shatters: Episode 02: Night of the Living Dad
October 27, 2021
Shatter Squad tries to get Axel to stop telling Dad Jokes but it becomes way harder than they think.
0x239 - Family Shatters: Episode 03: Walk & Talk
November 3, 2021
Remember when this show was about a bunch of ragtag misfits walking and talking about life’s greatest mysteries?
0x240 - Family Shatters: Episode 04: Beach Episode
November 10, 2021
Raymond cooks up a budget-conscious outing for the entire family.
0x241 - Family Shatters: Episode 05: Freaky Friday
November 17, 2021
The ever-bickering Phase and East are forced to spend some time in each other’s shoes, literally. Spoiler alert: they hate it.
0x242 - Family Shatters: Episode 06: The One With the Escape Room
November 24, 2021
It's exactly what we said it is.
0x243 - Family Shatters: Episode 07: Phase's Reputation
December 1, 2021
Please don't start rumors.
0x244 - Family Shatters: Episode 08: The Unbearable Lightness of Zero
December 8, 2021
How does a power-hungry megalomaniac start his day? Shatter Squad has a plan to take down Viper, the only question is when to strike!
0x245 - Family Shatters: Episode 09: Buzz:Kill
December 15, 2021
Close the door! You're lettin' in bugs!
0x246 - Family Shatters: Episode 10: Special Guestmas
December 22, 2021
We wish you a special guestmas!
0x247 - Family Shatters: Episode 11: Hard Boiled
December 29, 2021
Murder! Suspense! Intrigue! Breakfast for dinner...'
0x248 - QvsA: Announcement Video
July 20, 2022
QvsA is a biweekly series launching August 4th on YouTube!
0x249 - QvsA: Episode 01: RvB Seasons 14-18, Watch or NOT?
August 4, 2022
First up we have a question we've seen from all over, "Should I watch Seasons 14 through 18?"
0x250 - QvsA: Episode 02: What's Up with Halo Infinite & RvB Fan Fiction
August 18, 2022
This one's from all over: Say you've got an idea for a season and want to know if we can read it.... But first, we have a special guest to talk about Halo Infinite!
0x251 - QvsA: Episode 03: Caboose VS Carolina, Who Would Win?
September 1, 2022
Today we have two special guests, Captain Michael J. Caboose and Carolina to answer the question: who would win in a fight? Wait, isn't there another show for that...?
0x252 - QvsA: Episode 04: Is RvB DEAD!?
September 15, 2022
Do you ever wonder... if we're still making Red vs. Blue?
0x253 - QvsA: Episode 05: Who Is The Best RvB Villain?
September 29, 2022
This week: Who is the best RvB Villain?
0x254 - QvsA: Episode 06: Are You Good at Halo?
October 13, 2022
This week: How good are Grif and Simmons at video games? Wait, are we sure this is a real question...?
0x255 - QvsA: Episode 07: A Live Studio Audience
November 3, 2022
This week we're joined by a live studio audience to answer a question from... all of YouTube?
0x256 - QvsA: Episode 08: Favorite Member of Blue Team?
November 18, 2022
This week we're answering a few questions, but most important of all: who is Simmons' favorite member of Blue Team?
0x257 - QvsA: Episode 09: Do You Ever Leave Red Base?
December 1, 2022
We wrap up our inagural season with an important question: do these two ever go outside anymore?
0x258 - Death Battle: Red Vs Blue
November 15, 2020
A 17 year long rivalry comes to an end! Every wonder why we're here?
0x259 - Caboose's Guide to Finding Your Home
December 12, 2017
A successor to "Caboose's Guide to Making Friends", this episode describes how Caboose has coped with relocating so many times throughout the series, including through Blood Gulch, Valhalla, and Chorus.
0x260 - Season 1 DVD Easter Eggs
November 1, 2003
Fake FBI DVD Warning & 4 Different Idle Messages!
0x261 - Season 2 DVD Easter Eggs
January 1, 2004
From the Season 2 DVD: Fake DVD startup, Audio/ Video setup, Idle messages, Cyborg parts, Grif's cheap easter egg, Pink armor, Disco dance party, BloodGultchUniversity.com
0x262 - Season 4 DVD Easter Eggs
August 1, 2006
From the DVD: Tucker sells a baby, character easter eggs, an intermission.
0x263 - A Red vs. Blue Holiday Special
December 23, 2015
Join Sarge as he celebrates the holidays with tunes you (sort of) know and love. Suck it Blues!
0x264 - PSA: Sensitive Materials
September 24, 2009
Sarge and Grif reveal that they don't have a PSA available because Caboose burned and then ate the script. They then proceed to explain that GameStop is holding a contest to make a replacement PSA.
0x265 - PSA: w00tstock Safety Demonstration
September 21, 2011
Sarge and Church demonstrate the safety features of w00tstock.
0x266 - PSA: RT Oz
April 16, 2012
Grif is hit by a kangaroo and Sarge and Simmons give him false advice on how to remove the "venom".
0x267 - PSA: Return to Work!
August 11, 2022
Heading back to work after a long time can be rough. Agents Washington and Carolina have some tips for how to manage.
0x268 - Special: Drafted
September 26, 2011
Drafted is a special episode of Red vs. Blue where the Reds and Blues are sent into Halo: Reach: Firefight.
0x269 - The Complete, Unabridged Story of Red vs. Blue. Abridged.
March 24, 2017
On April 1, 2003, five friends unleashed a sci-fi comedy epic known as Red vs. Blue. It took the internet by storm. Fast-forward fourteen seasons and countless "Bow Chicka Bow Wows", the longest running web series presents its biggest season yet. Catch up on all fourteen seasons with this recap of the entirety of Red vs. Blue up to Season 13 narrated by "Morgan Freeman."
0x270 - MS/Bungie: Halo 3 Preparations: Episode 01 - Upward Mobility
September 25, 2007
Sarge explains to the Reds about the basis weapon changes in Halo 3. He shows the change in the Needler as an example.
0x271 - MS/Bungie: Halo 3 Preparations: Episode 02 - Personal Spaces
September 25, 2007
Sarge explains to the Reds about the new vehicles in Halo 3, like the Mongoose.
0x272 - MS/Bungie: Halo 3 Preparations: Episode 03 - Fully Equipped
September 25, 2007
Sarge explains to the Reds about a new feature in Halo 3: Equipment.
0x273 - MS/Bungie: Halo 3 Preparations: Episode 04 - Open House
September 25, 2007
Sarge explains to the Reds about the new locations in Halo 3. Church shows them a few maps they can choose from.
0x274 - MS/Bungie: Halo 3 Preparations: Episode 05 - Moving Day
September 25, 2007
The Reds begin unpacking their base for their move into Halo 3. What they don't know is that they must also unpack and move the Blues' things as well.
0x275 - Red Vs. Blue: Restoration
May 7, 2024
When the universe's greatest villain returns in a terrifying new form, old adversaries, the Reds and Blues of Blood Gulch, will have to set aside their differences to save the galaxy one last time.
0x276 - Season 11 Teaser Trailer
May 19, 2013
Two Space Marines talk about the Reds and Blues, waiting for them to arrive. It transpires that their ship has crash landed.
0x277 - Season 12 Teaser Trailer
April 1, 2014
Kimball records a journal entry explaining what has happened with the Reds and Blues since the end of season 11
0x278 - Season 13 Trailer
March 16, 2015
Epsilon sends a message to the current Chairman of the Oversight Sub-Committee
0x279 - Season 10 Trailer
May 25, 2012
Red vs. Blue Season 10 - Preview Trailer Red Band 2012
0x280 - Drunk Red vs. Blue: The Lost Episode
May 30, 2016
The original Blood Gulch Gang came together to get hammered and record a classic episode of RvB. It went so poorly that the episode was cut from Season 14, but thanks to one loud-mouthed millennial and the support of fans around the world, it can finally see the light of day.
Red vs. Blue: All seasons
S0: Specials
281 Episode s
S1: Season 1
19 Episode s
S2: Season 2
20 Episode s
S3: Season 3
20 Episode s
S4: Season 4
20 Episode s
S5: Season 5
23 Episode s
S6: Reconstruction
19 Episode s
S7: Recreation
19 Episode s
S8: Revelation
20 Episode s
S9: Season 9
20 Episode s
S10: Season 10
22 Episode s
S11: Season 11
19 Episode s
S12: Season 12
19 Episode s
S13: Season 13
20 Episode s
S14: Season 14
24 Episode s
S15: Season 15
21 Episode s
S16: The Shisno Paradox
15 Episode s
S17: Singularity
12 Episode s
S18: Zero
8 Episode s
S19: Family Shatters
11 Episode s